Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 406 Don't Have Money, Let's Get Together Together

Chapter 406 No money, everyone joins together
Even if you have no arms or legs, lying in bed and not moving, it is more acceptable to your family than dying on the battlefield.

The main body of Chinese society is the family. As long as there are people, no matter how difficult the family is, there is still a backbone and hope.

If someone died in an accident because of Su Mo's equipment, no matter how much Su Mo compensated, it would not be able to make up for the pain caused to a family.

"SB250, my God, that is the top equipment!" A voice sounded.

It is a comrade-in-arms who helped in the tavern today, the ID magic cat, usually not very talkative, when he was a soldier, he was a technical job, and he knew all kinds of things very well. He is one of Shengshi Anning's technical consultants.

Since there is already an old cat in the guild, everyone generally calls him a kitten.

"Is this model of machine good?" Sheng Shi Anning asked suspiciously.

"It's not just good, it's really good. The Internet cafes in our town probably don't have a device like the SB250. Meow, this is actually a second-hand device?" In the town, he didn't even go to school for [-] kilometers away from home, but he also joined the army for several years, traveling all over the world, okay?

Why do I still feel like an idiot.

"It left the factory at the end of the year before last, that is to say, it has only been used for one year. You can buy this kind of equipment for [-]?" Sheng Shi Anning already felt that Su Mo was unpredictable, but unexpectedly, she still underestimated her boss.

"Yeah, I met a... friend. He happens to have a batch of equipment that needs to be processed. If you find a place over there, let's pull it there as soon as possible, so as not to occupy other people's warehouses."

Ge Erdan sold it so cheaply that it was treated as garbage, but there was no place to put it. Even if hundreds of machines were stacked together, it would be a huge pile. In order to dispose of it quickly, he planned to hand it over to an intermediary to pack it up and sell it.

Unexpectedly, Su Mo ate the equipment eliminated by the three clubs in one bite.

At that time Ge Erdan laughed in his heart that Su Mo, a rich second generation, would be reduced to making money by playing games. Afterwards, thinking about the amount of equipment traded this time, he realized that Su Mo was not a trivial matter.

Even if it is a manpower-intensive industry, it is definitely not a small factory with [-] workers working.

Shengshi Anning knew about Su Mo's background and knew that he was once a rich second generation. Naturally, there should be a circle of rich second generations. It is not difficult to explain that there are more than 400 good devices, and one of them is [-].

After all, in the eyes of the public, the rich second generation agreed to be a prodigal son.

This is actually a misunderstanding. Most of the rich second generation are actually elites, but their behavior styles are different in the eyes of the public.

"I have some idea about the location, but I need to discuss it with you." Sheng Shi Anning took out a document.

Warehouse SH38?

Su Mo picked up the document and glanced at it, then immediately frowned.

"Shouldn't this place be demolished?"

Weapons will be stored in various places during wartime, but it is impossible to openly build weapon warehouses everywhere, otherwise it is equivalent to letting people bomb them, so various special warehouses that look like ordinary warehouses appear in secret.

"The matter is very complicated, and the development of this land is likely to be put on hold." Shengshi Anning shrugged.

After the SH38 warehouse ended its historical mission, it was supposed to invite bids for economic construction, but there was a small-scale explosion in this place. Although it was not big, the rumors were rampant. There were various versions, but none The exceptions are all about leaks. The real estate developer thought that the house built in this place might not be sold, so no one came to the bidding meeting.

In places where the location is not bad, there is actually unsold land.

Su Mo shook his head, but he couldn't complain. If he was an ordinary person, he probably wouldn't buy such a house. With the same money, why would he buy such a shocking house?

"So I inquired about this place through my relationship, and we can rent it directly at a low price, a total of 27 acres, 25 a month..."

"25 a month is still a low price?" Su Mo was surprised.

"It's 27 acres. The warehouse has been renovated later. It's very strong. It can be packed up and moved in without decoration. There is also a training base the size of a basketball court. Anyway, I think it's pretty good." Said Shengshi Anning.

"The problem is, we don't have enough money for more than 400 devices." Su Mo scratched his head.

Compared with the seemingly distressing warehouse rent, the cost of the equipment was actually more exaggerated. At that time, I felt that I had taken advantage of it, so I ordered all the equipment.

"Then you still want so much more." Sheng Shi Anning was speechless.

"At that time, I was thinking of selling half of the equipment, so that I might be able to make some money. Now that Shenmao says the equipment is very good, I am reluctant to sell it."

It has only been used for a year, and the equipment in the high-end club is not used as frequently as in the Internet cafe. In fact, it is not much different from the new one.

"Then don't sell it. I'll ask other people to see if they can raise some money." Sheng Shi An Ning paused, and added, "I still have a deposit of about [-] yuan. Take it out too."

"I have [-], I will inform everyone." Shenmao ran away happily.

"Hey, brothers, don't be too reluctant." Su Mo didn't want to do this at first, he still has a lot of things to sell, and if he can make it together, it might not be enough, at worst, he can ask Manager Li to borrow some more.

However, he also knew that this was not good.

If a group wants to continuously increase its cohesion, it must involve more people, or even all of them, so that everyone can be the master together.

I just feel sorry for the brothers who had just gotten better in those days and had to cut down on food and clothing again.

Not long after, a lot of people flooded into the office of the bar, all members of the Scarlet Battle Banner who rushed back after listening to the words of the magic cat.

"Really, do we have a station and equipment?" Tian Dazhuang squeezed in and grabbed Su Mo's arm, a little unbelievable that his brother played so well.

He and Su Mo were the first to know each other here, but they were still taken aback by Su Mo's boldness.

"I heard it's SB250?" Yunfei's focus is obviously different. He still knows a little about gaming equipment, especially in the past two days. After getting offline, he began to look for Internet cafes that sell a large number of second-hand equipment.

Occasionally, I see a good device like this, but it is absolutely impossible for hundreds of units to be sold together, and the price is not affordable for these grass-roots teams who are new to games and are still accumulating capital.

"Yes, the resident has been found. In Shanghai, have you heard of warehouse SH38? We will rent that place for 25 a month. Everyone can move here, and sister-in-law, nephew and niece can also take it with them. Then There are dormitory buildings nearby, if there are elderly people, try to choose a comfortable means of transportation, and the guild will reimburse everyone.”

Su Mo couldn't answer everyone's questions one by one, so he simply announced the news on the guild channel.

(End of this chapter)

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