Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 392 This classmate, you come up

Chapter 392 This classmate, you come up

"Boss Laifu is very high-level, I don't think anyone dares to go up and talk to it." The mob asked.

"Level? Hmph, what is level? What's the use of level? There are so many high-level apostles who dare not even breathe in front of the boss of Laifu." The black bear spirit has long been the most loyal fan of Laifu. If you say anything bad about Laifu, you will be attacked by it.

"Understand, understand, then Boss Laifu must be very smart?" asked the little apostles.

"Smart? How can cleverness sum up the greatness of Boss Laifu?" Seeing the monsters around him all looking at him curiously, Black Bear Dobson became even more proud, as if he was boasting about himself.

It begins to tell the story of Laifu's great fortune.

Of course, when he first joined the group, Laifu's cautious style had been misinterpreted as unfathomable.

Helping himself kill the goblin merchant, helping Raun the mangy yellow lion rob goods, and leading everyone to swipe players, explore treasure hunts to solve troubles, even Laifu didn't think he was so great.

When the teacher had finished speaking, Teacher Laifu cleared his throat, indicating that it was time for him to speak.

The audience immediately fell silent.

Many monsters admire and admire Laifu from the bottom of their hearts. Even if they don't feel much, they at least know why they appear in this place.

No one will have trouble with money, human beings cannot survive without money, and monsters cannot live happily without money.

"I didn't expect so many people to come here to listen to my lectures, so I didn't prepare much, but I will do my best to help everyone, help everyone get rid of poverty and become rich, and enter a well-off life, even like the black bear Dab Sen made a fortune like that, got a wife, and reached the pinnacle of life from then on.”

Laifu didn't have a manuscript in hand, but he had simulated it many times in his mind.

And it's not that he doesn't have any experience in public speaking. When he was in high school, he publicly conducted a self-criticism at the school assembly, and he also read love letters written for him in front of many people—all of them were young It was absurd at the time. Before joining the army, Su Mo was definitely not a good boy or student.

After being baptized by the barracks and the battlefield, he became so handsome.

Laifu made an opening remark, but unfortunately there was no applause as expected. Only then did he realize that he hadn't discussed the applause with his trustee.

Fortunately, the expectant eyes of monsters sitting in rows in front of the boulder encouraged it to continue talking.

"Let's stop talking nonsense. I'm starting class now. If you can sit here, you probably all have the idea of ​​making money. So how should we make money?"

At this time, Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, descended from the sky.

It dropped a monster, a level 35 boss—of course it wasn't the monster apostle, but an ordinary boss in the Gar Forest.

"Everyone has seen it, it is a monster, a fool without enlightenment, we kill it now, which classmate is willing to do it, hey, this classmate, you come up and try, it is you, the white tiger, what is your name name."

"My name is Angus, boss!" Tiger King Angus was very confused.

"Okay, Angus, come here and kill this monster." Laifu happily interacted in the classroom, and it didn't dare to name those unfamiliar apostles, otherwise it would call a twentieth-level monster apostle If it is, it will be funny to be killed by monsters at that time.

Angus was very confused after being called, why the boss of Laifu didn't know his name.

But it heard the order to kill the monster very clearly, and immediately killed the boss with a hammer.

The boss dropped a piece of silver equipment, which is considered very good luck.

Under normal circumstances, the general BOSS would drop blue equipment, and the probability of silver equipment was very small. The main reason was that this monster came from the depths of the forest, and even Nicole rarely set foot there.

Monsters that are almost never killed, drop things slightly better.

Laifu walked up to the slain monster and poked it with his paws. It was a woodchuck, not too big. If it was the kind of buffalo king, even Snow the iron-winged goshawk couldn't move it.

"Look, everyone, this groundhog is already dead, why not..." Laifu paused: "Put it in the backpack, the monster's corpse can also be sold for money, but it must be a boss. Gold coins, you can mail them to me."

In fact, a BOSS is split and skinned in the player's hands, and the final income is definitely more than one gold coin.

But the ghost knows what these apostles will send it, so a gold coin is also a precaution. If the boss corpse it receives is very precious in the future, it will not be so stingy that it will not add money.

"Look, everyone, the groundhog dropped a piece of equipment, as well as one silver coin and six copper coins. You can keep the coins yourself. Of course, I can also recycle them here. All coins are [-]% off. Any coin of any face value can come to me. [-]% off exchange... Cough cough, just kidding, if you don't understand, it means your IQ is not good..."

The stems are very slick, but unfortunately few can understand.

The sincere one looks innocent and confused, while the cunning one shows that I understand but I just don't say anything.

"Let's focus on the equipment. Do you see that? This character represents the level of the equipment. This level means silver equipment. Any silver equipment can be exchanged for at least five gold coins. If the attributes are good, fifty gold coins are not impossible. .” Lai Fu explained the meanings of various symbols on the temporary blackboard.

"This is the meaning of level. At present, the most valuable equipment is level 35. If there is level [-] or level [-], it's okay. Other levels are slightly cheaper, and these two words mean special effects. Any equipment with these two words is more valuable than equipment without it, do you understand?"

The words were explained in a simple way, and the corresponding symbols and words were drawn. The children in the literacy class expressed their understanding.

"Okay, classmate, you come up to do the question, this piece of equipment, you tell me its grade, level, and whether it has special effects." Laifu took out a piece of equipment from his backpack, and this time clicked a Unknown monsters.

That monster looks very powerful, but it doesn't matter today whether it is powerful or not, it is all the students of Teacher Laifu.

This monster is actually a level [-] boss. It comes from the chat group of the big cat Bigworth. Its strength is not as good as that of the black crow, Brad Pidan, and they usually ignore their boss Bigworth.

Being called on stage by Teacher Laifu, it looks like a shy elementary school student, obviously a little nervous.

After chatting for a long time, it finally gave the answer: "Golden equipment, level [-], with special effects, should... be very valuable, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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