Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 413 Find a place for leveling

Chapter 413 Find a place for leveling

There is only one six-story dilapidated building in the base, which was the place where the warehouse managers worked and lived during the war years. The so-called explosion actually started here.

The explosion did not destroy the small building, it just made the small building more dilapidated.

After being inspected and confirmed by the former engineering soldiers, the small building did not suffer much damage. After all, there were military fire trucks stationed here at the time, and what exploded was not a weapon, but a gas tank.

The explosion of the gas tank spread to an open-air concentration box not far from the small building. An old-fashioned shell in the concentration box was heated and exploded in mid-air.

At that time, there were no weapons and weapons in the entire warehouse, and there were no biochemicals as rumored.

This small building only needs to be refurbished before it can be re-occupied. There are four households in one elevator, and three rooms in one household. After tidying up, it will be given priority to the patients and brothers with their families.

The others are currently resting in the four warehouses.

The new camp will be planned and constructed as soon as possible. The former soldiers are all good at building camps. They will build their own barracks by themselves outside of game time.

With so many new people added, it's impossible for Su Mo to just walk away, so we have to discuss what to ask everyone to do.

According to Yunfei's statistics, the average level of the new Scarlet Battle Banner is 31, which may be a bit worse than most guilds, after all, they don't look at levels when recruiting.

It is not easy for disabled veterans to get in touch with games, and it is a long process to adapt, so they are generally not as good as ordinary people. good.

Only people with good levels and strengths don't need the help of the Scarlet Battle Banner.

"Or practice leveling." Tian Dazhuang suggested.

"No problem, it's just that it's hard to find a place to practice." Zuiwo is in charge of leading everyone to practice and handle some mercenary missions. He has the most say in this regard.

"Yeah, it's hard to find a place where 500 people can level up." Tian Dazhuang couldn't think of any suitable place.

Good areas are all booked out, and scattered people will unite to fill up some leveling gold points. If anyone competes with them, they will desperately resist.

The scale of 500 people, no matter where they vote, they will conflict with others.

"Then go grab it." Seeing that everyone looked at him disapprovingly, Yun Fei shrugged his shoulders, "Think I didn't agree, but grabbing territory can also exercise our combat effectiveness."

"When we do things, what we pay attention to is that the teacher is famous. If you don't have a place to practice, you will grab it. Then you have no money, so why don't you also grab it?"

The difference in the three views of the two brothers is too great, and they can quarrel over major and minor matters.

Yunfei is not a bad person, he should have a stronger bottom line than anyone else - at least better than Master Su, the main reason is that his mouth is too unscrupulous and cynical, so he often says some nonsense.

Rorschach is not the Holy Mother, but he has obsessive-compulsive disorder, as long as it is Yunfei's point of view, he must refute it.

The two talked to each other and dissed each other, but they couldn't come up with a solution that could really solve the problem.

Su Mo was drowsy after hearing this, and interrupted them after a while: "Have you guys had enough arguing, or go to the door to PK, we can discuss the leveling matters."

"Hehe, let's go, heal!" Yunfei took out his magic wand, and summoned two skeleton warriors.

"I'm afraid of you, evil bone scum, I think you've played with necromancers and ruined your own brain, let me purify you." Not to be outdone, Rorschach took the lead and walked out.

There is a table outside the One Piece Tavern, and those who want to fight can make gestures on the table.

Most of the cities have such an arrangement, if there is a disagreement, they will fight, but the safe zone cannot PK, so there is a legal arena within the scope of these rules.

Of course, you can also go to the gate of the town.

Every day, many people who came back from leveling planted flags at the gate of the town, gradually converging into a unique landscape in the new world, and the town guards turned a blind eye to it.But once the skill Yu Bo touches the guards, they will raise their fists to uphold justice, because killing guards in broad daylight in the new world is more troublesome, so players usually run away, and come back half an hour later, the guards will not treat you as something happened.

Rumor has it that in the near future, players will be able to issue challenges to guards at town gates.

Pay a certain deposit first, take away the deposit if you defeat the guards, and get a certain amount of experience and coins. If you fail, you don't want to get back the deposit.

The strength of the guards in the new world is relatively average, unlike some ancient games that cut players off with a single blow.

Having said that, it is really troublesome to find a place to level up.

A single player can go anywhere, as long as it is not reserved by the big guild, no matter what, he can find a place to stay, even if it is a small team player.

Once the number of people increases and you don't want to split into teams, there are fewer areas to choose from, and you have to have some conflicts with others almost everywhere you go.

Eventually, everyone decided to ask someone in the guild for advice.

The guild channel was very lively at this time. Everyone always thought that all the soldiers were reticent, but this was not the case. Any reticence was a wrong confrontation between the donkey's head and the horse's mouth.

Anyone can blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

As for the guild channel at this time, I am afraid that these people can no longer find a more suitable place to chat. If you talk to each other, the speed of swiping the screen can almost catch up with the barrage of watching live football.

No one is using voice chat at this point, it would be five hundred ducks calling.

After Su Mo said a few words, he was instantly submerged in the text message, and few people saw it. Even if they saw it, they might not be able to realize that this is our president.

So, Old Devil Su made a big move—you don’t know anything about the power of authority dogs—he silenced everyone.

Iron Horse Binghe: Brothers, who has a suitable place for our 500 people to level up? If you know, you can chat with me privately. We plan to hold a group event to commemorate our great day.

I don't know whether it is great or not, but no one is against collective activities.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a few minutes, only two or three people chatted with Su Mo in private, and Su Mo asked other people about these places, and finally found that they were not suitable, either the monster level was too low, it was inefficient to brush, or it was too much. High, many brothers may not be able to come out after entering.

Su Mo thought for a while, and decided to go to sleep before talking.

After running to the guest room and lying on the bed, Su Mo switched the perspective, and Uncle Laifu stretched himself in the guest room and went online.

I left the low-level chat group last time, so this time I still appear in the low-level chat group.

The distribution areas of these low-level monsters are basically set foot by the players, so it is difficult for them to know any suitable leveling points that the players have not set foot in. Su Mo decided to go to the advanced chat group to ask.

Just when it was about to leave without a sound, he froze.

(End of this chapter)

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