Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 396 The first day at work

Chapter 396 The first day at work

Therefore, Caesar, the leader of the ape clan, would not let go of the mound when he saw it, so he had to dig it up.

Gradually it restrained its arrogance, because it found that Teacher Laifu's words were very reasonable, the probability of those mounds that did not show any appearance on the outside contained ores was really low.

And those veins that can expose ore on the surface can often bring it rich harvests.

Relying on the fact that his palm is very adaptable to the mining hoe, Caesar dug out rich ore veins one after another according to Teacher Laifu's teaching.

Copper ore, iron ore, silver ore...

Although there are no more valuable gold mines, ordinary ores have accumulated one by one. Teacher Laifu said that these ores can be sold for a lot of money if they are in large quantities.

With gold coins, other apostles in the clan can go to see the outside world.

Slowly save money, maybe you can buy a summoning order in the future, even if it is a junior summoning order of [-] gold coins, you can call a thousand members of your own clan.

The four apostles, with thousands of clansmen, are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Teacher Laifu said that mercenaries can also make money. At that time, Teacher Laifu will contact the ape mercenaries to work. If they are all dispatched, they can earn at least a thousand gold coins at a time.

You can earn back the money for the summoning order ten times.

Thinking of the joy, Caesar, who has always been calm, couldn't help but dance. On the ground it dug like a grave, it saw a group of players.

"What is this, Grave Head Jumping Disco?"

"Is it mining?"

"Is this a gorilla?"

"Why does the gorilla have a mining hoe, why does it use a mining hoe, I don't think so, maybe... Hey, buddy, do you mine?"

"What are you doing?"

"I think he might be a player, but he looks a bit like a chimpanzee. There are always some people who are very non-mainstream. Good people don't want to be, so they have to dress themselves up as beasts."

"It ignored you, probably a gorilla."

Caesar was silent for a while. Hearing that the group of players were mocking him and his race, he was angry. He originally wanted to drop the hoe and beat his chest first—after all, life and battle need A sense of ritual—and then tear up these two-legged beasts.

However, it hesitated at the moment it was about to drop the hoe.

With an idea, it gripped the mining hoe tightly, went up and knocked hard on a player's head, and the player's head was blown to pieces.

Of course, from the player's point of view, it was just knocked to death.

But monsters don't have an anti-harmony system, or the master of the system doesn't think they need it, so in Caesar's eyes, it was it that knocked the player's head open all at once.

So enjoyable.

Caesar looked at his mining hoe lovingly, it was really a good thing, it couldn't wait to give it to every player.

The players organized a large-scale resistance, but their resistance was meaningless in front of the fiftieth-level boss. Even if Caesar didn't hit their heads with the mining pick in his hand, they couldn't bear it.

This is the second scene where the player and the Apostle encounter.

But these aren't the only two, there are other similar scenes that take place in the vast outer area of ​​Gaal Forest, and basically end in the player's fiasco.

During this process, the apostles once again confirmed one thing.

Teacher Laifu is right, these two-legged beasts will drop various things after they die, including herbs, ores, and various equipment.

When the appointed time came, the apostles returned to the place where the class was held.

Teacher Laifu stood on top of the big rock, and a lot of gold coins had already been transferred in his backpack. He was full of expectations for this event.

It's not that these apostles can get a lot of herbal ores in just a few hours, but they have imparted a skill that the apostles can use to create a steady stream of income for it, and as the level of the apostles increases, The higher the income, the higher the income of Mr. Laifu.

"Okay, everyone line up now, I will evaluate your achievements and pay you on the spot."

According to Teacher Laifu's instruction, the first apostle came up, took out all the things in his backpack and arranged them one by one, then raised his head excitedly and waited for Teacher Laifu's affirmation.

"These herbs, this, this, have all been harvested and discarded by you. As I have emphasized before, dig out the herbs as completely as possible. Even if you dig more, it is better than less. Well, of course, it is best to dig what is needed. "

The apostles can also learn the experience and lessons from watching Teacher Laifu's comments.

"It is worth affirming that the quality of your other herbs is not bad, especially this one, if you can keep the leaves intact, it should be more valuable. The most valuable of this herb is the leaves, my friend , Let me calculate your income today, and it came out, a total of 47 gold coins, and I will give you fifty gold coins, which means that you have earned back your pass today."

"Yeah!" The first apostle jumped up happily.

The second one brought out so many things that even Laifu had to pick it up to check its attributes.

"This is not a herb, it's a weed, and this is not an ore. Although this stone looks very beautiful, brother, you are a beauty controler. Fortunately, these pieces are still normal. For equipment, a piece of silver, The two blue outfits are very good, it seems that your talent is elsewhere, there are eighteen gold coins in total, let me give you twenty."

"Thank you Mr. Laifu, thank you Mr. Laifu." Having been cheated of at least [-]% of the value of gold coins, the apostle still thanked Mr. Laifu very much.

One after another, monsters came over with things and sold them to Laifu.

Most of the incomes are not very high. After all, they are only studying on the first day and working on the first day. If they can earn fifty gold coins, it is already very good. Many monsters can't even earn ten gold coins.

The one with the fewest earned only seven silver coins in total.

It's not that it's lazy, or that it's not good at technology, it's just that its luck is really bad, and all the things it encounters are worthless.

"Uh, are you eleven luteus?" Laifu was stunned when he checked the robin's harvest.

Lu Gengcao, which is worth at least 330 gold coins, directly picked eleven plants, and Laifu had to pay [-] gold coins. Back then, Laifu did not falsely report the price on Lugeng grass, only [-] gold coins in the market. one plant.

The reason why Lu Gengcao was chosen was because it was very rare, and Laifu was not worried that there would be too many of them suddenly, which would cause it to go bankrupt.

Never thought that this little boss at level [-] is simply a genius in this area.

In addition to the eleven plants of Lugeng grass, there are some other herbs, most of which are relatively easy to pick. Laifu calculated that no matter how unscrupulous it is, it will at least pay the robin five hundred gold coins.

Little boss at level fifteen, what do you want five hundred gold coins for?
 Thank you Hua Diao Ai Me and Mo Yan 030 for the rewards, thank you, I am a bit busy on Monday, so the update is a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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