Chapter 408
"My name is Zhu Zhiyong, what's your name, let's go to the boxing ring." The strong man thought to himself, today you must beat your sand sculpture out of shit. The target I finally set my sights on is about to succeed, you are so messed up , the previous efforts were in vain.

"Su Mo!"

Master Su threw the finished lunch box into the trash can, took a piece of paper from the paper drawer on the desk to wipe his mouth, his muscles squirmed gently under the clothes that no one else could see, as if Excited for the upcoming battle.

In the days without Fu Jiafeng, we can only find others to solve our needs.

I hope this Zhu Zhiyong is a tough target, otherwise his muscles will be blinded for nothing.


Suddenly, someone frightened the table and stood up, and said righteously: "Do you know what you are doing? Who gave you permission to fight? Do you still have the law in your eyes?"

Everyone was stunned, including Su Mo, who was also stunned.

"Zhu Zhiyong, you are suspected of obstructing public safety. Now follow me back to the institute for investigation." The man came over and grabbed Zhu Zhiyong's arm, and pulled him out.

This person is not tall and looks very thin. He is Deng Kuan, a police officer in this area.

Zhu Zhiyong can knock this guy down with one punch.

But no matter how angry he was, he didn't do anything in the end. He resisted a police official face to face. Unless he got tired of the job, all he could do was to be tame on the surface. As for whether he would find someone to punish this righteous guy later.

Ge Erdan opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. After all, some things are not suitable for public speaking.

He runs the current industry, although it is very legal inside and out, but after all, it is a place of right and wrong. If you don't find some people in the system to support it, just a surprise inspection will make people dare not come to the door again.

That's why Deng Kuan and his colleagues can be the guests of honor.

The situation is too weird now, it's fine if Deng Kuan doesn't help, he just needs to pretend he didn't see anything, and Zhu Zhiyong can teach Su Mo a lesson.

Ge Erdan did not go back on the promised deal of [-] devices, he is not a person who backtracks.

He just wanted to see Su Mo, who had made him extremely embarrassed, learn a lesson.

"Wait a minute." Su Mo said.

What was even more unexpected was Su Mo, who was going to take him away, obviously helping him, an outsider, and I don't know why he was having a headache, but he still asked him to wait, did he intend to thank him in person?

Or is it that he doesn't feel comfortable if he doesn't get beaten.

"Comrade, is there anything else you need?" Deng Kuan stopped in his tracks helplessly.

"You know me?" Su Mo walked over slowly, without any domineering or farting, but Deng Kuan involuntarily took a step back, almost hiding behind Zhu Zhiyong.

"do not know."

"Okay, this person is fighting and causing trouble, take him away and investigate." Su Mo always felt that this was not the case, but he couldn't snatch the prisoner from the hands of the police officer and beat him.

"Yes." He saluted habitually, and then led the people out.

Being dragged out of Ge Erdan's office by Deng Kuan, Zhu Zhiyong's face was stinky, but he was not the kind of person with strong limbs and a simple mind. After walking a certain distance, he immediately broke free from Deng Kuan's hand, feeling impatient He asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Zhiyong, what is your attitude? If I hadn't held you back, you would have been in the hospital already." Deng Kuan had an aggrieved expression.

"Me? Go to the hospital?" Zhu Zhiyong pointed to his nose, unable to believe that Deng Kuan would say such a thing.

"I know the one you were going to hit just now, it was a few months ago..."

Deng Kuan followed the newly arrived deputy to attend a training class at the university town. While having lunch at the gate of the university, the deputy suddenly dropped his chopsticks and asked Deng Kuan to wait here before rushing out.

Through the glass wall, Deng Kuan saw the deputy rushed out and stopped in front of a young man, stood at attention, and saluted.

"Could it be the second generation of a big boss, but there's no need to salute like this, it's against the rules."

Deng Kuan was confused, so he stalked him afterwards and asked who the young man was. The deputy was annoyed by the questioning, so he told him the truth.

That was an instructor when the deputy was in the army.

The recruit Danzi who entered the barracks later than the deputy was taken away not long after, and came back one day, but became an instructor.

Although he only played as a guest for two months, his toughness made the deputy director unforgettable for a long time.

I happened to meet him on the street, and the deputy office immediately recognized Su Mo who had taken off his military uniform. Yes, his name was Su Mo, and the deputy office called him Su Mowang.

Best at making people feel miserable, but unable to stop.

Deng Kuan felt that Su Mo looked familiar from the beginning, but when he heard Su Mo's name later, he immediately confirmed Su Mo's identity.

That's why he bit the bullet and took Zhu Zhiyong away.

"The...teacher...instructor in the army..." Zhu Zhiyong stared straight at Deng Kuan with his eyeballs, his muscular thighs began to weaken, and he broke out in cold sweat, feeling as if he had walked through the gate of hell .

"Don't just find someone to fight with in the future, let's go." Deng Kuan pushed Zhu Zhiyong, feeling very contemptuous in his heart.

These people in the gym look very bulky, but they are actually silver-like wax gun heads. They have no fighting power, no courage, and no use except to hook up with a bitch.

"Where are you going?" Zhu Zhiyong was still in shock.

"Go to the office, you think I'm joking, go and make a statement, be nice, and I'll let you go home tomorrow," Deng Kuan said.

"Ah, it's unnecessary." Zhu Zhiyong resisted subconsciously.

"You can't make it too difficult for me. I have already helped you a lot. If he meets our deputy office and asks about it next time, how do you ask me to explain it? Our deputy office respects him very much and will definitely not do it when the time comes." I will let it go." Dunbar patted the handcuffs around his waist.

That means that if you are obedient, we will take the civilized route.

Deng Broadband led Zhu Zhiyong to leave, Ge Erdan's office fell into a strange dead silence, and then Su Mo's eyes fixed on Chen Yu, and asked expectantly: "He is gone, do you want to come with me?" Are you going to the ring?"

"Crazy!" Chen Yu snorted coldly and sat back.

His fists are clenched tightly, nothing can be seen on the surface, but he is very nervous inside - if he hits me, should I cry or not.

Su Mo's expression fell instantly.

"It's boring, bastard, give me your account, and I'll transfer the money to you."


"Money, transfer money to you."

"A deposit, two hundred is fine."

"No, the money for the equipment, all, turn around, tomorrow, you send all the equipment to this address, not far from here, then I will send a few people to move, such a precious thing, break one for me I won't give up."

(End of this chapter)

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