Chapter 394

Laifu couldn't complain in his heart, you silly girl, you have acted so bravely, now no one is willing to buy my mining hoe anymore.

Nearly a hundred mining hoes and medicine shovels are prepared in the guild warehouse, and it will take a year and a month to use them up.

After Nicole cut off half of the mound with his tail, Tiger King Angus pounced on it, scratching with his four claws, and successfully scratched out a few pieces of ore.

Among them is an opal, which belongs to some low-level mines. Laifu can sell it for at least three gold coins.

Don't show when you should show, and behave when you shouldn't. Laifu decided that this opal will only pay three silver coins, and it will kill you.

With the performance of the two monsters, the other monsters finally understood what mining was.

"Not all mounds can dig out ores, such as this one..." Laifu pointed to a mound and signaled a gorilla to dig up.

The reason why the gorilla was chosen was because this gorilla could use tools, and it was one of the few monsters that could accept a mining hoe. Uncle Laifu obviously still didn't want his "arms" business to go bankrupt.

The gorilla got the order and immediately started digging with a mining pick.

In fact, the mining hoe still has a certain effect. For the outside world, the default attribute is the increase in mining speed and effect, which means that it is not as convenient to replace it with other similar tools.

A lot of soil layers were dug up, but there was nothing.

"As you can see, judging whether there is a mine in a place is also an important skill, which can save you wasting time in this kind of garbage dump..." Laifu continued to teach.

"Boss?" Apostle Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, interrupted it.

"Why, I'm giving a lecture. I'll talk about it later," Laifu said impatiently, "You can compare the difference between the two mounds just now. The first one can see the ore from the outside, while the second one The two are directly all soil..."


"What are you doing!" Lai Fu became a little angry, this damn lion spirit, if it wasn't for the sake of our good relationship, he would have thrown you to Nicole directly.

"Boss, the mine is out, it's a gold mine!" Raun the mangy yellow lion lowered his eyebrows, but he felt that he had to let the boss know, because the slap in the face was really painful.

"Uh..." Laifu turned around, only to find that the gorilla had dug out chunks of gold mines under the hoe.

Gold mines are very valuable things. Players can't mint gold mines into gold coins, but they can sell them to NPCs. It is one of the few minerals that NPCs will not desperately lower the price against their conscience.

A total of 16 gold mines, with different qualities, but the total value should be more than one hundred gold coins.

Chi Guoguo slapped his face, Mr. Laifu just said that there was nothing in the mound, and the gorilla immediately dug up a 16 yuan gold mine. Even if Mr. Laifu was so black-hearted, he had to give the gorilla at least ten Remuneration in gold coins.

"What's your name?" Laifu asked the bad-ass chimpanzee.

"Caesar, my name is Caesar, Teacher Laifu." The chimpanzee Caesar did not realize that his good luck had destroyed Teacher Laifu's classroom authority.

"You are so lucky. Under normal circumstances, there will be no mineral deposits in such a mound. Go and dig that mound over there." Laifu pointed to another pile, and the chimpanzee went to dig another pile. When it was time, it naturally put the 16 yuan gold mine into its backpack.

In the end, no ore was found in this mound, only a few rotten stones.

"So, when we choose potential ore veins, the most important thing is to look at the appearance. If you can see the ore on the outermost side, then go digging boldly. Generally, the harvest will be good, but don't be too brainy. Digging If you still haven't found the ore within one to two ten minutes, it means that you have chosen the wrong direction."

Although the slap in the face was just before, the apostles already felt that what Teacher Laifu said was very reasonable.

"By the way, this is the exposed ore I was talking about, even though it's just a piece of... Hey, it's actually andalusite. This luck is really not ordinary. Look, everyone, this is the andalusite I'm talking about. There are all kinds of andalusite on the ground. You can pick it up, but before taking my class, did you know it can be sold for money?"

The apostles shook their heads together, full of admiration for Teacher Laifu.

"You, you, and you, you guys come over and dig this area up for me. There are probably other andalusites here." Laifu ordered a few monsters to work, and they were all strong and strong. big guy.

Andalusite is an associated mineral. Generally, some such stones are needed when making staffs. It has an effect on the conductivity of magic.

Several monsters worked together, and quickly turned over the land.

It's a pity that there is no ore, not to mention the associated ore, not even the ordinary ore that breeds this kind of associated ore. Laifu suddenly felt very tired, and could only reluctantly explain: "Actually, this is a negative example. You saw a piece of The ore does not mean that this ore was born here, it is very likely that it was washed here by the rainwater stream, ahem, let's go to the next location."

"Mr. Laifu, is this the Lugeng grass you mentioned?" Just as Laifu turned his head to look for the target, a robin found the herb parasitic on a dead tree.

"Oh, that's right, this is indeed Lugon grass. It is actually a kind of fungus that can only be found on dead trees. Next time you see a dead tree, you might as well walk around it. Congratulations Classmate Xiaoniao, your discovery is worth at least thirty gold coins." Laifu took out thirty gold coins and handed them to the little bird on the spot.

This move puts the little robin in the spotlight.

In fact, it is just a small boss at level [-], the cute new monster apostle. This time it can appear here not because it has saved enough money for the pass, but because it belongs to the map of Gael Forest.

A level [-] boss immediately got [-] gold coins just because he found a herb.

This incident greatly encouraged the apostles, and made the apostles who were not confident gain great self-confidence. No one felt that they were inferior to a little mockingbird of level [-].

In fact, Lu Gengcao is not very valuable, only thirty gold coins in the market.

And the reason why it can be sold for thirty gold coins is not because it is so important, it is just because it is rare.

The apostles don’t understand the principle of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, but Laifu does. As for why the gorilla didn’t use it when it dug out the gold mine just now—that’s a completely negative teaching material. Laifu doesn’t want the students he teaches to hold on Dig the Eastern Continent all over.

The knowledge it teaches is not just talking about it, but the various experiences summed up by countless players.

The little robin became the focus, and for quite a long time, the apostles even often said, are you even worse than a robin?

It wasn't until the little robin became an expert in herbal medicine, earned a lot of gold coins, and used the money to improve his own strength, that the history of being taken to the lower limit was gradually forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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