Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 390 Upgrade to become a professor

Chapter 390 Upgrade to become a professor

At the end of the last class, Su Mo walked out of the examination room, heaving a long sigh of relief.

The course that just ended is not very good, but I usually go to class, and the actual score is added to the normal score, so I should not fail the subject.

He finally opened WeChat, and in the chat column of the principal, he entered the words "there is a problem with the printer and a student sells the answer", and then blocked and deleted the principal.

It feels so good.

Others could not add the principal, but he deleted the principal.

As for everything that followed, no matter who was caught or punished, it had nothing to do with him.

Su Mo sorted out his things and continued to go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

The number of people in the Internet cafe has been greatly reduced, and the students have all gone home for the winter vacation, so that there is no need to queue up during the usual peak hours.

After logging into the game, Su Mo appeared in a hotel next to Huggins.

He does not have his own real estate, two rooms in the tavern, one for the guild members who are busy in the tavern until late, and the other for the old pirate's friend, the old wizard.

The old pirate has been gone for some days.

Not knowing where he went and whether there was any danger, Su Mo looked at the sign of the tavern for a while, and started a day of game life in Huggins' morning drizzle.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Here I come!
Green Lizard Orlando: Wow, boss, you are finally here. The big cat, Bigworth, came to you and said he sent you something. Go and see, I'm going to be busy.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: What are you busy with?

Green Lizard Orlando: The secret realm of the underground palace is open every day. Many players come to Pavo Swamp to enter the secret realm. I need to kill more players, otherwise I will be tortured and killed when the player level rises.

Mystery, Lai Fu thought about it, it seems that there is such a thing.

In the last few days of the final exam, the time to log in to the game is very short, and I really haven't learned about some changes in the game in detail.

The central palace was opened up by a group of monsters that day.

Of course, it is impossible for this to pass smoothly in the game. Many players began to protest, asking about the origin of these monsters.

The official did not have much explanation for this, but they made the decision to make the central palace a regular secret realm, which is actually a dungeon. Players can enter this map in teams and harvest various crystals from it.

Of course, the reset version of the secret realm of the central palace is only level 35, and even the final King of the Hill boss is only level [-].

Players can easily pass the level.

It's just that the dropped things have also changed. Dark gold crystals can no longer appear here, and even golden crystals can only be dropped by the King of the Hill and a few other famous centaur wizards. .

Under normal circumstances, it is not bad to get two silver crystals in one dungeon.

Su Mo's batch of crystals had already been disposed of before this dungeon appeared, and the income was maximized. The income of nearly 400 million yuan was comparable to the hard work of a [-]-person studio for a month.

Opening the mailbox, Laifu, who hadn't sorted the mailbox for several days, had time to take care of these things.

In the days when the guild warehouse could not be used before, it would take at least half a day for the things sent in the mailbox to change from wolf form to human form.

It's all right now, just throw it in the guild warehouse.

Most of them are herbs and ores sent by various monsters. Because of frequent contact with these things, Laifu has a very good understanding of the material market.

It will reply according to the price of these materials.

For example, Jason sent a large amount of ore. It calculated the price, and it was probably worth [-] gold coins, so it threw all the materials into the warehouse page, and then sent back [-] gold to Jason.

In fact, it's okay for it to give Jason one hundred and four gold coins. Jason actually doesn't know how much the goods it gave are worth.

But people are doing what the sky is watching, so you can't go too far.

The same is true for being a wolf. Under normal circumstances, it will pay one-third of the actual price.

The difference from the past is that there are too many monsters sending him things recently, not only the chat group on his own side, but even the monsters from the big cat Bigworth's side have also sent things to him.

"What are these things? This is a fart of herbs." Laifu shook his head.

Throwing a pile of so-called herbs on the ground, and then sending twenty gold coins to this monster, they made such a huge pile, there is no credit and hard work, it is impossible to show nothing at all.

There are many similar scenes, some herbs are cheap, and some are simply wild flowers and weeds.

There are also ores. Although some ores look like that, they are actually worthless, which makes Laifu's originally happy heart full of frustration.

It originally thought that it had found a bunch of cheap labor.

For those monsters who sent things to it, but they were not very valuable, it more or less sent gold coins back as a token of appreciation.

The big cat Bigworth also sent something, nothing else, but the gem from the secret realm.

The Light of Elendil (Special): Life is but a small thing, and it passes away, but where the darkness cannot reach, the beauty of light endures forever.

Now this gem is out of print, and players who enter later will never find it again.

Laifu saved the things first, and planned to ask Count Dracula or other powerful NPCs to find out the origin of this thing in the future. It is impossible for the gems inlaid on the dwarf king's crown to be useless at all.

After dealing with the mailbox, Laifu thought about it and decided to do something meaningful.

There is no need to worry about the level, not because the gap between him and the others is not that big, but because the gap is too big, and he will not be able to catch up for a while. After more than ten days of exams, he is now level 33, while the highest level is already 38 up.

Everyone is rushing towards level [-].

There are a lot of materials needed by Laifu on the forum, and it downloaded them one by one. In the printing workshop of the noble family in the town, Su Mo found someone who could make cards for it.

Qinglan Stone, a companion to silver mines, is very valuable, and a small piece can be sold for fifty gold coins.

The words Qinglanshi were written on the card, as well as images, which focused on describing the characteristics of Qinglanshi.

Bugloss, a plant with only two broad and thick leaves, is named because the leaves resemble bull tongue. It is used to make highly effective healing potions. Although the dosage is not large, the effect of the potion will drop several grades if you don’t add it. So a piece of Buglossis can be sold for more than 20 gold coins.

It is worth mentioning that if only one leaf is picked when picking, a new leaf will grow here the next day. It only takes one day of cultivation, and the new leaves can continue to be picked.

What Su Mo did was these things, which he called lesson plans.

It is full of patterns and explanations of valuable herbs on the market, and some information comes from the pharmacy classics in the game. He visited several large pharmacies and blacksmiths in Tallinn, and also inquired a lot about herbs and ores. information.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Do you have time? If you have time, let me teach you a lesson.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: What class is there, my little book is already hungry and thirsty.

Black Bear Leader Dabson: Boss, just tell me where to go to class, and I will rush there with my wife.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Haven't you moved yet? I remember the money is almost there.

Black Bear Leader Dabson: We will move soon, Misha will live with me, and the two of us will live in the woods over there in the future. I heard that you live in Hudgens, the boss, so we can often met.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It’s okay to see each other often, I’m afraid of contagion.

Black Bear Leader Dobson: What is the infection.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Stupid.

Black Bear Leader Dabson: Hehe, I know, boss, you are jealous, haha.

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: convex (⊙ω⊙)`convex

Silverhorn Uzi: Convex_Convex
The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Okay, stop making trouble, I will teach you how to make money later.

(End of this chapter)

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