Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 407 Is He Your Boyfriend?

Chapter 407 Is He Your Boyfriend?

"However, we don't have enough money now, so we need everyone to take out the spare money on hand. Let me emphasize, the gap is not that big. This time, all we need is the spare money on hand. The guild is not that difficult. Put this Just treat it as a welfare, and I will give you dividends according to the money you give in the future, don’t go too far, and leave some opportunities for others.”

An act of raising money was interpreted by Su Mo as giving benefits.

Su Kengkeng was so scheming, but he didn't want to deceive people. He was really worried that the brothers in the guild would take out money for medical treatment and food.

However, if you think about it from another angle, if you develop well in the future, there will not be many opportunities to raise money like this.

The brothers who have given out money now will be elders in the future, and no matter what benefits they have, they will never forget this group of people.

"How much difference?" Rorschach asked.

"300 million is enough." Su Mo said. In fact, there is still a gap of more than 350 million, but I have saved a lot of materials in the past few days, and I have harvested other equipment. All have been sent to Gaara, even if they are not sold. You can also pay in advance, at least it is worth 60 to [-].

"That's it, then I'll take [-]. I still have a little here. That brother is in short supply right now, just come and ask me to borrow it." Luo Xia said.

The few of them planned to move recently but have not moved, and saved a lot of money.

It is estimated that 30 to [-] will be fine. If we simply moved, we would have moved a long time ago. The main reason is that these people have a lot of money around them, so they are considering buying a larger apartment and looking at the house has delayed time.

"Lend me ten thousand, I have twenty thousand now." Shenmao said.

"I'll call the president together later. Please make a note when you transfer the money. Who else needs it?" Luo Xia belongs to that kind of particularly good person. If you don't do things that violate his principles, just don't have three views with him. On Clash, he's definitely a best friend.

Logically speaking, if he took out 20 at once, he could not only help the guild, but also improve his status in the guild.

But he chose not to do so, so that those brothers who could not afford money could also get a penny.

What he gave these brothers was dignity.

Of course, speaking with a darker belly, if Scarlet Zhanqi went bankrupt tomorrow, his loss would be reduced from 20 to [-].

Seeing Luo Xia doing this, it is naturally impossible for Tian Dazhuang, Lao Mao, and Yun Fei to contribute 20 yuan each, and they also took out their own money.

In other guilds, everyone was either avoiding each other or fighting for crowdfunding. Scarlet Battle Banner completed the collection of more than 300 million funds in just over ten minutes.

Everyone contributes money, no one takes nothing.

The one who paid the least had just joined the game not long ago, had just reached level 4000, and saved more than 4000 yuan. He took out 58 and 20 yuan, and he only kept [-] yuan for dinner.

After getting the money, Su Mo immediately gathered all of them.

6305 yuan.

The extra [-] is due to Master Su's generosity, and it is counted as the Internet fee for today's Internet access.

At noon, the young lady brought over fried rice with eggs, and added two eggs. The green onion was covered with shiny rice grains, exuding a tempting aroma.

Rich people have various hobbies, and it is not unacceptable to like fried rice with eggs.

Su Mo went to Ge Erdan's office while carrying egg fried rice.

Ge Erdan was entertaining guests, a group of people in the office were chatting and laughing, and then a person sitting facing the door was stunned, and he saw a person carrying fried rice with eggs and just walked in.

"Brother Mo, why are you here?" Ge Erdan stood up in surprise.

Su Mo's hair is half-length, and he didn't take care of it when he came out of the game cabin. He looked very decadent. No matter how long he was, he couldn't compare with the social elites on the scene.

"Oh, I'm busy, the door is open." Su Mo said while eating.

"This is Brother Mo. Mr. Ge's batch of equipment has been agreed to be given to me a long time ago. You are taking love with a knife." A young man stood up among the few.

She is very beautiful, the word beautiful usually does not describe a man, but now it is just right to describe this person.

Even he himself would probably be complacent, because in terms of clothing, he is misleading others to think of this word, not to mention the clothes that are neither male nor female, with powder and lipstick on his face, and cold earrings shining The silver-white metallic luster adds a touch of charm.

"Who are you?" Su Mo looked around, but found no seat for him to sit down.

So he took the fried rice and walked over to Ge Erdan's boss chair: "Erdan, let me sit down, there are no seats left, your seat is really comfortable, I will definitely buy one when I have money in the future."

Although it is comfortable, it is also exaggerated. Dad Su, who has always managed his family with poetry and books, and who considers himself a scholarly family, would never buy this thing.

"My name is Chen Yu. You can call me Xiaoyu. I have 27 Internet cafes and five bars under my name. Why don't we make friends? How about you give me Mr. Ge's more than 400 devices?"

"Sorry." Su Mo stuffed a large egg into his mouth, and sighed contentedly.

The others hadn't eaten at this point. Although they ate all kinds of delicious food, the aroma of egg fried rice still made them salivate.

"Brother Mo, you can give it up to my younger brother first," Chen Yu said with a light smile, "I heard Mr. Ge say that you are a little tight, and you only paid 200 yuan as a deposit. Haha, I know you may have more than that amount. It’s your humor, but I think 600 million is not a small amount after all, it’s hard to raise money in a week.”

"That's right, it doesn't take so many computers to open a game studio, and there's no need to use such good ones." Someone beside him chimed in.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Su Mo looked at Chen Yu, then at the person speaking for Chen Yu, and finally asked Chen Yu this question.

Chen Yu, who was originally fair and powdered, immediately blushed.

Even if he is gay, it is impossible for him to admit publicly on such an occasion that Su Mo is a complete insult to his personality.

Anger is not enough to describe his mood, and there is another person too. He is a big guy, not as fat as Ge Erdan, but muscular. He is probably a frequent visitor to the club's gym.

"Made, be careful what you say." Chen Yu gritted his teeth.

And that big man had already stood up and walked towards Su Mo, apparently not intending to talk nonsense.

"Calm down your anger, everyone, don't be impulsive, sit down and talk about it." Ge Erdan was sweating profusely, but unfortunately his words had no effect.

The big man stood still in front of Su Mo, pointed at Su Mo: "Get up."

"Wait a minute." Su Mo raised one hand, and quickly scratched the lunch box with the other hand, quickly gathered the egg fried rice inside, and then sent it to his mouth.

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.

(End of this chapter)

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