Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 395 Monster Herbalist

Chapter 395 Monster Herbalist

My name is Schrödinger's cat. I am neither Schrödinger nor a cat. I am me, an adventurer who is not afraid of death, and a future god-level pharmacist.

Of course, I am still very immature now, after all, I have not yet seen the rare herbs in the legendary deep forest.

I believe that day will never be far away. In order to improve my herb-gathering level as much as possible, I once went deep into the Twilight Forest and picked a super-grade herb worth [-] gold coins after a narrow escape.

Yes, you read that right, one plant is worth [-] gold coins, and this is why mining herbs is more attractive than mining. You never know what you will encounter, let alone [-] gold coins, even [-] gold coins Herbs with a single gold coin have appeared. The task is said to come from a great magician in Los Angeles, who refined the legendary resurrection potion.

And the narrow escape I mentioned is not an adjective, it is indeed a literal meaning.

I did die nine times that time. After all, I went deep into the twilight forest. I saw the [-]th-level boss, the [-]th-level monster, and the legendary blue dragon whizzing past the sky.

Recently, I changed the location of my usual activities and came to Gaal Forest.

The sunshine in Gal Forest is really bright, and the forest is not as dark as Twilight Forest. The plants are growing vigorously, and the types of herbs are better than Twilight Forest.

Today, as usual, I wore a forgiving camouflage suit, covered my body with a kind of food juice, and got into the boundless forest.

My equipment can't be said to be the best in the whole game, but it is definitely the most suitable for activities in Gaal Forest.

Randomly dug out two worthless herbs and threw them into the backpack. I heard that players with a guild or mercenary background can put things into the mercenary group or guild warehouse anytime, anywhere. It seems that I also want to find a guild up.

Hey, wait, what kind of trace is this?
There should have been a herb here, but someone dug it away, and the method was too clumsy. If there were not so many broken roots, this Fengshen grass could at least reach the quality of eight. Not bad, the Fengshen Grass of the sixth grade is worth more than a dozen gold coins at most, and the one of the eighth grade can be sold for more than fifty.

What idiot did it!

If this person appears in my face, I must kill him.

Following the trail, I saw more and more scenes of destruction. I was so angry that I ignored why the monsters in Gaal Forest disappeared.

Until I saw the culprit.

God, why a chicken with only one leg.

It is very huge, with very little hair on its body. It looks a bit like a bald chicken, revealing its plump meat. If it is roasted, it will be very delicious.

When I came to the front, this bald chicken was pecking open the soil layer with its beak, obviously digging a black ginseng plant.

You idiot, digging black-faced ginseng must be more than ten centimeters away from the ginseng stem, otherwise not to mention the ginseng body, even the ginseng whiskers will be completely destroyed, I must stop it.

I thought to myself, I did the same, I went up and kicked the bald chicken.


After Laifu's practical class was over, everyone dispersed to go to herbal medicine mining. Of course, monsters were not to be missed. That's why Schrödinger's cat didn't encounter any monsters along the way.

With the teaching of Laifu and the example of the robin, the apostles are all gearing up, wishing to reach the pinnacle of life immediately.

Laifu, Nicole the Golden Python, and Jason the Sandwalker form a team.

Such a combination can't be said to be rampant in Gaal Forest, at least the probability of encountering a fatal threat is not high. After all, Nicole is a local tyrant, and Jason's high defense can completely hold back the enemy and let Teacher Laifu run first.

One-legged King Allen also formed a team with others, but everyone competed with each other, so they became more and more scattered.

At most, it is to keep a certain distance, and it can support each other when it finds the enemy shouting loudly. It has picked a lot of herbs along the way.

Schrödinger's cat thought that Alan was an idiot in collecting herbs, but he didn't know that Alan was collecting herbs for the first time today.

He was able to successfully poach so many herbal medicines for the first time. Regardless of the quality of the herbs, Alan can say that he has the talent for collecting herbs.

It was digging a black-faced ginseng plant that was said to be worth fifteen gold coins when it was suddenly kicked by something.

The sharp chicken beak slid across the black ginseng, and half of the chubby black ginseng was exposed, but white juice began to leak out in an instant... Seeing the dry fruits of labor, the one-legged king Allen was angry.

It turned around and saw the same angry Schrödinger's cat.

No matter what he is, he must die!

Two lovers of herbalism started a life-and-death struggle like this—actually, there was nothing to fight about. They lived and died all day long. How could a player with a level of only [-] be a match for a [-]-level boss.

Schrödinger's cat died and dropped a herb.

Its backpack is basically full of herbs, and obviously it will not drop other things, so the one-legged king Alan picked up the herbs happily, but he didn't find that it was an eighth-grade herb, otherwise it would definitely lose its appearance. Such a good herb to show off.

Gaar Forest is a high-level map, but there are still many players on the periphery here.

Especially in the direction close to the Pago Mountains, many players collect medicine and mine here, so a group of people also encountered the monster apostle.Who can understand seeing a gorilla wielding a mining hoe compared to seeing a one-legged bald chicken pecking at herbs with its beak.

What this group of players saw was Caesar.

Caesar, the leader of the ape tribe, is a monster apostle in the Siska forest. He is not alone, and has a group of thousands of gorillas under his command.

It may be because the intelligence of orangutans is easier to improve.

There are three other apostles in their group, but they didn't come together this time, mainly because their families were poor and couldn't afford the travel expenses.

Caesar took the money collected by the three monster apostles as travel expenses, and went to study under Teacher Laifu. Because he was burdened with too many expectations and pressure, he studied very hard and worked very hard.

It dug up places that seemed to contain ore one by one.

In fact, it was still a little unconvinced in its heart. In the mound that Mr. Laifu thought was impossible to dig out, it dug out more than a dozen gold mines, and got ten gold coins as a reward from Mr. Laifu.

As the person involved, it feels that what Mr. Laifu said is not necessarily correct.

Moreover, how could a wolf be as smart as a monkey? In their chat group, it has always been a very smart existence. The black crow is also good at counting, but it is not as smart as it in other aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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