Chapter 409

"Hehehe~" Mr. Ge Erdan didn't know what to say anymore.

He instinctively refused to believe this, but he also knew that Su Mo had no need to lie to him. If it was a lie, it would be exposed in minutes. Not only would it not make him look good, but he would also lose face.

He walked to the desk, took out a card from the wallet above, and handed it to Su Mo.

If it is pretending, I will let you show your original shape now.

Su Mo didn't think about it so much. He always thought that human nature is good and everyone is a pure and quiet baby, so he took the card and started transferring money.

Of course, the number of several million will require some tossing. Fortunately, I have already done a good job after calling Manager Li a few times, and the account permissions are no problem.

Then a text message came from Erdan's mobile phone, showing that he had received 6 350 000 real coins. He checked it several times but did not find anything tricky about this number.

From only paying a deposit of 200 yuan, and ordering fried rice with eggs, the young lady had to pay in advance, to throwing out 630 million, less than four hours passed.

Are there gold mountains everywhere in the game?

Is this person going to steal money?

Must have borrowed it!
"Is there any problem?" Su Mo saw him staring at the text message over and over again, a little impatient.

"Brother Mo, it's 630 yuan, and you gave me 5000 more." Ge Erdan murmured.

"Oh, I may still be surfing the Internet at your place these two days, and I need your help to find a few big cars. I'll send someone over to move things around at a certain time, so five thousand will be used as the fare." Su Mo was very excited. Said generously.

But Ge Erdan made the final calculation in his heart, it seems that his mother's selling batches is not enough.

In fact, particularly large vehicles are prohibited in urban areas, and delivery vehicles can transport up to eight units at a time. It is obviously not possible for one vehicle to transport 423 units of equipment.

If there are ten cars, it takes five trips.

However, Su Mo was so generous, Ge Erdan couldn't say anything.

In the end, he could only watch Su Mo walk out of the office.

"Didn't it mean that their family went bankrupt?" After Su Mo left, Chen Yu relaxed, filled with resentment, thinking that it was Ge Erdan's wrong information that made him lose face.

In fact, he also lost face, and Mr. Zhu Zhiyong was about to get involved.

"It's bankrupt. You gave me a deposit of 200 yuan in the morning. Have you ever seen someone who gave me a deposit of 200 yuan?" Ge Erdan was also very innocent.

He didn't lose anything in the whole thing, but he didn't see Su Mo's deflation, and he felt a little uncomfortable, and his regular customer Zhu Zhiyong was also taken away, so he didn't know what happened next.

If it's just Zhu Zhiyong's business, let him live or die.

If this was a sign that a police officer was going to find trouble with his club, then trouble would follow.

Fortunately, the call came in time, Zhu Zhiyong called from the police car and explained everything, and then Ge Erdan found out in despair that Laomo Su's fighting power was even more terrifying.

Chen Yu also stopped thinking about seeking revenge in the future.

Although everyone is domineering and bullying men and women on weekdays, they all have some respect for the fighting heroes.

Even if you want revenge, you can't beat it.

Su Mo returned to the game, found Shengshi Anning and told her the good news: "I have already transferred the money, and I will find some brothers to move things over tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll arrange it. Don't worry about manpower. The last thing we need is manpower. Have you written the receipt?" Sheng Shi Anning asked.

"Uh, the receipt?" Su Mo slapped his head and really forgot about it, but he shook his head indifferently and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you have it or not. These days, I'm the only one who can renege on the bill, and no one dares to rely on me. account."

"You..." For such a boss, Sheng Shi An Ning could only be speechless.

"I made an appointment to move the equipment tomorrow. Can the warehouse handle it?" Su Mo asked. It's not about buying land. It would be much easier if it was just leased, not to mention that Shengshi Anning has already contacted the relevant person in charge to negotiate the price.

"It's settled. It's mainly due to the nature of our members. Someone will speak for us." Sheng Shi Anning said proudly.

"Then start recruiting people, don't let the machine go to waste, by the way, remember to pull the network cable," Su Mo said.

"I have been able to contact and confirm the disabled soldiers recently, and there are only more than 60 of them. I am afraid that the rest will be recruited in the game." Shengshi Anning said.

"Yes, but remember to let them know what the Scarlet Battle Banner is for. It is not anyone's ambition, not mine, not yours, nor anyone else's. His purpose will always be one." Su Mo finally emphasized.

He knew how ambitious the girl in front of him was, and he didn't think it was bad, but there were some things that had to be made clear.

"I understand that it has only one purpose forever."

So both parties were very satisfied with each other's answers, and the matter of income was also put on the agenda.

All the people in Scarlet Battle Banner were summoned back and told them about the precautions for recruiting people. After a short training, more than 100 people started to go to cities around the world, renting a booth in the most crowded place in the city to start recruiting people. While recruiting people, browse the regional channels.

The world channel also needs to be swiped, but that is too expensive.

One post in 10 minutes is worth a lot of money in a day, and national channels are similar, so the free city channels are the most suitable publicity channels.

Shengshi Anning also specially wrote a post and posted it on the forum.

The Scarlet Battle Banner, which was so low-key that it almost didn't exist, suddenly became high-profile and almost wanted all the players in the new world to notice them.

"Hello, is your guild recruiting people? I've always wanted to find a guild..."

"look here!"

"How is the treatment of your guild?"

"I'll show you here."

"Uh, only looking for veterans? This guild is not bad, it has a future, wait a minute, the disabled are the priority... Are you out of your mind?"


" promised to love the people, it's true." Passerby A, who was ashamed, left resentfully.

The second came.



"I want to join."

"Fill out the form."

"it is good."

After a while, the person with the Scarlet Battle Banner put away the form, glanced at it roughly, and showed a firm smile: "There is no problem with the materials, we will verify them, and if there are no problems, we will notify you to join."

In fact, I already believe most of them. Everyone has similar temperaments, and even the language style is very similar.

It's just that there must be some audits that should be done. Shengshi Anning left the relationship and obtained the consent of the relevant departments to inquire about this part of the files that are no longer classified as confidential.

"I'll help." No nonsense, just start working.

So the recruiting point for a single person has become two people.

"I used to be a soldier, do you want to be in the cooking class?"

"Have you ever been hurt?"

"I did, but it wasn't during the battle. The house was blown down and my lungs were crushed." I was a little embarrassed, but I finally saw a guild looking for people under the banner of veterans. He missed the atmosphere of the military camp very much, so he couldn't bear it. Live and come over.

"It is possible in theory, but you have to fill out a form and wait for us to verify."


Then I went to fill out the form excitedly, reluctantly after filling it out, and finally stayed to help.

Originally, there was only one booth, but now it can be divided into two, so that those who line up can submit materials faster.

(End of this chapter)

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