Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 398 Rise of the Ape Clan

Chapter 398 Rise of the Ape Clan
It seems that these one hundred medicine shovels are destined to go to waste.

As a business genius, he actually made a loss-making business, no matter how little the loss was, Mr. Laifu felt that this was a stain.

At this moment, Caesar spoke again, in an embarrassing way, and asked: "Mr. Laifu, I know that it is too much for me to make such a request, and I still owe you two thousand gold coins, but I still hope that you can Give me another three hundred mining hoes, and I will repay you double the money I earn in the future."


Laifu was stunned, there was no way out, there was no way out, there was another village, and another big bill fell on its head.

Three hundred mining hoes, one for twenty gold coins, that's six thousand gold coins.

"There's no problem at all. It's the same as before. You can pay me back later," Laifu asked shamelessly. no problem."

In fact, if there is a place to repair it, a mining hoe will last a lifetime.

Moreover, the mining hoe and medicine shovel are non-drop attributes, so there is no need to worry about losing them accidentally.

"I plan to train the little ones to help mine after I go back, designate an area, and go over it from the beginning. We apostles just need to follow behind to pick up valuable ores. Do you think this is feasible?" Caesar asked Teacher Laifu cautiously get an opinion.

Laifu was silent for a moment, and said sincerely: "There is a future!"

Perhaps, the leader of the ape clan is not very smart, but he is thinking about leading his people all the time, whether it is mining or selling wars, he intends to take them with him.

"And I plan to try to let the children use it to fight. Today I smashed the heads of many players with a mine pick." Caesar looked forward to its mine pick army sweeping the entire Cass Forest.

"Uh, why did you choose a mine pick? Haven't you guys tried any other weapons?" Laifu asked.

"I didn't think about it before!" Caesar also felt that he was simply stupid. In the long battle, it was not that he hadn't seen the weapons dropped by the opponent after he fell.

It seems very simple to pick up, but why has it never been thought of.

In fact, in the long history of human development, it took a long time for the first group of apes to taste the sweetness of using tools inadvertently.

"I can customize a batch of axes or big sticks for you. I will send them back to you. You can try them. I think you are suitable for using heavy weapons. Mining picks are still a bit too small." Laifu's eyes lit up. The arms business can finally continue.

"Well, that's really great, I don't know what kind of weapon I'm suitable for." Caesar recalled the pleasure of holding a mining hoe and smashing everything, and began to look forward to what Mr. Laifu said was a more suitable weapon for him.

After switching to Su Mo's perspective, it went to the store to buy a batch of heavy weapons.

Two-handed axes, two-handed swords, sledgehammers, halberds, spears, guns, knives, etc. are all blank equipment anyway, and they are not worth much, so they are all sent to Caesar.

As for what the other party chooses, he doesn't care anyway.

After using a good one, he will want better ones, and only then will his business be officially opened.

Sell ​​the weapon to Caesar, use the money from the sale to hire Caesar to fight for him, and the money Caesar earns will eventually come to him for consumption, thus forming a perfect closed loop.

Three hundred mining hoes were bought from the blacksmith shop at random, and sent to Caesar without stopping.

Caesar, they are at the junction of West Cass Forest and East Cass Forest, and sometimes they will cross the border to attack the territories of other monsters.

At least in their area, the ape army is well-known.

Unity, obedience, coupled with not weak combat power, even a boss stronger than Caesar would not dare to provoke this group of monsters who have never known what single-handed battles are.

When Caesar returned, he was warmly welcomed.

There were three other apostles in this group, one of whom was Caesar's wife, and two other Caesar's brothers, all of whom had some intelligence, but not as much as Caesar.

Although able to dominate the area, the chimpanzees don't have the financial resources to send them all to the lectures.

Only Caesar used the pass to listen to teacher Laifu's teachings with the hope of the people. The three remaining chimpanzees were all looking forward to Caesar's return with a bright future for the group.

"How about Caesar, do you have any gains?" Caesar's wife Leah came up and asked.

It's a small but very agile chimpanzee holding in its arms their baby, a dumb but much-loved chimpanzee.

"I earned 160 two gold coins today..."

Hearing this sentence, the three chimpanzees who stayed behind were all happy. One of the chimpanzees named Morris gave Caesar a big hug and earned 160 gold coins a day. How much money, but that must be a surprising number.

"But I owe Teacher Laifu [-] gold coins." Caesar continued, and it was always serious, but it was also in a joking mood.

"My God, Caesar, what have you done!" Another chimpanzee, Kuba, felt desperate.

If it is one hundred a day, how many days will it take them to pay off the debt, it can hardly imagine what kind of life the whole group will live in the future.

They have to fight other monsters, and then bend down to pick up copper coins one by one.

"Stop making trouble, Caesar, tell us the truth quickly." Leah urged, it knew her husband very well, and knew that it would not act impulsively.

"I did owe a debt of eight thousand gold coins, but I bought these things." Caesar took out a few mining hoes from his backpack and threw them on the ground.

"What is this?" Morris picked up a mining hoe curiously.

"This is called a mining pick. It is a tool for mining. We can also use it to fight. I bought [-] of these things from Teacher Raffles. We will never lose money on this business, Morris. Kuba, Leah, each of you take one, follow me, I will take you to make money."

A few orangutans came to an obvious rich mineral vein, and under Caesar's command and demonstration, they began to dig vigorously with their mining hoes.

The gravel in the soil layer was dug vigorously by the chimpanzees, and everything inside began to be revealed. Caesar picked up one of the ores and showed off to his people: "This is the ore. Five pieces can be sold for one copper coin. As long as we dig out A lot of ore, making money is a very simple thing."

"This... isn't this a stone, why can it be sold for money, and who can it be sold to?" Kuba and the others couldn't understand it at all.

"This is called copper ore. You can sell one copper coin for five. Mail it directly to Mr. Laifu. It will give us gold coins. No matter how much we dig, it will pay the bill. You see, this vein we dug up has There are dozens of copper mines, and copper mines are actually the least valuable thing, I have dug out more than a dozen gold mines, and Mr. Laifu gave me ten gold coins directly."

"My God, Teacher Laifu is too great!" Liya seemed to have seen mountains of gold coins rushing towards it, which could almost bury the entire Cass Forest.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kuba picked up the ores dug out of the ground one by one, wiped them clean and put them in his backpack, eager to continue digging.

"Kuba, you're wrong. Teacher Laifu said that if the ore veins are dug out, the surrounding soil layer can no longer see the ores, so we should just give up. We need to find new ore veins. In time, we can dig out more ore and have more valuable companions." Caesar has also become an expert now.

"Then listen to Teacher Laifu." Although he has never met Teacher Laifu, Kuba can already imagine that Teacher Fu will be the top of the mountain to see the demeanor of all the small mountains.

"Kuba, Teacher Laifu's teaching doesn't stop there. I'll teach you how to identify various ores, how to detect ore veins, and how to dig, and then we can organize more children to mine. The few of us just You just need to pick up the ore that fell to the ground."

"Praise Mr. Laifu, the ape race will surely rise!" Morris knelt on the ground, and offered the belief of the gods to Mr. Laifu who did not know where.

(End of this chapter)

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