411 3 minutes

"Those who came here today are at least former soldiers." Su Mo's opening remarks were very uninspiring. Fortunately, the last thing this group needs is novelty. They just need to understand what Su Mo wants to express.

"Just because you're standing here doesn't mean you're now a member of the Scarlet Battle Banner."

"It's not because you are not good enough, but because the Scarlet Battle Banner is not as good as you think."

"The purpose of the establishment of the Scarlet Battle Banner is to help those who have lost their ability to live due to injuries caused by the war. Some people here are eligible to be helped, and some people are not, including myself."

"This game gives disabled brothers new opportunities, but most of the lone rangers have no future, so we need to bring everyone together."

"In the future, more and more disabled brothers will join this group. We don't want to get rich or seek hegemony. We don't want to let those disabled people who have no ability to survive in reality and don't want to rely on the government and relatives for everything. Brother, so, those who want to make a career in the game can go now."

"I'll give you three minutes."

Time passed by second by second. At the beginning, the 2 people were silent and no one moved. However, at the end of [-] minutes, someone finally lowered his head, walked out of the neat queue, and walked along the gap in the queue. the door of the tavern.

Open the door and go out.

One, two, more and more people left.

Su Mo was not surprised by this. After 3 minutes, he actually said again: "I'll give you another 3 minutes. The Scarlet Battle Banner is a shelter for disabled soldiers, and it won't have much other meaning. It is even more impossible to accept any form of social financing. Those who want to make money and get ahead can leave. No one will despise you. We used to be soldiers, we were loyal, we were honest, we were loyal to our hearts and family members, and we never surrendered From someone else's point of view."

This time, some people who had gradually become resolute began to leave.

Sheng Shi An Ning almost fainted in a hurry. She tore Su Mo's heart. She originally thought that Su Mo's so-called speech must be an exciting moment, which would be remembered by everyone, and would be written into the Scarlet Battle Banner's declaration.

Who would have thought that he would pour cold water on him, pouring pot after pot.

When she heard Su Mo give her three minutes to think about it for the third time, she was actually numb. However, to her surprise, no one left this time.

More than 70 in the first wave, more than 30 in the second wave, and none in the third.

"It's not honorable to stay, and it's not shameful to leave..." Su Mo paused, then looked at a very abrupt guy: "Madman, you are neither a soldier nor disabled, why didn't you leave."

"I...I..." Crazy Ouye never expected that Su Mo would call his name. Isn't he just a peripheral member, standing in the most inconspicuous corner, excited alone.

"Do you know what it means to stay?" Su Mo asked.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he continued on his own: "You must obey any orders from the guild, even if you are doing a main mission, you must help and guide the disabled veterans who newly joined the game to play the game, they may Never played the game before, will waste a lot of your time, will make you angry, you have never met such a stupid new person, your level will be pulled down, the opportunity to make money will be missed, you may even need to enter the game Do you think it makes sense to stay in such a guild if you only need to charge money to play the game?"

"Yes!" Crazy Ouye finally calmed down from the excitement: "I am very happy to know these people."

"Don't you need to make money?" Su Mo described his future to the young man maliciously: "You have a sick father who needs to be taken care of, and you have other family members..."

"Sorry, I never thought about making money in the game. Our family has a small company and has three properties in Shencheng. One of them will be demolished soon. If I really can't get along, I'll go home and inherit the company." Madman Ouye interrupted Su Mo.

Su Mo almost choked to death on his saliva. He lives in Shencheng, so he understands the concept of having three properties in Shencheng, and even more understands what demolition means.

The fact that the father is sick and overwhelmed does not mean that the family is poor.

Whether you are a military fan or not has nothing to do with your family background.

Not letting his son join the army further shows that the family is likely to have a better way out.

Therefore, Su Mo preconceived that the lunatic Oye needs to make money in the game to support his family and use it as a sharp weapon to test the opponent, which turned out to be a very embarrassing thing.

What should I do if I really want to drive this person out?
As a result, Crazy Ouye joined the Scarlet Battle Banner as a fan of the army and had nothing to do with the disability, and the Scarlet Battle Banner's first defense battle also opened the curtain of his peak in the game.

Looking at the remaining 500 people, there was no need for Su Mo to continue pouring cold water on them.

"We are a group. This group has no ambitions, and we have never thought of calling a venture capitalist who is stupid and rich. We rely on ourselves. If we want money and industry status, we must rely on ourselves."

"This is not a one-off deal. We will still be there next year, and we will still be there the year after. Maybe ten or 100 years later, we will still be here."

"But our purpose remains the same. We want to make the lives of these people better. The first is the disabled veterans. If we have the ability in the future, we can help more people who need help in other fields."

"If you want to aspire to wealth, you work hard with everyone."

"If you want status in the world, you have to work hard with everyone."

"We are a group and we cannot be left behind."

There was no cheering or questioning. Rows of gamers stood straight and silent in this remote tavern.

"Now for the last time, I'll give you three minutes. Do you want to leave?"

Sheng Shian stood in the queue helplessly, and she wanted to leave.

"Okay, no one left, find a seat and sit down now." Su Mo said with satisfaction.

After a busy and quiet mess, everyone sat down, those who could find a seat sat there, and those who couldn't find a seat sat cross-legged on the aisle between the wine tables.

Although crowded, it is very tidy.

"Now, our beautiful Comrade An Ning will speak. She will be in charge of the management of the guild."

Su Mo left the small round stage where Qiuqiu often performed dances, and Sheng Shi Anning stood up instead. He refused the move of several people to make room for him, and sat cross-legged on the ground like many people.

(End of this chapter)

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