Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 412 Our Second Barracks

Chapter 412 Our Second Barracks

"First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone on becoming a member of the Scarlet Battle Banner. This is our second barracks. I hope everyone will like it."

"Then I went on to announce the second news. Scarlet Battle Banner rented a large warehouse covering an area of ​​27 acres today, No. SH38, where there are 420 three game devices, SB250, what the hell is this model, don't worry about it It, the purpose of telling everyone this information is that if you are interested in living in the base, you can start preparing to go to Shencheng. The travel expenses can be reimbursed by the guild, and family members are allowed, but currently they can only live in the warehouse, and the conditions may be difficult. "

"If you need to sign up, you can sign up with me after the meeting."

"I also want to tell you about the distribution system of the guild. When anyone enters the game, they can get help from the guild, no matter what it is. As your strength improves, when you don't need regular help, you The game work is divided into three parts."

"The first part is individual actions, and all benefits belong to you, or the small group you formed spontaneously."

"The second part is the activity of bringing newcomers. Everyone must fulfill this obligation. In principle, the guild will arrange shifts. Unless there are special circumstances, this task cannot be refused."

"The third part is group activities, which are based on the needs of the president and several captains. In principle, all proceeds from this part of the activities belong to the guild, but because the guild is not a profit-making organization, after removing the normal expenses Finally, it will be distributed to everyone at the end of the year, or used to improve collective life."

"Currently most of the guild's expenses come from Comrade President, and the rest are also contributed by the brothers."

"I also want to say that everyone is from the military camp, and some may belong to key departments. According to the confidentiality agreement that everyone understands, please don't discuss things that should not be said."

"Our purpose is to assist disabled veterans, but due to limited conditions, there are still many disabled veterans who are struggling, and we have no way to contact them. Therefore, the first task for everyone now is to help us contact They, even if we will not be able to solve their difficulties for a while, we also need to know who are waiting for our help."

"We are not Our Lady, we are just a bunch of idealists."


Sheng Shi An Ning had a lot to say, and there was nothing he could do about it. If Su Mo didn't say enough, she could only make up for it.

In fact, Shengshi Anning really started to get busy after the conference ended.

There are quite a few people who applied to go to Shencheng. Many of them were out of tune with the real society after their military careers and were still full of longing for the military camp. The base described by Shengshi Anning seemed to them a new military camp.

Some people are not good at walking in reality, and some people are blind to things...

How these people can reach Shencheng safely and securely is actually a very complicated and difficult matter, not to mention there are some people who drag their families along.

Fortunately, not all of them will come here, and the final statistics show that only more than 200 people will come here.

Many of them are from around Shencheng, so it is more convenient to come here.

And there are not many families with families, only a dozen or so households. For more disabled veterans, their existence is a drag on their families. Without their drag, their families will live more easily .

Crazy Oye was so excited, he chatted with others everywhere.

Since he is a veteran military fan, he doesn't have to worry about finding topics to talk about. Just listening to veterans tell about their military and combat experiences has already made the crazy Ouye feel boundless happiness.

"Brother, are you also an anti-defense soldier? Where did you become a soldier?" Suddenly seeing a man with similar equipment style as himself, the lunatic Ouye hurried over.

"I, I'm not a veteran." The man smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Then you..." It turns out that besides myself, there are actually veterans who are not veterans. This makes crazy Ouye feel like he has found his kind.

"My name is Luofengfengfeihua, and I'm the anti-war in the guild. I used to play with Iron Horse Binghe, and I was often asked for help later. When the Scarlet Battle Banner was established, I joined the guild by the way. I was the seventh to join the guild. people." Luo Fengfeihua said.

Back when Shengshi Anning established the mercenary group, there were not many people in the mercenary group at that time, and there was not even one in Fangzhan.

So he asked Luo Fengfeng Feihua if he wanted to join. The defense fighter who had been walking alone thought for a while, and felt that veterans were easy to get along with, so he nodded and agreed.

Today's atmosphere made him a bit out of place, but luckily he wasn't the only oddball in the guild.

"The seventh one joins the guild, wow, you are the elder." Crazy Ouye exclaimed, "And I thought there were no ordinary people in the guild."

"It's not impossible, the president's sister is in the guild, she is a little cook, she is very cute, she didn't come today, you will see her later, but I advise you not to get her idea, otherwise the president will fight for you , not joking."

"Understood, understood. By the way, just now the vice president said how many captains there are in the guild, who are they?"

"Apart from the president and vice-president, our guild doesn't have any complicated positions. They are basically captains. They are Disarmed and Returned to the Field (Tian Dazhuang), who is responsible for the main activities, Blood Soul (Old Cat), who is mainly responsible for assassination activities, and Yun Fan. (Yunfei), he is in charge of intelligence, and there is an iron bone (Rorschach) who is in charge of guild discipline and so on. class."

"Aren't you the captain, you are such a veteran."

"Uh, I can be counted. I'm in charge of fighting the boss. If anyone in the club needs to fight a boss, just ask me."

"Then what kind of mission will I have?"

"You are from Shencheng, right?"

"Yeah yeah."

"That's just right, you are looking for the president, and they are looking for people from Shencheng to complete a task." Luo Fengfengfeihua kindly reminded the madman Ouye when he saw how active he was.

Therefore, Crazy Oye became one of the candidates to move the equipment.

It's a pity if you don't move equipment and do some physical work at a young age, with sound hands and feet. Su Mo didn't care much about crazy Ouye's little fortune.

It is as if who is not the rich second generation, although it was only once.

Those around Shencheng who are relatively healthy and able to do some physical work must arrive here before tomorrow, and everyone will move equipment tomorrow.

Sheng Shi An Ning was as busy as a spinning top, and she had to find someone to clean the warehouse and buy daily necessities.

(End of this chapter)

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