Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 415 Monster Bodyguard

Chapter 415 Monster Bodyguard (add 14 for the leader burning_moon)

In this way, Laifu spent [-] gold coins to get the leveling holy land where the [-] players were helpless, and also made the monster apostles use their hands in the name of not harming the customers.

This is a very cost-effective deal.

In fact, even without taking money, Laifu can get the monsters to help with a word, but then it has to explain why it wants to find a place to practice for these 500 people.

Now that Qiuqiu may enter the high-level chat group at any time, Laifu does not want to expose himself.

In the eyes of the monster apostles, it positions itself as an NPC pet, often helping the owner to receive and issue tasks.

This is not absurd, a dog can use money to buy sausages and newspapers for its owner, why can't it be a wolf, after all, it is a monster apostle who has awakened intelligence.

Su Mo got up from the bed, first put Laifu away, and then summoned the panda Qiuqiu.

The little guy was imprisoned in a small dark room for a few days, and his spirit was particularly sluggish. When he suddenly realized that he was summoned, he was stunned for a moment, and then he ran over and hugged Su Mo's thigh flatteringly.

Before it had no intelligence, it wouldn't be so cold.

Su Mo pretended not to notice, and touched the ball with his hand, but he complained in his heart: Didn't you call me a sand sculpture, why are you so flattering now.

Panda Qiuqiu: Haha, my sand sculpture master finally let me out.

Mountain dog leader Cardo: Is it necessary to be so happy?
Panda Qiuqiu: Let me show you how powerful I am. As long as I am cute, no one can stand it. He will immediately serve me with a delicious little bamboo mouse.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: I envy you, you can survive by being cute.

Panda Qiuqiu: Haha, wait, what is this, this is... Xiaoyugan!Oh my god, it’s dried fish, the dried fish I hate the most, no, I don’t want to eat it, why can’t I control myself.

Coyote leader Cardo: What happened, curious.

Panda Qiuqiu: ┭┮﹏┭┮I might be possessed by a ghost. I’m eating the dried fish that I hate the most, and my loyalty is still increasing. I obviously don’t want to eat it.

Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: Does this count as saying no with your mouth, but your body is very honest?

Using the animal royal technique to make Qiuqiu eat the dried fish it hates the most, then Su Mo sent it to the bar to show off its cuteness. At first, it was thought that it should not get in touch with too many players, but now it was too late. Just smash the jar and smash it.

As for whether Qiuqiu will defect, after these two observations, this probability is almost impossible.

This guy likes the human world very much, and he especially enjoys the feeling of being envied by his friends during the competition. He will probably cry to death when he returns to Panda Paradise.

After Su Mo settled the ball, he started to lead everyone out.

Before leaving, he also bought a animal pen, which is also a pet boarding house. He spent [-] gold coins to keep pets in the animal pen. Within a certain range around the animal pen, the pet can move around freely.

This kind of thing exists to satisfy some hunters' hobby of collecting pets.

Generally speaking, hunters in the new world can only bring three pets with them, only release two pets, and only one pet can participate in battle.

And once there are more than three pets, the excess must be fostered in the animal pen.

One animal pen can only hold one pet. If you want to catch more pets, you must spend more money to buy enough animal pens. Generally, animal pens are placed in pet homes in towns, and you need to pay rent on a daily basis.

Su Mo put Qiuqiu's animal pen in the bar, so it can play in the bar.

The animal pen can be entered or exited. If Qiuqiu doesn’t want to come out, he can stay in the animal pen without being disturbed. If he is hungry, some roasted bamboo rats are stored in the animal pen.

Moreover, Su Xiaojiu's authority was also set on it. If Su Xiaojiu came back from the outside, if she saw Qiuqiu, she would probably feed it delicious food.

And Su Mo can also call Qiuqiu back to his side directly during the battle, and send him back directly after the battle, and he can return to the animal pen again.

The animal pen is equivalent to the pet pen that can not be placed on the hunter.

Iron Horse Glacier: Everyone dispersed and approached the Akaze Desert, and then formed a small team to head towards this coordinate, and finally meet up at this place. Assassin profession will work hard. Second brother, after you arrange people to stop, anyone who follows us will be killed directly.

Iron Horse Glacier: There are no civilians here, anyone who interferes with us is an enemy, and the dead in the game will lose some experience or equipment, so don't worry about it.

Iron Horse Binghe: Second Brother, have you received it yet?

Iron Horse Binghe: Second Brother...

Tie Ma Binghe: Why is no one talking, hey, I really want to mute everyone, sorry, I will untie it for you now.

The wind and sand in the desert has begun to fill everyone's eyes. Some people are immediately blinded by the wind and sand, and they all start to get wet. The president is so unreliable. How will everyone live in the future.

Su Mo didn't know the bitterness in everyone's heart, he was really not a sand sculpture.

It is reasonable to forget to cancel this forbidden spell when using the Great Forbidden Speech Technique for the first time.

"What's over there?" Tian Dazhuang was reminded, and then came to look for Su Mo. Following the direction he pointed, Su Mo saw Jason whose body was in the sand with his head sticking out.

What the hell!

What is this thing doing?
Could it be that it didn't listen to the advice and planned to destroy the team?
But with the strength of [-] players, it is not without the power to fight, although your lineup is actually not suitable for fighting bosses-there are too few spells, and there are few treatments, except for Huolingxiwu, a veteran who chooses priests Just three.

The current strength of the Scarlet Battle Banner should be well coordinated and strong-willed.

Su Mo really didn't want to do anything to Laifu's friends. Even if he could kill Jason, he would have to lose more than a hundred of his [-] people.

Now he wanted to switch accounts to ask Jason what the hell he was doing.

"A few brothers discovered it by accident. Up to now, it has been following us for several minutes. What kind of monster is it? Why does it follow us? It doesn't look like it has any malicious intentions towards us."

After Tian Dazhuang's reminder, Su Mo observed for a while, and found that Jason didn't seem to be here to fight.

So, it's - escort?
Thinking about it from this angle, it really is the case. Jason sold a leveling point. According to Laifu's determination, these people became its customers.

Protecting customers seems to be a matter of course.

For one hundred gold coins, Lao Sha, you really have a heart. Laifu really wants to praise it, but he still can't help but want to complain.

Fortunately, the Scarlet Battle Banner is better than ordinary guilds in terms of discipline. If it were an ordinary guild, they would have raised their weapons and beat it noisily.

Since there was no malice, Su Mo asked everyone to pretend that they couldn't see it and move on.

(End of this chapter)

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