Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 401 Panda Qiuqiu

Chapter 401 Panda Qiuqiu
Before that, Su Mo went to the vampire baron Santos to receive a new batch of mission rewards.

There were at least 100 experience pills in the guild, but no one used them. If Su Mo ate all of these 100 experience pills, he could be promoted to level [-] or [-] right now.

A 100 million experience, a hundred is [-] million.

The so-called number one in the so-called rank list who has not yet reached level [-] is a fart in front of him.

Isn’t the Experience Pill a good thing? Of course it is, but why no one uses it? Not everyone should keep it for Su Mo, although some people really think so.

The main reason is that the level of [New World] does not mean everything.

In addition to the attributes brought by each level, as well as the added offense and defense, the [-]th level that has been boosted up may not be able to beat a [-]th level player.

Because of skills!
The difference in damage caused by a level [-] poisoned arrow and a level [-] poisoned arrow is thousands.

Moreover, skills that are too low-level will affect the defense penetration rate in the damage calculation. That is to say, a level [-] player with a level [-] poisoned arrow may not be able to break the defense of a level [-] player.

What kind of foggy grass is this, no game has ever done it like this.

Therefore, new players who enter the game, the kind of rich people who have money in addition to money, they may find a beautiful lady to boost for a few days, but this kind of boosting will not last long. When they were young, no matter how hard or tired they were, they would throw off their arms and do it by themselves.

As for the beautiful young lady, just stay somewhere cool, such as on the bed.

Su Mo doesn't want to take experience pills either, he thinks he's pretty good too, isn't it just a gap of five or six levels, we're more efficient at killing monsters than any other player.

Pull a group of monsters, more than a dozen of them, and then the balls roar together, and then shoot vigorously. The skills of the balls have been improving all the time. The anti-boss is not inferior to the general defensive fighters, let alone these little catfish. .

Moreover, Su Mo also found a treasure land for leveling. Five monsters were spawned in this place very quickly. Usually, after killing the monsters here, two of the newly killed ones had already been spawned.

If he gets tired from brushing, he can take a break.

It's perfectly fine to let Qiuqiu face three or five monsters alone, so that he can release Laifu also.Qiuqiu kills monsters in a small area at the place where the monster spawns. Anyway, its defense is super strong, and its attack power is actually not bad.

And Su Mo and Laifu were on this side of the stone, finding a quiet and sheltered place.

He switched to the perspective of Laifu to communicate with the apostles, or receive various materials sent by the apostles.

Not to mention, since these monsters are widely distributed, many of them haunt the base area, so the herbs and ores sent by mail are full of surprises.

Laifu calculates money quickly, it does not need to count with its claws, everything has a game assistant, and the market price of materials can also be checked, the lowest price, the highest price, the average price, the transaction price and so on.

While receiving goods, counting money, and sending money, it still has time to chat.

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: Time flies so fast. Back then, I was just a puppy of level five, but now I am already level thirty.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: Brother Gou is mighty and domineering, can he be promoted to a high-level chat group after getting the promotion qualification?

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: My template is too bad, and I can only wait for the promotion qualification to have a chance to be promoted, but the boss of Laifu said that there will always be a place for me in the advanced monster chat group.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: I really envy you. I have known Mr. Laifu from the very beginning.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: That must be the most proud thing in my life.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: Boss Cardo, didn’t you say that Teacher Laifu would come back sometimes, would he come today?

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: I don’t know about this. Before everyone was promoted, it appeared almost every day. Now I am the younger brother of the boss of Laifu in this group, so there are fewer people here.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Hey, Kaduo, this issue of Tongtian Demon Tower hasn't opened yet.

It's true that the low-level chat groups don't go very often. The apostles who used to chat often, except for Kado, basically all joined the high-level chat groups. Now the monsters who often chat in the low-level chat groups are basically new.

For example, Edward, the one-armed mantis, had never heard of it or talked about it. Before that, Laifu had only heard of Scissorhands.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: Wow, Boss Laifu, you have appeared.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Didn't we meet today? It's not been a long time since we met. Are you going to mine or gather medicine?

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: Let’s learn all of them and make more money, so that I won’t have money to go to next time you hold an event, Boss.

Panda Qiuqiu: Can Xiaomengxin like me follow along.

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: You are new here, it depends on your level, what kind of panda is this, how many levels are you.

Panda Qiuqiu: I am 33.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: Impossible, isn't the highest level in the group [-]? Did you come back from an advanced group?

Caduo, the leader of the mountain dog: Probably not, I have never seen it before, what kind of animal is a panda?
Laifu was already in a mess in the wind, he poked his head out and stared at the group of panda balls pulling monsters to spawn monsters, the shock in his heart could not be expressed in words.

Misty Grass, what's the matter?
How could there be a panda Qiuqiu in the chat group? Could it be the same name, but it is unlikely, there are not many pandas in the game, it must be a coincidence that the names are exactly the same.

Over there, Qiuqiu was smashing against a few monsters, with the sound of beating, skills, and wind, and I couldn't hear whether it was talking.

Panda Qiuqiu: My scientific name is Iron Eater, but my sand sculpture owner named me Qiuqiu, and he likes to call me Panda. I don’t know whether I am a bear or a cat.

Kado, the leader of the mountain dog: Oh my god, iron-eating beast, then you can be regarded as the blood of the beast.

Panda Qiuqiu: Hey, it's so-so.

That's it, that's it, Laifu observed Qiuqiu covertly from behind the boulder, and he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he saw a contemptuous expression on Qiuqiu's little furry face.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: Then why are you at level 33 and haven't been able to advance yet? Isn't it impossible to upgrade if you haven't advanced?

Panda Qiuqiu: I don’t know about this, maybe it’s because of my sand sculpture master, he is now level 33, and I can only be level 33.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: The owner of the sand sculpture?Why do you have an owner, the boss of Laifu is also a pet.

Panda Qiuqiu: My master is a player. I think he has nothing but good looks.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: How handsome?
Panda Qiuqiu: I don’t know, how can I understand this, anyway, I often hear him say that he is handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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