Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 402 Sand Sculpture Master

Chapter 402 Sand Sculpture Master
Laifu has confirmed incomparably that this Qiuqiu is his own Qiuqiu.

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: Laifu Boss is also a pet. Its owner is an NPC peddler who has been doing business all year round, so he has been to many places.

Panda Qiuqiu: My master, he is a bar owner.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: Bar, what's that?
Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: I don't know either. It seems that being a pet is really knowledgeable. The boss of Laifu also has such good knowledge because he follows his master everywhere.

Panda Qiuqiu: Uh, how should I put it, the bar is a very fun place, with many beautiful and soft ladies.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: A bar is a place to drink, right? Ball, what are you going to the bar with your master for? Do you drink?

Panda Qiuqiu: No, I don’t drink alcohol, I can’t stand the smell, my task is to sit on stage...

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Cough cough, cough cough, you know what it means to sit on the stage?

Panda Qiuqiu: Isn’t it just sitting on the table?

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Well, that's right.By the way, Qiuqiu, how do you think your master treats you? Have you ever thought about leaving him?
Panda Qiuqiu: Why do you want to leave, all kinds of delicious food are offered to me, and even a beautiful young lady is found to touch me, how can I find such a fool, besides, I can’t leave even if I want to, my loyalty has always been is full.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: So that's the case, is your master the only pet?

Panda Qiuqiu: No, there is also a wolf. My master is very eccentric. Now I am here to spawn monsters. Can you believe that those two sand sculptures are basking in the sun over the stone?
The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: (д`).

Panda Qiuqiu: Hehe, tell me, those two sand sculptures are secretly hiding and carrying me behind their backs, are they hehehe?

Mountain dog leader Kado: What does hey hey mean.

Panda Qiuqiu: Actually, I don’t know too well, anyway, I just heard what the pretty girls in the bar said, probably it’s a super-friendship relationship.

Laifu was almost stunned here, but he didn't know that he couldn't blame Qiuqiu.

After all, the growth environment is very important to a person's growth. Since Qiuqiu is placed in such a complicated environment, surrounded by corrupt women and prostitutes all day long, it must be polluted to some extent.

It seems that Qiuqiu will no longer be allowed to go to the bar in the future.

As for the business of the bar, Su Mo was not worried at all.

The role of the ball is to start the bar's reputation, as more and more people know about the bar, especially the dark fragrance and shadows surpassed One Piece Bar and Panda's House to take the lead in becoming famous, the role of the ball has been negligible.

Many posts on the forum are discussing the dark fragrance and sparse shadows, and the master's ability to handle tasks is amazing.

In addition to receiving young ladies, the Panda House is mainly used to hold Gaara trade fairs. Before this time, it was full of local tyrants. In the eyes of young ladies, the charm of these local tyrants sometimes surpassed that of Qiuqiu.

Su Mo intends to brainwash Qiuqiu and instill the idea of ​​loyalty.

Fortunately, Qiuqiu didn't know that Uncle Laifu was a wild wolf basking in the sun, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to say "those two sand sculptures", but he was indeed too clever.

Staying with the players all day long, Qiuqiu, who has just been born with wisdom, is already able to chat and fly, making all the monster apostles stunned.

If there is no Laifu, Qiuqiu will soon become the soul of the group.

Even now, there are many monsters in the chat group who ask about the situation of the human world. The monsters listen to things that seem ordinary to Qiuqiu.

It's a pity that it's not a good habit to complain about the master every now and then.

Are you really that bad?
Switching the angle of view, Su Mo recalled Laifu, and then used the beast control technique on Qiuqiu in the distance, and then Su Mo disappeared and possessed Qiuqiu.

Panda Qiuqiu: I suddenly felt a chill down my spine, and felt like I was being peeped on.

Edward the One-Armed Mantis: I often feel this way too. Usually, the damned players see that I only have one arm and are easy to bully, and then they want to try to kill me and explode my equipment, only to be beaten by a set of combo punches.

Panda Qiuqiu: In fact, my master is very kind to me, otherwise I might still be living an ignorant and savage life in the deep mountains and old forests.

Coyote leader Kaduo: It's really nice to have an owner.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: Can we also find a master.

Coyote leader Kado: This is a bit difficult. It’s not that if we want to be tamed, others can tame us. The system pays attention to probability, and the probability of BOSS being tamed is exaggeratedly low. I estimate that even a level 35 player can Taming me is useless without thirty or fifty taming scrolls.

Panda Qiuqiu: And, even if you find the master, can you guarantee that your master will treat me as well as mine?

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: Qiuqiu, you just said something about the owner of the sand sculpture.

Panda Qiuqiu: Oh, that's a joke.

Qiuqiu was chatting with the monster apostles while spawning monsters, and he didn't know why its sand sculpture owner hid behind a stone and never came out. Could it be diarrhea?
This is not important, without the supervision of the master, it can spawn monsters from time to time and be lazy from time to time.

Coyote leader Cardo: Hey, yes, I suddenly remembered one thing. One day, Dabson——Dobson is my buddy, and he has now promoted to the senior group with his wife, Dabson One day, I met a player who took an iron-eating beast as a pet. The player killed it and cut off its dick.

Panda Qiuqiu: Uh, this, I don’t know, I have just enlightened wisdom, don’t look for me.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: If Dobson seeks revenge on your master, who will you help?
Panda Qiuqiu: Of course I want to help my master... No, why should I help him? This matter has nothing to do with me. If that Dabson wants revenge, please tell it. If you want revenge, please go to my sand sculpture master, whether you kill him or cut him, I have no opinion.

Behind the stone, Su Mo appeared again. He glanced at the state helplessly, and the beast control technique really entered the cooling time.

With nothing to do, he could only come out from behind the stone and shoot a few arrows at the ball—of course, he didn't really aim at the ball, even if he aimed at it, it wouldn't cause damage. His target was those monsters.

He was actually quite curious about what Qiuqiu continued to say in that group.

After clearing away the monsters, Su Mo put away the ball, and then released Laifu, and happily brushed monsters together with Laifu. Although Laifu's defense power was not as good as Qiuqiu's, his attack power was much stronger, and the monster spawning efficiency Not bad at all.

Hmph, master of the sand sculpture, the master of the sand sculpture locked you in a small black room, why!

(End of this chapter)

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