Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 414 Ball Lost Loyalty

Chapter 414 Ball Lost Loyalty

Panda Qiuqiu: You think too much, human society is not that good, there are so many people who can’t get enough to eat, I once played in Tallinn with the owner of the sand sculpture, and saw a lot of beggars and homeless people, sometimes in the city to dead bodies.

Edward the One-armed Mantis: But I have seen a noble caravan, it is really very luxurious.

Panda Qiuqiu: You also said that those are nobles. There are only a few nobles. They eat two hundred gold coins for a meal, but the poor cannot afford ten copper coins to see a doctor.

Mountain dog leader Cardo: Why is this happening?
Panda Qiuqiu: I don’t know, anyway, I think human beings are not as good as our animals.We kill a bamboo rat not for enjoyment, but for survival, while humans sometimes kill animals in order to peel off the animal's skin to make false eyebrows.

Black Bear Leader Dobson: False eyebrows made of animal skin?What the hell is that?

Panda Qiuqiu: It’s normal. Huggins has it. Master Huggins lost all his eyebrows, so he made fake eyebrows out of mouse skin. The old man is very disgusting and lives a luxurious life. The townspeople collect taxes, and if they don't pay, they will be burned or hanged. He is bald, and he likes to shave other people's hair when he doesn't like it.

Caduo, the leader of the mountain dog: Qiuqiu, you know a lot. I also want to find a master.

Panda Qiuqiu: Maoyan, I’ve been locked up in a dark room for so long, and I don’t know why my sand sculpture master went there.

Mountain dog leader Kaduo: Were you often locked up in a small dark room?

Panda Qiuqiu: I also turn it off, but not often. I couldn’t turn off my loyalty before, but now it’s so high. If I lose it for another two days, I might defect.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: In fact, freedom is also quite good, you can also walk around.

Panda Qiuqiu: Well, to put it bluntly, it still costs money. Is money so easy to earn? Maybe I can’t make money at all, and I can’t eat such delicious bamboo rats. I’m not reluctant to bear mine Master, I mainly miss my master's sister, the food she cooks is so delicious.

Coyote leader Cardo: So what are you going to do?
Panda Qiuqiu: What else can I do, just wait, I don’t believe that the master of my sand sculpture has been shutting me in the little black room. Are there only a few days in a month that are particularly cloudy and cloudy?
Lai Fu's heart is broken.

In other words, Su Mo's heart was broken. He thought that Guan Xiaohei's panda would not be able to haunt the chat group, but he didn't expect that no matter where he was, the panda Qiuqiu could chat and spank the black master freely.

What broke him even more was that even closing the small black house lost his loyalty.

Could it be that because he has become smarter, he has resentment when he is locked in a small black room?

Laifu didn't bubble up, and now it must reduce the probability of showing up in front of Qiuqiu as much as possible, otherwise, once it appears, Su Mo will release Qiuqiu later, Qiuqiu is so smart enough, it is likely to associate something.

Even if you can't think of anything for a while, once the number of times increases, it's hard not to think about it.

And it actually had a very happy conversation with the black bear leader Dabson. The black bear spirit obviously ran back from the high-level chat group to chat with panda Qiuqiu. Could it be that they just shook hands and made peace with the previous feud?

I always feel that the situation is not good, isn't I the protagonist?

Quietly left the low-level chat group, Laifu entered the high-level chat group, and found that someone in the high-level group was also chatting about Panda Qiuqiu.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: It's not very smart, anyway, it's not as good as the boss of Laifu.

Tiger King Angus: Haha, that little thing is quite interesting.

Nicole the golden python: Aww, I really want to see Qiuqiu. I have never seen an iron eater before. There is not a single iron eater in the Gar Forest, and only the Twilight Forest in the entire continent has iron eaters.

Salted Fish King Victor: Hehe, you want to eat iron beasts, right?

One-legged king Allen: Nicole, if you eat the iron-eating beast, won't its family and Qinglong bother you?

Nicole the golden python: It has been captured as a pet, so many parents care about it, besides, I won’t do anything to it, I just pick up corpses, Qinglong can’t do anything to me Sample.

Such a heavy sense of powerlessness.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Hi, everyone.

Pale Wolf King Pease: Here we come, long time no see.

Silver Horned Deer Uzi: (°ー°〃)
Nicole the golden python: Wow, Brother Laifu, you are here, I...I want to eat iron beasts.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Oh, everyone is discussing that Qiuqiu in the low-level chat group, don't just think about eating others, it still looks cute.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: Boss, you don’t even know that Qiuqiu is doing well in the low-level chat group now, and everyone is taken aback by it, including the traitor Angus, even Foles ran to chat with it.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Uh, Angus was stunned for a while, I believe, Foles asked him to chat, are you sure?

Tiger King Angus: Lion spirit, you are too much. When did I get bluffed for a moment? Do you think I can’t see that its IQ is limited? It just sees more humans, so it’s just a little knowledgeable. Come on Boss Fu is incomparable.

Lawn, the mangy yellow lion: Foles, why don't you explain?

Lightning King Foles: ...Ha...ha...Come...Fu...You...Come...Ah...I...

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Old Shan, you can just say the main points directly, no need to say hello.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It's alright, it's okay, it's not our enemy, it's not our enemy, I have a task in the player world, the reward is 32 gold coins, who knows where it is suitable for a group of [-] players Leveling, the kind with an average level of [-], the requirement must be a place where no one has set foot.

Iron-winged Goshawk Snow: On Mopa Island, the beach is full of level 35 Pipi shrimp.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: That one needs a boat. People don’t have a boat, and swimming is troublesome and too dangerous. This one doesn’t work.

Sandwalker Jason: There is a place in the Akaze Desert, the coordinates are ****, where the long-clawed gerbils are spawned, and the level is also 35. 500 people are more than enough for leveling, and they have not been discovered by players so far.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Sounds good, then I will inform the other party, and once the other party confirms that it is feasible, I will ask for the money and send it to you.

Salted Fish King Victor: Actually, I have room too, forget it, give it to Jason.

One-legged King Allen: Five hundred players, I'll go, why not let's hehehe...

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: I sign up, I sign up.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Don't make trouble, these are our customers, we don't need to protect them, how can we slaughter them, no one is allowed to disturb them, there are so many players in Pavo Swamp, isn't it enough for you to kill them? ?

 Thanks to Crazy Ouye, Tuantuan Huyouski, and Kongji wake up the past for their rewards, thank you everyone, and thank you for your recommendation tickets and comments

  (I have deleted the word jiji in the input method, but why does it still appear in the first place)

(End of this chapter)

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