Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 417 The 1st Animal Olympics

Chapter 417 The First Animal Olympics
Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Boss Laifu, let's do some activities recently.

Jamie the Langley parrot: Yes, I did the same thing last time, and I tortured Brad's preserved eggs. After that, he didn't dare to appear in front of me arrogantly. Recently, the scar healed and he forgot the pain, and started to squeak again. up.

Barbara the Desert Fox: My skiing skills are very good, and I will definitely not lose to Mr. Bigworth.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Actually, we were at a disadvantage when it came to skiing. We shouldn’t go to the big cat Bigworth’s place to compete. They have been training there, and the terrain is more familiar than us.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: Boss, you agreed, I want to participate in the race.

Pale Wolf King Pease: There can be races.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: I will ask Mr. Bigworth later, there are probably other chat groups, and we all happen to know each other.

In fact, Laifu was not very interested in this so-called competition.

It is simply a group of children playing house, its real purpose is to expand its business scope and wipe out all the monsters in other chat groups.

Temporarily name the chat group on their side as the Laifu chat group, and name the chat group Mr. Bigworth is in as the Big Cat chat group, then there must be more chat groups besides these two chat groups .

Wanting to subdue all the monsters is idiotic.

Among other things, the monster apostle on the side of the big cat Bigworth will never resist the powerful Bigworth, but will bow to Laifu.

It is not the main character!

But after a money-making class, all the monsters have to respectfully call Teacher Laifu, and some monsters even become an army of monsters that Laifu can manipulate in the future.

Relying on wisdom to conquer the monster apostle, Laifu is not impossible, but the time is too long.

It can completely use the chain of interests to bind the monster apostles it can touch, and this method cannot be copied by other monsters.

It's not that a monster apostle who is a pet can do this.

For example, Qiuqiu, it has a fart purpose, besides being cute.

Salted Fish King Victor: I have contacted a chat group, and I went to ask them if they would like to compete.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: The competition must have a name, why not call it the first Animal Olympics. As for the competition items, we will collect them from now on. Any items that can be used in the competition can be used as candidates, and we also need a The organizing committee should preferably have a jury.

Nicole the Golden Python: Wow!

Tiger King Angus: It sounds so tall, as expected of the boss of Laifu, anything can become awesome as soon as it comes to you, which is far beyond that of that little kid like Qiuqiu.

Black Bear Dobson: Hey, that's a must.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Dabson, you have also seen that iron-eating beast. I remember that you were killed by a hunter with an iron-eating beast, and your dick was cut off?

Black Bear Leader Dobson: Uh, boss, can you not have such a good memory.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What are your plans now? Do you want to seek revenge from them? When the time comes, ask some brothers in the group to help.

It wasn't that Su Mo was getting impatient. He insisted on letting the black bear spirit kill him and then cut him. Instead of waiting for things to break out suddenly, it's better to inquire about the news in advance.

If Qiuqiu really dared to conspire with Black Bear to kill its owner, it would have to deduct its supply of bamboo rats for a week.

Black bear leader Dabson: I have no plans. Qiuqiu has already apologized to me on behalf of its owner, saying that it was also for the mission at that time, and it didn’t know me at that time. We reached a settlement, so I will not look for its owner. trouble.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Ah, that's it, I see.

In fact, he was very shocked. Qiuqiu actually apologized for Su Mo and settled the matter.

When did the little thing become so sensible? Is it because of his good education?
I thought that besides getting into trouble and scolding its master for being a sand sculpture, it would only act cute wantonly. In order to punish it, I forced it to eat a full stomach of dried fish. Now that I think about it, it really shouldn't be.

Laifu switched to the low-level chat group with mixed feelings.

At this time, the group was very lively, and it felt even more lively than when it was there. After all, there was an extra guy who was in the human world and had nothing to do all day long to join the group all day long.

Panda Qiuqiu: Fuck, I actually wanted to eat Xiaoye's tofu, and was almost touched by someone.

Coyote leader Kado: Aren't you being touched all day long?
Panda Qiuqiu: Man, it was a man just now. Is it disgusting? If it is a girl, I welcome her with both hands.

Leonardo the Claw Turtle: What's a Stirrup?
Edward the One-armed Praying Mantis: It's a man doing that with a man. What is this Leonardo? Are you a man? Is your wife a man or a woman?

Leonardo the Claw Turtle: I don't have a wife.

Panda Qiuqiu: What’s the use of having a daughter-in-law? There’s a good saying, don’t give up an entire forest for a tree, don’t give up an entire night sky for a star, don’t give up an entire ocean for a fish...

Caduo, the leader of the mountain dog: I must admit that you are very knowledgeable, second only to the boss of Laifu.

Panda Qiuqiu: Let me tell you, I am still young, when I am as old as it is, I will definitely be better than it, why don't you recognize me as the boss, and I will teach you how to sing.

Wild Boar Commander Sam: What song are you going to sing today? It's not a sin to sing a cup of water for forgetting love or a man cry.

Panda Qiuqiu: I want to sing, pig, you have two holes in your nose...

Boar Commander Sam: No personal attacks.

Laifu looked at it for a while, and although he felt that the apostles in this group were going to be led to ruin, at least Qiuqiu looked happy, so he felt relieved.

Switching back to Su Mo's perspective, he brought Laifu to deal with the spiked scorpion again.

I kept brushing until the afternoon, and the sky was a little dark. This time, the monster spawning operation is almost over, because the monsters that have been spawned have rich experience and a large number, and the efficiency is more than three times that of ordinary people who spawn monsters outside. Many people have directly upgraded.

The distance between Su Mo and 34 is similar.

He calculated the time, and felt that he could still brush for an hour, and it would be safe to upgrade to level 34 by then.

Just as he was calculating secretly, he heard other people's screams in his ears. Su Mo turned his head and saw a huge poisonous scorpion breaking out of the sand.

Scorpion King Johnson!
The displayed information indicated that this was a level [-] boss, and also the hidden boss of the Long Claw Valley. The trigger condition was to kill five thousand spiked poisonous scorpions in one day.

Five thousand spiked poisonous scorpions is a huge project in itself, not to mention that there are even larger numbers of long-clawed gerbils in the Changclaw Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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