Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 391 Gathering Gael Forest

Chapter 391 Gathering Gael Forest
If it was something else, maybe only some monsters responded. As soon as they heard how to make money, they immediately swiped the screen to respond, and even some Wannian diving parties ran out.

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: I think I can inform Mr. Bigworth, the apostles there want to make money.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Yes, if you have friends over there, you can directly notify them, the location is in Gael Forest.

Nicole the Golden Python: Wow, come to my house today.

Iron-winged Goshawk Snow: I hope they can make up enough travel expenses. If not, I will borrow some of them. The guys over there are really poor.

There are very few monsters that can really travel around casually like the Laifu chat group.

There are not many monsters on the big cat Bigworth side who can afford the pass fee of fifty gold coins. If they take any action, they will dispatch a small number of people at most. One is Mr. Bigworth Their popularity is not that high, and secondly, they have no money.

Just like the last Secret Realm event, they had to temporarily go to monsters to pick up copper coins to make money.

[New World] doesn't drop many coins, and the less you drop from low-level monsters, only the bosses of the same level can see silver coins or gold coins.

It takes a long time for a boss with good strength to earn dozens of gold coins.

The big cat, Bigglesworth, went to kill monsters when he was free, in order to save money for the travel expenses of the younger brothers. In fact, it was quite bitter for the boss to be the boss.

As for the Garr Forest, it is near the Pago Mountains.

The Pago Mountains are rich in mineral deposits. Although the storage capacity is not as good as that of Langley Canyon, it is even better in terms of mineral diversity.

As for Gael Forest, it is second only to Twilight Forest, the second largest forest in the Eastern Continent, and there are all kinds of herbs in it.

Many people don't dare to come to the Forest of Gael for medicine mining, because there are too many monsters in it, and there are often wandering bosses of forty or fifty levels, and it is difficult for players to escape when they encounter them.

Laifu is not afraid, or the monsters behind it are not afraid.

Although it was winter, the Gal forest didn't feel any chill. There were green trees and wild flowers everywhere. Laifu, who came here first, lay on his back among the flowers, and the warm sun shone on his belly, making him very comfortable.

While lying in the sun, it sorted out the teaching materials needed for this class.

The golden python Nicole took a bath in the hot spring not far away, sometimes making waves in the spring water, and sometimes rushing to the shore to chase butterflies among the wild flowers.

"Nicole, don't eat butterflies, and don't be full." Laifu would occasionally glance over to save the little butterfly from the snake's mouth.

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry!" Nicole yelled and jumped back into the pool, rolling out a splash more than half a meter high, and the golden python's body was clearly visible in the clear spring water.

"You ate a whole bag of meat with you." Lai Fu said helplessly.

All the monster meat obtained in the secret realm last time was handed over to Su Xiaojiu for cooking, and the cooked food was no longer sold to the outside world. Except for some left by his own people, all the rest was transferred to Laifu.

Laifu ate some of each and sent the meat to the monsters.

The other monsters are at most just a taste, and most of them have entered Nicole's stomach.

Laifu ate so much monster meat and increased a lot of attributes, but he didn't get any skills. It's a pity that the meat of the Peacock King is actually quite good.

It seems that it is not easy to increase skills.

Because of the exams, Laifu failed to get the information in time for the Tongtian Tower and Tongtian Demon Tower twice, so he didn't participate either.

Now that the exam is over, Tongtian Demon Tower and Tongtian Tower cannot be let go.

In fact, Laifu now lacks a [Template Upgrade] reward, which can make it change from an elite monster to a boss.

"I want to go to the city, ah, I want to go to the city, I want to find Xiaojiujiang!" Nicole splashed in the spring water vigorously, the fish and shrimp fled against the current in fright, and there was no other activity in the whole hot spring pool except this giant python. thing.

Soon other monsters came one after another.

By the time the last monster who signed up rushed over, more than 120 monsters had gathered here, all of them sat on the grass obediently in a dark place, quietly looking at Laifu who was still lying on his back basking in the sun.

The last time there were more than 50 monsters in the secret realm, it is already remarkable that the three chat groups can dispatch so many monsters.

Fifty monsters, the cost of the pass alone is [-] gold coins.

Only now did Lai Fu know that more than 50 monsters were nothing at all, and one hundred and two seemed to be the upper limit. It was said that the small group connected to the big cat Bigworth group had also been dispatched.

Some of the monster apostles in [New World] are natural winners, and they are above level [-] at birth, while some rely on their own efforts to rise up little by little. They are generally related to the previous group. After all, who is in the group? When I was young, I didn't have many friends.

In other words, there are at least 120 monsters in the four groups.

"Shut up, don't disturb Mr. Laifu's sleep." The black bear leader Dabson and the crampon bear Misha sat on the ground side by side. He turned his head and whispered a threat to the two whispering monsters next to him.

Laifu decided to give a lecture today, so he announced that he was going to debut as a teacher, don't be called by the boss, we are not a gangster club, there is no need to be so ruffian.

"Well, who are you?" The two mobs belonged to the low-level group members of the big cat Bigworth. They went bankrupt and scraped together the travel expenses for today's lectures. I can't stop discussing it.

"Me? Black Bear Dabson, I used to know Boss Laifu when I was a low-level, and now I have upgraded to a high-level chat group." Black Bear Spirit said proudly, and then quickly added: "This is my wife, crampons Xiong Misha, isn’t she very beautiful, don’t get her idea, she’s already living with me now, a migration certificate is worth [-] gold coins, our marriage was ordered by Laifu Boss, after a while I’ll save If we have enough money, Boss Laifu will hold a wedding for us."

The two monsters were dumbfounded.

An early follower of the legendary monster Laifu in the monster world, who actually had a girlfriend, who actually spent [-] gold coins to buy a migration certificate, and who even wanted to hold a wedding...

Everyone's younger brothers are so dicks, so how powerful is Mr. Laifu.

The figures of the two monsters were three points shorter invisibly to express their admiration for the black bear spirit.

After going through the battle in the secret realm, and getting a promotion qualification in the Tongtian Demon Tower, the black and white bears finally succeeded in both promotion, and now they are in the same group as Laifu.

As for the wedding, Laifu just mentioned one thing, so Black Bear Spirit vowed to make money to hold the wedding, and invited Laifu to be the witness.

According to Laifu, holding a wedding also requires a lot of money.

First of all, you have to invite guests, you have to hold a banquet, and other monsters come all the way with gifts and travel expenses, you can't let them go back hungry.

There are also witnesses, do you have the heart to let others work for nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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