Chapter 400
"You..." Sheng Shi An Ning was so angry that his head was dazed. He had never seen such a brazen veteran. He was really ashamed to be with this person. He didn't have any sense of honor. He acted like a gangster.

"Hey, there is something you can't let go of. You have already retired. You are no longer soldiers. They are all for life!" Just like others who couldn't understand him, Su Mo couldn't understand these people.

Just like Yunfei Luoxia and the others, they have two completely different personalities, but they are surprisingly consistent in some aspects.

Whenever honor is mentioned, the blood boils, when the battle song is heard, the back is straightened, even when the national anthem is heard, tears are in the eyes, and anyone who dares to say something bad about the army and the motherland can clench their fists and fight for their lives.

Why bother!
Just keep some things in your heart.

"I can find some connections and see if I can attract some investment. Aren't there many people who want to invest money in the game?" Shengshi Anning asked cautiously.

This topic is very sensitive. The bloody battle flag now belongs to Su Mo, and Su Mo alone.

If other funds are introduced, then the Scarlet War Banner will not belong to Su Mo alone. Rich people who want to come to the game to make a big splash, even if they don't occupy a dominant position, they still have to get a considerable right to speak.

"..." Su Mo was silent for a while, then shook his head: "Forget it, let's not talk about whether you can find reliable people, let me ask you, what is our guild for?"

Sheng Shi An Ning really wanted to say that I want to dominate the rivers and lakes, I want this day, and I can’t hide my eyes—fortunately, she is not Fu Jiafeng and Song Zhibo, and she also understands what Su Mo means. .

It's not that Su Mo is reluctant to part with the so-called dominance, the birth of the Scarlet Battle Banner was a complete accident.

And what is the bloody battle flag used for?
It's not for passion, nor for hegemony, just for those brothers who have to live on their knees in reality, to find a way to live while standing and panting.

"Use all the money." Su Mo said as he transferred all the money in his account.

Basically, there is not much left, more than 300 million, all of which is the money earned from that trip to the secret place Laifu, and the money from the weaving bird's backpack has already been transferred to the usury company.

"This is your money, why don't you use it to pay off the debt?" Sheng Shi Anning felt heavy in his heart.

What's going on with Su Mo? She already knew about it from Tian Dazhuang and the others. Although the family used to be very rich, it is a pity that they are now bankrupt and owe more than 1000 million in foreign debts.

A person who likes to enjoy himself very much, now lives in a simple student dormitory, sleeps in a dilapidated low-cost Internet cafe, eats egg fried rice on the street, and beats the president of the Fashen Temple, ahem, the last one Never mind.

Tian Dazhuang said, don't rely too much on Su Mo.

He has little money and needs help.

A person with tens of millions of debts has now given her 300 million.

"I don't steal or rob. I am worthy of the country and the party. I have worked so hard to borrow this money step by step. For this money, I have experienced many setbacks and tribulations. For this money, I have gone through many sorrows and difficulties. Sadness...why should I pay it back quickly?"

He never thought of giving all of it to the usury company, and paying back 100 million a month is not bad.

The remaining 300 million yuan can be used to develop the guild. Su Mo thought for a while and said, "Look, should we rent a place, get a batch of second-hand equipment, and admit more people into the game? In the end, it depends on strength, if we have enough people, we don't need to find any allies at all."

He doesn't trust outsiders, let alone those so-called allies.

"I'll go and research it, and I'll tell you if it's feasible." Sheng Shi An Ning nodded, a little excited in his heart.

If you save some money, with so much money, you can organize hundreds of people to enter the game.

Su Mo once spent more than 1 yuan to help Su Xiaojiu buy a second-hand game pod from His one is actually a new one, and the brand new one only costs 2 yuan.

If you are not so particular, you can buy real second-hand goods for 8000 yuan. If you buy a lot at one time, it can be cheaper. When an Internet cafe closes down and disposes of the machine, 5000 yuan is not impossible.

300 million can buy [-] game pods.

Of course, Shengshi Anning will not directly buy [-] game pods, and they will not be able to find so many people to use them for a while.

"My idea is..." Sheng Shi Anning reported to Su Mo while planning in his heart.

"Just do it if you think about it. You don't need to tell me." Su Mo doesn't care much about these trivial things. Based on his understanding of Sheng Shi An Ning, this girl will definitely be very, very attentive, more than Su Mo herself. You have to work a hundred times harder to do this.

"Hey, can you listen to me quietly." Sheng Shi An Ning was a little angry.

All decentralization, to put it bluntly, is to rest assured and trust oneself, but it can also be interpreted as their boss is too lazy and takes everyone's career too seriously.

Su Mo raised his hand to signal the other party to continue.

"I want to set up an Internet cafe, or an old warehouse, factory, etc., to house the brothers, and then use the remaining money to buy equipment."

"it is good."

"I also plan to recruit people simultaneously in reality and in the game, what do you think?"

"Okay, wait, recruit people in the game?" Su Mo said yes habitually, but he planned to take it back after he finished speaking.

Based on his gaming experience in the past few months, he really doesn't like those so-called professional players.

Recruit people in the game, who can be recruited, but don't invite a group of mice to spoil the pot of soup they have built with great difficulty.

"Don't worry, even if we recruit people in the game, we only recruit veterans." Sheng Shi An Ning said proudly.

It's not just Su Mo who looks down on ordinary players, even she is the same.

"That's fine, but we need to carefully screen. We will stick to the previous income principle as much as possible, and help as many comrades in need as possible." Su Mo thought about it and thought it was no big deal.

In fact, neither he nor Shengshi Anning realized that once the Scarlet Battle Banner's recruiting rules came out, it was actually another form of high profile.

The guilds in the game are not very interested in recruiting veterans.

Firstly, most of these people are too principled. Once they are inconsistent with the three views of the guild, it will even affect their management of the guild.

Second, compared with the vast player base, this kind of people is too small after all.

If people are recruited according to this standard, they will not receive too many people into the guild. What is the development and growth? The purpose of their creation of the guild is not to help the guild members get rid of poverty and become rich.

After some conversation, 300 million yuan was lost. Su Mo waved his hand in a domineering manner at the time, but afterwards he felt a little bit pained.

I should keep [-] to [-], at least [-] to [-] for the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it will be embarrassing to have no money, and relatives will visit, and I can’t even get the red envelopes for the children.

Poor Master Su, there is still 250 yuan left in the account.

After finishing all this, Su Mo went to practice leveling. His level was too far behind. The brothers who were lower than him in the past are now all level 35 upwards, and some have already entered the first echelon of the level.

Their game skills may not be the best, but they endure hardships and loneliness, and their leveling is much more efficient than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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