Chapter 405
"It's like this. I started a game guild and plan to get some game equipment to start a business. What's your expression?" Su Mo was a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I..." Ge Erdan explained dryly, he really couldn't hold back, the rich second generation who used to be powerful is going to be reduced to playing games to make money.

It's not gloating, but he feels good.

Fortunately, he knew enough was enough, and it would definitely not be a pleasant thing to annoy Su Mo. If he hadn't hallucinated just now, the glass in Su Mo's hand had creaked just now.

"Ahem, brother Mo, if you want, I can sell it to you at a low price."

"How much is one, and what is its quality?" Su Mo never thought of taking more than 400 devices from Ge Erdan for free, which is completely unrealistic.

We are not even friends.

Although he saved Ge Erdan's soul and was his mentor in life, Master Su has always adhered to the style of doing good deeds without asking for anything in return.

"I bought it at the beginning of the year, maybe [-]..."

"Twenty thousand!"

The creaking sound sounded again, Ge Erdan could already see fine cracks appearing on the poor glass.

"Fifteen thousand, fifteen thousand, ten thousand is fine." Ge Erdan said with a mournful face.

400 sets of equipment, one is [-] cheaper, that is [-] million, even if Ge Erdan is now worth over [-] million, this is not the way of business.

What's more, his equipment was good when he bought it, and it hasn't been used for a year yet.

If [-] units are thrown away, there will be a bunch of Internet cafes kneeling and begging to take over. Why bother to sell it to this devil, but the matter has come to this point, even if he repents, he can't afford to lose face.

"[-] is too much to cheat you, so let's go to [-]." Su Mo is a man of principle. He was educated when he was in the army, and he must never take the people by the needle.

"Brother Mo is refreshing." Erdan Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

People are like this, selling 1 yuan is considered a low price, and selling [-] yuan is naturally a loss-making business, but as long as it is compared with [-] yuan, he immediately found a balance in his heart.

"I haven't found a place to put it yet, so you can keep it for me first, well, these two hundred and fifty... 200 yuan will be regarded as a deposit, take out your mobile phone, and I will transfer the money to you." Su Mo said.

He must have heard it wrong, it must be 200 million, Ge Erdan comforted himself weakly in his heart, and it was not until Su Mo scanned his QR code that he confirmed that he had received 200 yuan.

He was confused in his heart, and began to wonder whether he should call the police.

"Don't worry, you only need to keep it for me for a week. If I don't pay and pick up the goods within a week, you can find another seller, and even the 200 yuan will be yours." Su Mo always insisted on his own principles, business is Business, force can never make a fortune.

Ge Erdan nodded repeatedly. He even called out the unit price of [-] just now. If Su Mo had a thicker skin, with his status in the world, he would still be able to go back on his word.

A beautiful young lady led Master Su into the private room.

Thin waist and long legs, the majesty makes people worry about whether the uniform can withstand such pressure, why should the uniform be treated like this.

This is a small semi-open room, not much space, only two game cabins.

The young lady bent down to adjust the game parameters, and the short skirt was treated the same as the top. She stood up and brushed her silky long hair, and asked politely with a smile: "Mr. Su, I am in the game. Level 32, it is a treatment, do you want me to accompany you, the boss said that you are the top VIP here, you can make any request."

"Go out, don't delay me playing the game." Su Mo took out the account card and waved impatiently.

"Uh, okay, I wish you a happy game, Mr. Su." The young lady still maintained a professional smile, bowed, and got up.

"Hiss." Master Su withdrew his gaze reluctantly, so he wouldn't let people do nothing here, just bow to him all the time.

"Goodbye, Mr. Su." When she was about to leave, the young lady bowed again.

"Wait a minute." Su Mo closed his eyes in pain.

"Excuse me..." The young lady turned around with a smile.

"Go buy me an egg fried rice at noon, and bring it to me at twelve o'clock, add two eggs, and put more chopped green onion."

"Okay, Mr. Su." Finally, without bowing this time, the little sister could hardly maintain a polite smile, and quickly opened the door, walked out, and closed the door.

Su Mo seems to have heard a word of madness.

This online club is actually quite formal. The boss has issued a death order. Anyone who dares to have an abnormal relationship with a client in the business place will be resolutely expelled.

But Ge Erdan can't manage the affairs of the employees after get off work.

So, well, you get the idea.

It is a bit exaggerated for people who come to this club to say that they are either rich or expensive, but a relatively high-end circle has formed here after all.

A person who is called brother by the boss, a person who is personally invited by the boss to chat in the office, a person who is shaken by the boss and said in a painful tone that the cooperation is happy, a person who is personally told by the boss to treat him well...

How could such a person not be coveted by the young ladies?

Unfortunately, Su Mo only had a plate of fried rice with eggs in his eyes.

After Su Mo went online, he immediately asked Sheng Shi Anning about the progress of the station. He told Ge Erdan to take the things away for a week, and he would definitely do it.

"Why are you so active all of a sudden?" Sheng Shi Anning was surprised.

Su Mo didn't ask much about the guild, and she was basically taking care of it, because she pushed Master Su to operate the Scarlet Battle Banner's establishment process, so she always thought that Su Mo was not very enthusiastic about this cause.

At most, it is to find a foothold for the former comrades in arms.

"There are 423 pieces of equipment in total, and the unit price is [-] yuan, so you need to find the venue so that I can let others deliver the goods." Su Mo said proudly.

"423, so many, wait, [-] ones, are you sure, don't be an antique over ten years old, the game experience is not good, and there are certain dangers, if something happens..." Sheng Shi An Ning looked serious.

Gaming equipment is not absolutely safe. There have been reports of gaming equipment spontaneously igniting in a certain place in the news. Although gaming equipment companies have made various clarifications, and some official media have also come out to refute the rumors, anyone knows that gaming equipment that has been more than ten years old is the most dangerous. It is best to scrap it directly, and the equipment that has been eight years old can be considered for replacement.

Many of their comrades-in-arms are physically disabled. If they are locked in the game cabin and cannot get out, their survival rate is lower than that of ordinary people.

Good skills in the game do not mean that they can move freely in reality.

"Don't worry, they are all quasi-new models manufactured at the end of the year before last, the batch of SB250 models." Of course Su Mo would not joke about the safety of his brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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