Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 397 It's Short of Money!

Chapter 397 It's Short of Money!

The little robin held the heavy five hundred gold coins, feeling very confused.

It looked at Laifu begging for help, hoping that Teacher Laifu could give some advice on how to spend the money, which was an exaggerated sum of money in its opinion.

The little robin has never made any money. Its backpack is just a few silver coins issued to it by the system, which is the upper limit of gold coins that players can drop when they kill it. This money cannot be consumed.

It doesn't have anything to buy, and it just flies around happily in the Gar Forest every day.

It is so small that predators don't even bother to attack it.

"This kind of intelligence pill costs one hundred gold coins. You can buy one, so that your intelligence will be improved." Laifu immediately felt that the little robin was his lucky star, and he was worrying about leading these apostles to waste Oh no, it’s healthy consumption. Only by spending money continuously can these apostles have the motivation to earn more money.

"Ah, it's okay, then shall I buy all the intelligence pills?" Robin responded crisply to Laifu.

"No, this thing can only be eaten once a month, and the effect is getting weaker and weaker. You can take a look at our store. There are all kinds of good things in it, such as this..." Teacher Laifu instantly turned into a salesman .

The students were also very cooperative, expressing which one they wanted.

Everything is ready, just short of money!

"This...what's your name?" Laifu once again saw a chimpanzee with a little impression, and was amazed at its harvest. No wonder it looks so dark, and it was born to be a miner.

"Caesar! The leader of the ape tribe, Caesar!" the chimpanzee said in a low voice.

There is a large pile of ore in front of it. The amount is unprecedented. It is estimated that only Jason's earth-type monster apostle with the ability to dig the ground can surpass it.

"Caesar, you did a great job, let me calculate how much it is for you." Laifu directly threw a friend over.

Monsters can also add friends to each other, but the function is relatively monotonous, and they can only chat with each other secretly, but players have very rich functions. Maybe the friend function of monster apostles will also be opened in the future.

The size of Caesar's pile is huge, but according to the deduction ratio of Mr. Laifu, it is actually only more than 100 gold coins.

Far less than the income of the robin.

This is the gap between deductions and non-reductions. In any market, once there are oligarchic exploiters, others don't even think about making any money.

"Caesar, what are you going to buy?" Laifu asked.

This kind of monster that can make money must be taught how to spend money.

"I want to save money to buy a summoning order as soon as possible. Teacher Laifu, didn't you say that we can be mercenaries? In the future, our four ape apostles can lead thousands of people to make war fortunes everywhere..."

Looking at the majestic chimpanzee, Laifu wondered why this guy had the war attribute.

However, of course, he will not give up Caesar's thoughts, and even encourage him a lot. After all, it is up to his uncle Laifu to decide who the future ape army will fight for. A group of monkeys fell from the sky...

"The summoning order must be bought, isn't it [-] gold coins? You four apostles, all go to mine, and send me what you dig, and you can earn enough in a short time. When the time comes, I will introduce you to the business, and everyone will make money together." .”

"Please!" Caesar didn't say much, he bowed to Laifu and walked away.

When any monster comes to sell things, Laifu will explain, encourage, and confuse... These monster apostles who came for money will all become long-term workers in Laifu's house.

Except for Jason, no one can earn more than one hundred gold.

As for Nicole - she doesn't even have a claw, so her work efficiency can be imagined, but Laifu has been supporting her for free, so it doesn't matter if she has money or not.

Laifu counted, and he paid a total of [-] gold coins and bought things worth [-] gold coins.

In other words, it earned 4 to [-] yuan for one activity.

The main reason is that Robin's five hundred gold Laifu didn't earn a penny, which hindered him. Under normal circumstances, for every thousand gold coins paid, it can get back at least eight thousand gold coins.

This is just the beginning, and these monsters can go out to make money alone in the future.

"Mr. Laifu, do you still have a mining hoe?" Unexpectedly, after Laifu announced the end of the event, Caesar, the leader of the ape clan, approached Laifu.

Laifu also had a good impression of this apostle who was smart and could use tools.

So he replied: "Some of them have been handed out, and there are almost a hundred left. Why do you ask this?"

"I want to buy, I want everything, but I don't have that much money now." Caesar said with some embarrassment, he only had more than 100 gold coins, two hundred was not enough, and he couldn't afford a hundred things worth two thousand gold coins.

According to Laifu's pricing, mining hoes and medicine shovels cost [-] gold coins a piece, and they decided to pay attention to the arms business.

It's a pity that not many apostles were interested in the tools it brought. Even if they gave away for free, they only gave away a dozen. Unexpectedly, the leader of the ape clan came to buy tools on his own initiative.

Uncle Laifu, who has begun to doubt his life, feels that he has met a confidant.

But there is no less money that should be pitted. It said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have any money now. You can pay on credit first. You don't need to pay any interest. You can make a summons first, and after you buy the summons, you can earn money and return the mine." It doesn't matter how much money you hoe."

Caesar nodded again and again: "Teacher Laifu, thank you so much, I don't even know what to say."

It seems that Caesar also needs to take a intelligence pill. If it is Laifu, he can buy it from other apostles. Anyway, it is free for the first time at Laifu, even if it is a gold coin for Caesar. The purchase is only a hundred gold coins.

At least there is no need to owe Teacher Laifu two thousand gold coins.

And Mr. Laifu, who had already loaned out two thousand gold coins, was still not satisfied. He scanned the medicine shovels in the guild warehouse page, and asked with concern: "Caesar, are you from Sisca Forest?"

"Yes." Caesar nodded.

"I've been to your place. The forest has a lot of herbs. What I teach you, you can go back and pass it on to your other apostle partners, so that someone will dig the herbs."

"It seems... makes sense!" Caesar prefers mining, but Sikas does have a lot of medicinal materials to dig.

Teacher Laifu is right, no matter what kind of forest, medicinal materials are always richer than minerals.

"I still have a hundred medicine shovels here!" Laifu smiled.

"Just give me three." Caesar shook his head and said, "The children below, they can't learn such delicate work as picking medicine."

Laifu was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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