Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 389 Final Exam

Chapter 389 Final Exam
"Robbery, get away if you don't want to die!"

Fusang Ruomu acted fiercely and sweared at the three players in the pharmacy, because he knew very well that in many cases, as long as you behaved fiercely enough, other people would be afraid of you.

All three players flashed to the side.

Don't think this scenario is weird.

Some people may think, isn't it just a game, why don't you dare to go up to it.

In fact, regardless of the game or reality, the most important thing is to think. Many people lack the courage to draw their swords to help when they encounter injustice.

Although they usually imagine themselves to be brave in doing justice.

Fusang Ruomu snorted coldly, smashed the jar on the counter with a knife, and yelled viciously at the stunned pharmacy owner: "Where is the cash drawer, tell me quickly if you don't want to die."

"Don't... don't be impulsive, the cash drawer is here, don't be impulsive." Facing the glaring sword, the NPC chose to compromise.

In fact, robbing NPCs is a very simple matter. Many NPCs doing business in towns have no strength. Even ordinary players can stab one to death with two knives.

The only problem is the consequences of the robbery. Even if you kill the NPC, can you escape the guards who are following you?

Even if you escaped the guards, your name remained on the reward list, followed by a double hunt by players and NPCs. Once caught, you will be fined, jailed, and given a red name. It will definitely make people collapse.

Even if you squander all the money, fines can still be carried out as usual.

For example, if you rob [-] gold coins, according to the official principle of three times the fine if the circumstances are particularly bad, you will be fined [-] gold coins.

If you lose a penny...

Then your backpack coins will show negative [-] gold, you can either pay back the money, or use the time in jail to pay it off, otherwise you can’t play games at all if your backpack has been negative.

And going to jail, this is even more cheating, no one likes wasting time.

The last is the red name. Anyone who is wanted will increase a lot of PK value, which is why players are rushing for this type of reward.

Red-named players drop their equipment, which is considered generous. Killing such a famous-named player will definitely earn as much as robbing an ordinary store.

The existence of the mask of nothingness makes the robbery take away most of the risks.

Fusang Ruomu glanced at the cash drawer in the cabinet, smirked and swung his knife at the old NPC. This kind of NPC didn't have much level and strength, but the changed equipment and money would still be lost.

Besides, he didn't dare to kill in reality, so why not experience it in the game.

At this moment, he heard a roar.

"Let go of that old man!"

Then he felt that his neck and head were being attacked, and his throat was wiped with a knife. How could the assassin move so fast? Didn't he keep paying attention to these people?
Could it be that the other two are archers, when the hell did they start to read the charged blow.

There is another attack coming from, it seems to be coming from the door, isn't my little brother guarding outside, why didn't I remind myself.

They all said to report to themselves when they saw something unusual.

Four attacks, one assassin wiped his throat, two archers charged for a blow, and one attack that seemed to come from an archer was enough to kill Fusang Ruogi.

I have to say that the current version of the charge attack is too buggy.

Not to mention the high damage, the key is that you don’t need too obvious movements, you can start to accumulate power by rubbing it secretly, and then release it at the target when needed.

It is definitely the magic weapon for the yin people to win.

"I got the mask." No. [-] reported the situation.

"Start to evacuate." Su Mo also read the return journey, there is no need to stay here any longer.

If the mask monsters are not used, it is impossible for both parties to PK in the city. After both masks are returned to their own hands, there is no need to rush for the rest of the revenge.

Yes, the conflict between the Scarlet Battle Banner and the Blue Diamond Nobility is not over yet.

It's not that Su Mo is aggressive, but that the debts that should be collected must be paid off.

It's just that Su Mo won't follow up on the matter of debt collection. In addition to leveling up, he also needs to start taking the final exam.

This semester is coming to the end of the last journey, as long as you finish the exam, you can go on winter vacation and wait for the New Year.

Su Mo is not a top student. In the recent semester, he worked part-time all day long to make money. He didn't even attend many classes, so he couldn't even talk about being confident. Therefore, the final exam was a huge difficulty for him.

Fortunately, there are many kind-hearted people in the class. They only need to buy instant noodles and contribute the teaching materials, which are filled with the key points that the teacher emphasized in class.

In fact, someone once approached Su Mo secretly, saying that he had the answers to the final exam this time, and asked him if he wanted to buy it. One class was only 200 yuan, and now he paid for it, and the answer would be given two hours before the exam.

Su Mo immediately suspected that this was a liar.

Then I thought it was impossible. We were all classmates, and the person who was looking for him was from the same major and different class. Many classes were taken in the same classroom.

After questioning, the classmate told Su Mo the truth with hesitation.

The trouble caused by the printing process allowed the students to get all the test papers. They only needed to find two masters, and they could get all the answers casually.

Su Mo's classmate is the end of distribution.

He is in charge of these classes, and every time he sells a copy, he can get [-] points, more work, more pay.

Su Mo refused to buy the answer without any hesitation, so the classmate asked Su Mo to keep it secret, and even promised to give Su Mo a copy after he got the answer.

Su Mo also didn't agree, saying clearly that he didn't need it.

Then he began to hesitate whether to tell the principal about it. He had the principal's WeChat, and the last chat record after opening it still said happy Mid-Autumn Festival or something.

He just needs to tell the whole story about what happened this time.

Yet he hesitated.

If you really sent the message, many students will be punished.

If it was just after leaving the army, he might have sent the message directly.

Finally, Su Mo closed the opened window, feeling that his lower limit had indeed been lowered again.

However, no matter what, Su Mo would not buy the answers, nor would he use the answers. If he was sure, he would put them away first, and if he was not sure, he would read more books.

Especially sharpen your guns in front of the battle, and study the subjects that are tested the next day, and study desperately the night before.

This is Su Mo's own experience and learning method, which is especially useful. With his vague memory, he can answer most of the questions with perfect accuracy.

During this period, Su Mo played fewer games.

Gaara has approached him several times, and he has already disposed of all those crystals, gave him 300 gold coins, and [-] million real coins have been directly transferred to his account.

The [-] gold coins were distributed among the monster apostles.

The weaver bird gets more points, and the others also have more than 1000 gold coins, all of them are considered to be out of poverty and become rich.

 I suddenly feel that there is no one. Are you bored recently?
(End of this chapter)

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