Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 388 The Second Mask

Chapter 388 The Second Mask

Fusang Ruomu is a gentle-looking young man, wearing a pair of glasses that not many people wear in the game, wearing a set of fashion for a magic professor, with a cane in one hand and a magic book in one hand.

According to Yunfei's description, Su Mo quickly locked onto this person.

However, he didn't attack Fusang Ruomu immediately, but first attacked a man who looked like a healer among the fifteen people.

According to Yunfei, this person has very good skills and often saves the team in danger.

It will be difficult to kill others if you don't deal with him first.

If the handling is not good, it is easy to be overthrown by the opponent. After all, these people in the Scarlet Battle Banner fight very well in real life-in the past, they also needed a process of adaptation in the game, and they are actually not masters at present.

The priest is also wearing costumes, and if he doesn't use skills, he looks no different from a mage.

And his position is also very particular, not at the back - that is the position where healers only stand, and mages usually stand at the back, but not at the back.

However, he remains a priority target.

Fusang Ruomu actually wanted to run too, and he already wanted to run when he saw so many masked monsters coming in.

But he has a lot of thoughts, and after a while, running away is nothing, and the example of dozing off also proves that it is not easy to escape.

So, he did one thing - stored the mask in the guild warehouse.

Su Mo and the others killed all the players of the blue diamond nobles, but they didn't find the mask falling off, so their hearts sank, and they could only send a message to ask Yunfei.

"I'm in trouble, what should I do now?"

The people who sniped and killed the blue diamond nobles harvested dozens of pieces of equipment, one and a half pieces per person, and almost all of them were good silver equipment.

This harvest is very good.

"The mask is in their guild's warehouse, and I guess they won't dare to take it out for a while." Yun Fei was also very helpless, he is now a [-]-year-old kid, and it will be over if someone finds out.

"Then you can stay in their guild and come back when you get the mask." Su Mo chuckled.

"Uh..." Yunfei was speechless.

Although the mask is no longer there, the accounts that should be settled still have to be settled, so the people of the Scarlet Battle Banner ran into the players of the blue diamond nobles while doing the task of destroying.

It's not that the people under the Scarlet Battle Banner have never died.

Under normal circumstances, in a team battle of a dozen people versus a dozen people, it would be very easy to kill one or two of them if you really wanted to, but it didn't matter as long as the opponent didn't have time to pick up things.

And opening the guild warehouse to store things can only be done when you are out of combat.

Doze: This is unplayable, I lost four pieces of equipment, and the spares are not enough.

Fat Baby: Hehe, I lost six pieces. Every time I met a large army of masked monsters, I didn’t say anything. Didn’t you earn more than 1000 gold coins yesterday, so the loss today is nothing.

Fetish: Go away, there are more than 1000, only more than 600, and some are given to Stubborn Bronze.

Stubborn Bronze: 72 gold coins, a fraction of six hundred.

Fat Baby: Hehe.

Chilling Autumn Wind: False Sleeping Boss, are you still going to rob tonight? Take me there, I don’t think 72 gold coins are too little.

Doze: It's just a mask, how can you rob.

Fusang Wakagi: I will go to rob tonight and forget it. The money I get will be shared equally with the brothers who lost their equipment today. Take a nap, you can go tomorrow.

Fat Baby: That’s right, don’t patronize yourself.

Yun Feiyang: Uh, everyone, let’s not say a few words. I think we should stop guarding the masked monsters today. They are obviously prepared.

Fusang Ruomu: What Feiyang said makes sense, so let's do it first.

Su Mo understood Yunfei's meaning after reading the chat record sent over. It was obvious that he planned to take advantage of Fusang Ruomu's robbery at night.

When Yunfei notified at night, Su Mo was still killing pirates.

The Inexhaustible Pirates is actually a good place for leveling, but unfortunately not many people are willing to come here, mainly because of the desertedness and monotony.

Only by being able to endure loneliness can one become a game master.

This is simply the truth that any player must understand sooner or later after entering the game.

Level 33!

Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and began to read the return trip.

Currently, the highest player level is 35. Master Su probably won't even be able to rank in the top [-], but as long as the gap is not widened, he will be able to catch up to the players in front of him sooner or later.

He didn't take any of the experience pills given last time, and it didn't help him to give him a lot later.

As long as he can spare time, he will race against time to level up. Anyway, the different perspectives of Su Mo and Laifu are independent physical calculations, and he can have more online time than other players.

"They plan to rob a pharmacy. It is said that there is only one elderly NPC in it, and there are two guys during the day, but they are both off work. I will send you the location later." Yunfei described the plan of the Blue Diamond Noble Guild in detail.

The Blue Diamond Nobility is just an ordinary guild, and the leader's secrecy measures are not complete.

People like Yunfei who just joined their guild yesterday can participate in all their activity plans, and Yunfei even helped to perfect them.

For example, smash open the cash box and move it away, and throw it to other accomplices to let them study and unlock it. This can save time and prevent them from being blocked by the NPC guards who came after hearing the news. It is said that they were almost blocked when they took a nap last time. .

"No. [-], No. [-], are you seated?"

Su Mo had already arrived in this town. He was in the tailor's shop opposite the pharmacy, casually negotiating business with the tailor, and at the same time began to arrange manpower.

"Number five is in place."

"Number six is ​​in place."

"Number seven, number eight..."

"In place!"

"If there is any situation at the station, please report at any time."


Not long after, the station reported that they had seen Fusang Ruomu, and there were several other players from the guild. It took him a long time, so it was naturally impossible for him to come alone.

It's a pity that they only have one mask, and the only one who can do it is Fusang Ruomu.

Others can indeed attack NPCs, but they have to consider the consequences of robbing NPCs. If they rob without a mask, their identities will be revealed directly to NPCs, and the next thing they will face is the arrest of the entire Federation.

"Seeing him coming, No. [-], you start walking towards the pharmacy, be more natural." As soon as Su Mo finished speaking, No. [-], who was disguised as a passerby, started to walk into the pharmacy in front of Fusang Ruomu.

At this time, there were three Scarlet Battle Banner players in the pharmacy.

It was so late, and there were still three players in the pharmacy, which was a little strange, but it was far from abnormal, so Fusang Ruomu didn't think too much about it.

He glanced inside first, but found nothing unusual, then took two steps back outside the pharmacy.He looked around the door of the pharmacy for a while, seeing that no one noticed him, he quickly put on the mask.

"Number Eight, you can go too."


After Fusang Ruomu entered, another player walked towards the pharmacy not far away. Normal players went to the pharmacy to buy medicine, and no one would suspect anything.

(End of this chapter)

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