Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 404 2-Hand Equipment

Chapter 404 Used Equipment
However, no matter what, it was impossible for Su Mo to stop at someone's door and chat.

So the bald man invited Su Mo to do it inside.

"Why did Brother Mo come here?" He knew where Su Mo originally lived. When they set up the situation, they had a detailed understanding of Su Mo's family background and financial resources, but they underestimated Su Mo's force value.

"I live in the neighborhood across the road, and I come to surf the Internet." Su Mo replied.

"Across the road?" The bald-headed Ge Erdan was very surprised. On the opposite side of the road was a dilapidated old community. When the city was rebuilt here, the people in the community on the opposite side were asking for a lot of money. The demolition fee was too much, so it couldn't be demolished. .

With the development of this area, the nearby land prices are getting higher and higher, and this small nail area is even more difficult to demolish.

The people here regretted their guts, but still couldn't restrain their greed, so it became a place where renters gathered. In Ge Erdan's heart, how could the second generation of the Su family live in such a place.

"Bankrupt, I rented a house." Su Mo took the tea handed over by the young lady and said calmly.

"Ah, how did this happen, when did it happen?" The bald man was very surprised, he felt a little ridiculous, how could the rich boy who had been set up by him suddenly become a pauper.

"It's been more than a year, but you, bastard, are doing well." Su Mo didn't care about the sympathy in the other party's eyes.

These days when his family went bankrupt, he saw a lot of different eyes, but as long as a person has a strong heart, he doesn't have to care about what others think.

Of course, if someone thinks that he is down and out and easy to bully, and just wants to ride on him, the end will be very miserable.

Although Su Mo is not burly, but full of power, Ge Erdan understands this truth better than anyone else, and it is indeed the fear brought to him by Su Mo—the psychological shadow of being thrown around. ——Let him completely give up the profession of immortal dancing.

Although they now hold clubs and provide various services such as Internet access, fitness, bathing, etc., they are all legal businesses.

As for the reason why Su Mo suspects that he is illegal, it is probably because he employs beautiful waiters, just like Immortal Dance, he uses beautiful girls to make money.

"Brother Mo, I still have some savings here, why don't I lend it to you first?" Friends in the rivers and lakes, emergency rescue is a must. Ge Erdan is not a good person who is philanthropic. He may subconsciously think that if he If he helped Su Mo, he would be able to reverse the shameful memory of being beaten to the ground psychologically.

"No need, I just came out to surf the Internet today." Su Mo was actually quite moved.

What moved him was not that Ge Erdan wanted to lend him money, but that he had done a good deed at the beginning, a social scum, a good and beautiful young lady who didn't know that he would keep it, but used it to cheat money. After the lesson, I finally changed my mind and learned the true meaning of repaying kindness.

Almost moved to tears.

"Why don't I give you a set of game equipment. The most popular game right now is New World. I recently ordered a batch of special equipment for New World. It's very powerful for playing games..."

"Special equipment? I remember the ordinary game room in the Internet cafe can play." Su Mo was very puzzled.

"Hey, this is a high-end club, we need the best in everything, otherwise, why do local tyrants feel that they will be all qualified." Ge Erdan seems to want to teach Su Mo his business experience. After all, Su Mo's family has gone bankrupt. But he did it with flying colors.

"What about the equipment you eliminated?" Su Mo regained his energy.

"In the warehouse, I plan to find someone to dispose of it in a few days. Brother Mo, what is the relationship between us, how can I give you second-hand equipment, the latest one, the unopened one, give me the address, and I will get it for you Move over." Ge Erdan felt very comfortable talking like this, and felt very superior.

In the first few months after that incident, he didn't dare to play Immortal Dance anymore, and couldn't find a way out, so he was full of resentment towards Su Mo.

If there is a chance, he will never let go of the opportunity to show Su Mo some color. However, time has passed, and now that he has mixed well, the previous idea of ​​physically destroying Su Mo is gone.

After all, Su Mo now looks more dangerous than before.

In the past, Su Mo could hit him with two punches so that he couldn't get up, but now Su Mo estimated that he could kill him with one punch. This was his intuition, and his intuition has always been more accurate.

"No, how many second-hand devices do you have and how much do you plan to sell them for?"

Originally, the two sat opposite to each other. Out of respect for Su Mo, Ge Erdan didn't sit on the boss chair behind his big desk. Now Su Mo stood up and walked to Ge Erdan to sit down.

This kind of aggression from a distance made Ge Erdan a little nervous.

Frankly speaking, he is grateful to Su Mo, but he is also afraid of Su Mo. If Su Mo wanted to pursue it, the social status of the Su family in that area would have allowed them to stay in prison until now.

Before he saw Su Mo, he was very much looking forward to meeting Su Mo, so that Su Mo could see his demeanor after he gained social status.

Then after meeting him, he realized that Su Mo's deterrent effect on him hadn't changed at all because of his rising social status. He really didn't want to see Su Mo again in the future, otherwise, he could give Su Mo a super VIP year. card instead of sending a gaming device.

"Dude." Su Mo put his arms around Ge Erdan's fat shoulders.

Ge Erdan trembled, which made Master Su very depressed. Sitting together and hugging each other's shoulders, what a kind gesture, why did this guy think he wanted to kill him?

"What's your expression like?"

"No, there's no expression, haha, I'm just not used to it, I'm not used to it, really."

It's a pity that my two younger brothers have gone to other branches, and he is the only one here today, otherwise he wouldn't have to face this beast who could have punched him out when he was young a few years ago alone.

"I am sincere. If the equipment you eliminated is not too expensive, I would like to buy it. How much equipment do you have?"

"150 units, if you count the other two branches, there are more than 400 units in total."

"Hey, so much, how much money can you make by opening an online club?" Su Mo looked at Ge Erdan suspiciously: "You guys are not doing illegal transactions in the club, are you?"

"No, no, our side is an ordinary Internet cafe on the first floor, leisure and fitness on the second floor, bar performances on the third floor, and business restaurants on the fourth floor..." Ge Erdan quickly explained the business structure of their clubhouse.

From his mouth, the business is really not ordinary.

The game area on the first floor alone costs 69 yuan an hour. If you need a young lady to lie in the game room next to you to play with you, the cost will be even more.

Master Su has 250 yuan in his pocket, and he can only play for three hours here.

(End of this chapter)

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