Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 418 Scorpion King Johnson

Chapter 418 Scorpion King Johnson (Add 24 for the leader burning_moon)

Most of these people in the Scarlet Battle Banner have never fought a boss in a serious manner.

This is a very amazing thing, everyone is more than 30 level players, how could it be possible that they have never fought a BOSS, even a low-level BOSS is still a BOSS.

This is indeed the case.

Many people here enter the game to make a living, thinking that the game can make their hands and feet healthy again, and become healthy like ordinary people again.Their game life is to upgrade, make money, and earn some to supplement their household.

Fighting a BOSS, even a relatively low-level BOSS, still consumes medicine and repairs equipment, and there may not be equal benefits.

Everyone has long been used to the fact that bosses in the new world do not drop good equipment.

"Luo Feng, stop the boss!" Su Mo shouted loudly.

Three players have already died in battle. At the moment of crisis, they took the initiative to stand in front of the boss to buy time for others to escape.

"Others back off, don't be impulsive!" Luo Fengfeihua squeezed the crowd away, and threw an ax on Scorpion Wang Johnson's leg.

This blow made the Scorpion King give up chasing other people and focus on Luo Fengfeng Feihua.

After a while, the Scorpion King gave Luofeng Fengfeihua a dose of poisonous injection, which greatly reduced the defensive power of this defense fighter, and it was accompanied by huge toxin continuous damage.

The attack power is too powerful, worthy of being the boss of the spiked poisonous scorpion.

"I'll add blood to Luo Feng, Luo Xia, take care of the others." Huolingxi Wu swiped the blood a few times, and then started to cry again: "No, it can't be added, Luo Feng, you can't continue to resist the boss, you have to change MT."

"Crazy, where did you go, crazy?" Su Mo roared.

There was no way, the scene was too chaotic, everyone was already in the melee of gerbils, not many people were idle, and suddenly a BOSS was spawned, and many people couldn't make a move.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Crazy Ouye rushed over, narrowly blocking the second shot of the Scorpion King's poison.

"We have to pull the boss to the side. Monster spawning is too fast here, and we will be wiped out sooner or later." Su Mo frowned and said, "Crazy, you drag the boss away, can you pull it over there?" ?”

"I'll give it a try. Give me a way. Brother Hua, if your health is full, come over to pick up the monsters. I can't hold on for a while." Crazy Ouye said.

It's not that there are only two defensive occupations. In a team of 500 people, it's not difficult to gather a dozen defensive occupations. The problem is that many defensive occupations simply can't spare a shot, and their strength is relatively average. Let's take a look at the ordinary spiked poisonous scorpion It's okay, letting them tank the BOSS is too reluctant.

Fortunately, there are well-trained veterans here, and Su Mo quickly directed everyone to retreat with the boss while brushing off the mobs.

In the end, the boss was pulled out of the mob spawn range, and all the players who were still spawning mobs in the valley quickly withdrew.

This does not mean that the Scarlet Battle Banner only needs to deal with the boss now.

If you beat the boss, can you still expect him to stand by and watch, so after the mobs are refreshed, they start rushing towards the boss.

Su Mo arranged the line of defense, with defense professions leading, and other professions laying skills behind defense professions.

This method is more efficient than the previous mode in which five teams dispersed to fight, and batches of monsters fell on the way to rescue the boss.

However, the little monsters are not successful after all, and the final result is the [-]th-level boss Scorpion Wang Johnson. Only by killing it with the smallest loss can the operation be considered complete this time.

In fact, Su Mo can completely switch to Laifu's perspective. He only needs to spend a hundred gold coins to hire Jason to kill this level [-] boss.

Jason is already at level [-] and belongs to a super boss.

It doesn't take half of its strength to kill this Scorpion King. It is famous for its defense, which is just right to restrain this kind of high attack and poisonous boss.

One hundred gold coins are only one or two thousand yuan now, and Su Mo can take them out casually.

At most, I can give Jason a five-star praise at that time.

But Su Mo can't do this. The boss of the Scorpion King is of great significance to the Scarlet Battle Banner. It is a rare training opportunity. If everyone can kill this boss perfectly, it will definitely boost morale.

As for what is perfect?

It's simple, as long as you don't kill too many people, a level [-] boss with high attack and low defense, even if there are a steady stream of younger brothers coming to rescue him, Su Mo is confident that he will win the final victory with the bloody battle flag. victory.

However, if too many brothers were killed during this process, then this victory would be meaningless.

"Don't panic, old squad leader, you are in charge of directing them to block the mobs, everyone, don't be reluctant to use the potion, this boss has not been killed so far, the things dropped will not be too bad, we will definitely not lose money this time." Su Mo asked Tian Dazhuang Help him direct his brothers to deal with mobs.

He was actually a little guilty, he really didn't have much confidence in such a 500-person boss battle.

In the past, it was very simple to command monsters to fight from the perspective of Laifu. You only need to tell the monster apostles what to do. The combat power of monster apostles is generally crushing.

Now, the people he commanded became the target of being crushed.

"Hunters are coming to fight the boss. Don't use poisoned arrows. It's useless. Just use normal attacks. Berserkers keep breaking their armor."

The legal system was directed to clean up the mobs, and the mobs had to be kept out of the way.

The Scarlet Battle Banner has too few magic systems, and there is no room for manpower to fight the boss. Fortunately, the physical defense of this boss is not too high. After the armor is broken, the hunter's normal attack can also cause considerable damage.

"Add blood, add blood!" Crazy Ouye shouted.

"There's no more blue, you take medicine!" Huolingxi Wu was also very anxious.

"Brother Hua, help me." Crazy Ouye's blood volume was almost bottoming out.

"Your hatred is too high, I can't pull you over, it's over." Luo Fengfengfeihua's scorpion king Jason stared at the lunatic Ouye, and he only needed to come again to take him away.

The two defense battles were already a bit overwhelming, and if there was one less, it would be even more difficult.

Another attack of the Scorpion King went straight to the madman Ouye. It moved very fast. Even if the madman Ouye turned around and ran, he couldn't avoid this skill.

At this moment, a soldier rushed forward and blocked the skill with his body.

The soldier didn't have much blood at first, so he died immediately after being hit.

The Scorpion King Johnson still chased the lunatic Ouye, so the second soldier, playing the role of cannon fodder again, was also instantly killed.

(End of this chapter)

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