Chapter 410
Su Mo went to Tallinn, a big city, and set up three points, each responsible for one point.

The location he was in charge of was very good. As soon as it was set up, it was surrounded by people. There were three circles inside and three circles outside. Not many people really wanted to join. Everyone was basically curious to see what veterans were like.

"This association only recruits veterans, disabled priority is given priority, and others are not accepted. If you are free, please disperse. Please don't affect my recruitment." Even if you are as good as Su Laomo, you have to be polite at this time .

In reality, he can hit someone if he annoys him, but there is no such convenience in the game.

Fortunately, there was nothing special about him other than his handsomeness. The people who watched the excitement quickly dispersed, and the rest of the people who wanted to join all lined up obediently. If you want to talk about discipline, the soldiers must be the first in line.

Su Mo dealt with the problem very quickly, and basically decided whether to give the form for others to fill out after asking a few sentences.

And it was the same on his side, and soon there were two quasi-guild members who basically only needed to wait for the materials to be suitable to stay and help.

"I'm level 38, a professional defense fighter. I'm a fan of the military. I yearn for the military camp very much, but my family disagrees. My father has been sick all year round and can't stand it. Can I join your guild?" A young man who looked like a high school student, he asked without knowing it. The few people in front of him were directly passed because they had no military camp experience, and one of them was even level 39.

At present, the highest level is only forty, and level 39 is definitely a high-end player.

"The Battle of Nanwei Island..."

"On July 160th, the Chinese commander Ni Hongfei, our side killed 360 people, wiped out 870 enemy troops, and captured [-] people..."

"That's enough, go over there to help with the work, I'll send you the recruitment rules, just ask me if you're not sure about it."

"Huh? Have I been approved to join the guild?" I thought that I would be rejected like those people before me, but I never thought that I heard a different answer.

"Peripheral members, that's it for the time being. Whether you can become a regular member in the future depends on your performance." Su Mo replied without raising his head.

"Haha, no problem at all, my game ID is Crazy Ouye, you can just call me Crazy Boss."

"Speak less and do more, get out!"

At this time, there were already three recruiting stalls on Su Mo's side. He freed himself and wandered among the three stalls. Anyone who was undecided could come to him.

The form is collected here, and it has been sent to Sheng Shi Anning for her to go online for verification.

Those who can confirm their identity will be notified to gather in the town of Huggins, and those who cannot be confirmed will be further verified. If fraud is found, it depends on the situation.

For example, there was a soldier who wrote very little information. In fact, Shengshi Anning pulled out a list and immediately exposed this combat hero. The secret mission was unknown, but the public commendation could be easily seen.

This kind of concealment is not malicious, and the admission is proper.

"Haha, I met an old friend. I really didn't expect to meet in the game." Tian Dazhuang seemed very happy today. When he was in charge of recruiting, he met his former comrades in arms.

After leaving the barracks, I haven't contacted him again, and I didn't expect to meet him in the game.



"The problem is, although he has been injured, he is not considered disabled. Is this okay?" According to the regulations, everyone's first choice is disabled soldiers, and there are really not enough talents to consider health.

It's not that Su Mo doesn't like this, but that he doesn't want to drag others down.

"Yes, let him come in first. I will speak later, and then I will make the final confirmation." Su Mo added: "If you feel good, you can also accept it. It is the kind that is based on intuition."

"There are too many people," Sheng Shi Anning couldn't suppress his excitement: "Up to now, we have received more than 700 forms, and even if half of them pass, there are still 300 people. Do you want to continue?"

More than 700?
Su Mo was really unprepared for this number, he thought it would be good to have two or three hundred copies.

Although there are more than 100 stalls, everyone's standards are set very high. For example, the so-called military fans like the lunatic Ouye, only Su Mo is qualified to accept him. Forms are not available.

Being able to get the form means that the other party has at least military experience.

"Then close the booth first, post a post on the forum, and if there are still people who want to join, send your materials to our guild's mailbox." Su Mo thought for a while and decided to call it quits.

So a large-scale income campaign spread across hundreds of game cities, because the response was so good, it just ended anticlimactically.

It's not that Su Mo thinks it's bad to have too many people.

Rather, he always remembers the original intention of the establishment of the Scarlet Battle Banner, for those disabled soldiers who are desperate in reality, and those who can enter the game and have already made a name for themselves are not in urgent need of help.

More than 700 materials were verified, and only about 200 people were confirmed to have disability records.

The remaining 500 people are almost all veterans.

Su Mo picked and picked, and used various methods to eliminate, and finally received a scale of 500 people. The Scarlet Battle Banner, which originally only had more than 100 people, suddenly turned into a behemoth with 600 people.

Now many guilds are frantically collecting people, it seems that as long as there are enough people, they can attract investors.

There are thousands of guilds everywhere, and there are tens of thousands of guilds. However, most of these guilds have a problem, that is, there are too many to make up the number.

It is said that a certain treasure has such a shop for brushing orders. After all, a player can join more than one organization.

According to the statistics made by the authoritative person on the forum who visited one hundred thousand-person guilds, 74% of the thousand-person guilds have an online rate of no more than 30%, and only six thousand-person guilds have 500 people online.

The online rate is low, and the number of people is useless.

Before the enrollment expansion, the Scarlet Battle Banner had a scale of more than 110 people. Under normal circumstances, the number of people online was more than a hundred, and occasionally there would be a grand occasion when it was full of people online.

Now it has 600 people, and the online rate is still over 90.00%.

The One Piece Bar temporarily decided to close down, and the guests were invited out for free. There was a sign of suspension of business outside, and hundreds of people gathered behind the door.

Many people think that 600 people is not much, but it is only when they are really stuffed into the tavern that they realize how terrible a number it is.

When Su Mo walked in, there was a commotion inside. Even a person who is usually indifferent will become a chatterbox when he meets a creature like a comrade-in-arms.

He even saw people hugging their heads and crying.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet." Su Mo yelled several times, and the bar gradually became quiet. This shows how excited this kind of party makes everyone, otherwise, this crowd known for their discipline would have been silent for a long time. .

(End of this chapter)

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