Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 416 5 Star Reviews

Chapter 416 Five-star praise
The destination is about ten minutes into the desert, and the straight-line distance is not very far away, but the players have not discovered this place so far.

The fear of the desert has long been engraved in the hearts of the children.

Who would a normal person brave the wind and sand into the desert to level up?

The destination is a valley named Longclaw Valley. There are two types of monsters that spawn, one is called longclawed gerbils and the other is called spiked poisonous scorpions. The number of poisonous scorpions is relatively small, but they are extremely difficult to deal with. Elite monsters on the minimap.

However, the long-clawed gerbils are refreshed densely, and patients with intensive phobia may turn around and leave.

This kind of animal is about half the height of a human, and looks skinny, but its movement speed and attack speed are very fast. Their claws are very long, and they are good at using a cutting skill, which is to repeatedly cut the target with their sharp claws in a short period of time, thus Deals a lot of damage.

The price of high attack is that the defense and blood volume are not good, and it is very easy to kill.

Try to kill one, the experience is very good, coupled with the huge number, it is indeed a good place for leveling.

"That monster is gone." Tian Dazhuang was only observing Sandwalker Jason, and he was relieved until this time. The pressure of such a high-level boss is too great.

Speaking of which, Sandwalker Jason is not an unknown person.

In the player's impression, it is a BOSS with strange strength and acting style.

At the earliest time, a group of teenagers with secondary illness killed this guy by accident, and immediately ran to create a guild after beating the boss, and went to the forum to be proud of it for a while.

It's so easy to kill, and if you lose the guild order, everyone flocks to it immediately.

However, I don't know what this BOSS ate, but it suddenly became mighty, killing the player so much that blood flowed like a river.

Sometimes it can handle it with dozens of weak people, and sometimes it can retreat calmly from the siege of hundreds of people.

Therefore, the strength of the Sandwalker BOSS today has become a news that everyone pays close attention to. After being abused, people are very happy to see others worse than themselves. Jason became a popular boss.

As for the gray-headed wolf king Pease, its strength has grown faster than the players, and now no players have taken the initiative to provoke it.

In addition, Sandwalker Jason will occasionally go to other maps, especially the nearest Pavo Swamp, where he can often be seen massacring players.

When Tian Dazhuang and the others saw Sand Walker, they were naturally very nervous.

However, this BOSS, who made many people talk about it, followed them all the way, and left without even saying hello.

Sandwalker Jason is gone, and the characteristics of the monsters here are almost studied, so they can start leveling. If 500 people disperse, they can almost occupy half of the sand valley.

For the sake of efficiency, all guild experience is shared, but when fighting, five people form a team.

Healing professions do not belong to the scope of the squad. They have to heal several squads by themselves. There is no way. There are too few people who choose the healing profession, so they can only make do with it. If it doesn't work, they can only take healing potions.

Consumables in the new world are very expensive, but in order to quickly level up, it is impossible to stand there and wait for slow recovery.

The long-clawed gerbil has high attack power and low blood volume, so as long as it cooperates well, it can die before it can attack people, so the defense profession does not have such high requirements.

According to Su Mo's request, Luo Fengfeng Feihua organized several small teams centered on the defense of his subordinates.

They are responsible for exterminating the spiked poisonous scorpion. This kind of monster not only has a high attack rate, but also is extremely poisonous. The average player cannot handle it, so it must be caught and killed by the defense profession as soon as it is spawned.

After Su Mo gave the order, the whole Shagu immediately became lively.

These monsters that have never been in contact with players are divided and surrounded, and then quickly converted into experience and equipment.

The long-clawed gerbil's claw blade is a casting material. Adding a portion of this thing when casting can increase the attack of the cast physics weapon.

The income from this material alone is enough to make up for the consumption of everyone's potions.

Other coins and equipment drops are earned for nothing.

The income of one or two people is nothing, but if 500 people are added together, even if each monster only drops copper coins, it will be a huge sum of money after half a day.

Spiked scorpions are very disgusting, not to mention a big threat to everyone, and the things they drop are very tricky.

There are almost no materials, and the equipment is not dropped, only some coins are dropped, which is completely inconsistent with their status as elite monsters.

Su Mo assigned himself to the group that dealt with the spiked scorpion. He and Laifu could deal with a spiked scorpion. Laifu was screaming at the front when he was stabbed by the scorpion, while he kept fighting behind. The shot will do.

Various skills are thrown out in different ways, and the level 33 monsters are brushed at level 35, and the proficiency increases very fast.

Even brushing for two hours is considered the limit. If you don't rest, your physical exertion will be doubled later, so Su Mo withdrew to a place where he didn't spawn monsters, spread a few pieces of long-clawed gerbil skin on the ground, and lay down. Rest on it for a while.

Some people rest on the ground and chat with others, and some people are like Su Mo. It's nothing strange.

In fact, after Su Mo lay there and closed his eyes, he switched his perspective and got on Lai Fu's body.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Jason, is Jason there?

Sandwalker Jason: It must be there, Boss Laifu, my task is not bad, right?

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It's really good, the other party is very satisfied, and even gave you a five-star praise.

One-legged King Allen: What is a five-star praise?
Salted Fish King Victor: It sounds very tall when you hear it. I also want a five-star praise.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Well, this is an evaluation system popular among players. One star and two stars are bad reviews, three stars are medium reviews, four and five stars are good reviews, five stars are the best reviews, Jason The leveling point introduced is not too far from the town, it is relatively hidden, the monster level is suitable, and the dropped things are not bad, so it deserves this evaluation.

Sandwalker Jason: I even escorted them all the way.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Uh, there is no need for this. Next time, don’t escort yourself. Let’s just take one hundred gold coins. There is no need to do so much.

Sandwalker Jason: Maybe it was because of the escort that they gave me five-star praise.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Jason, the players are not on the same side as us. When they see us, they often come up directly to fight with customers and conflict with customers. How can they get five-star praise.

Sandwalker Jason: Well, then I won't follow next time, I can run ahead and kill all the monsters without meeting them.

(End of this chapter)

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