Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 420 The Generosity of the Scorpion King

Chapter 420 The Generosity of the Scorpion King
The equipment is completely useless to the apostles, and the master of the system will replenish it if it falls out. Only gold coins are what they need most.

Some of the equipment or material props given by the master of the system are dropped immediately, while some can be decided by the apostles themselves. Generally speaking, they don't worry about it. They drop whatever they like, anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

Now, for the sake of Panda Qiuqiu, Scorpion Wang Johnson is going to help out.

"Okay, then you should fall better. I'll help you later and ask Boss Laifu, can you let me do a cool move with your last kick." Panda Qiuqiu doesn't really care.

No matter what is dropped, it has no effect on it, even if it is credited, its sand sculpture owner does not know.

However, Panda Qiuqiu also understands one thing, that is, if its owner is rich, it can live a better life, but if he becomes poor, then life as a pet will not be too easy.

Under the leadership of Su Mo, and with the efforts of everyone in the Scarlet Battle Banner, after a long scuffle, everyone finally solved the boss of the Scorpion King. The last blow came from the panda ball, which jumped up and fell from the sky, with a very cool pair of claws Cross dance and become the best MVP of the game.

Now that the boss is dead, the mobs are naturally not a threat.

Moreover, after the BOSS died, the little monsters no longer frantically rushed towards this side as before. After clearing this wave of monsters, the entire Longclaw Valley fell into silence again.

Su Mo appeases Qiuqiu who ran over to ask for credit, and then squats down next to the Scorpion King to touch the equipment.

First, he took out a golden scorpion shell.

Regarding materials, Su Mo shook his head. He had a bad premonition in his heart, maybe it was just this one thing, and hundreds of people would be wasting their time in that case.

I took a lot of potions, and equipment repairs cost money—the durability of equipment under the influence of BOSS skills will drop faster.

Moreover, more than 20 brothers died, these people must be compensated to a certain extent, especially those brothers who sacrificed their lives in order to delay the rhythm of the boss, they must be rewarded greatly, otherwise no one will work hard in the future.

Everyone has relatively high integrity, but they are not idiots or robots.

"Wait, what was that just now?" Yun Fei ran over and asked, staring at the materials that Su Mo was about to put into his backpack.

"Golden scorpion shell, do you know it?" Su Mo has never heard of it, and the golden one sounds so clichéd, so it is probably not a valuable thing.

"Oh, it really is this, and I finally found it." Yunfei took the item from Su Mo, and said excitedly: "A customer has placed an order in Anxiang Shuying, and the mercenary hall has also hung up, which is enough. Something worth a million dollars."

One piece of material, 100 million?

"The list of the evil pen!" Su Mo unceremoniously added an attribute of the evil pen to the other party, just playing games and showing off.

"The ten directions are bright." Yun Fei said.

"Oh, that's no wonder." As an early customer of Su Mo and a repeat customer, the wealthy second generation's spending style left a deep impression on him.

"It's the last step of the main quest. It's no wonder he doesn't spend a lot of money. Look at it, 100 million is not too high. I have to ask him to bleed some more." Yun Fei said viciously

"I don't know what the reward will be in the last step of the main quest." Very rarely, Luo Xia didn't mock Yunfei for being greedy this time. Perhaps in his opinion, robbing the rich and helping the poor is a good habit.

"At least you need legendary equipment." Su Mo said after thinking about it.

Western Law Enforcer (Dark Gold): Damage 70-133, Dexterity +22, Strength +15, Range +5, Special Effect 1: Damage increased by 10%, Special Effect 2: When attacking, there is a certain probability of interrupting the target's spellcasting, equipment requirement level 35 , durable 55/55.
This is Su Mo's main task reward, the final reward is better than the halfway reward.

At this stage, if you take out a piece of legendary equipment that is suitable for the current player level, someone will definitely spend several million to buy it, although in Su Mo's eyes, this type of person is all evil.

When he was short of money, he even thought about selling the western enforcers.

Last time he asked Gaara to sell a piece of dark gold equipment with very average attributes, and he sold it for nearly 20 real coins, even 50 with good attributes.

Having said that, if this golden scorpion shell is really a task item of Shifang Bright, then its value will be higher than that of Su Mo's western enforcer.

In fact, Su Mo has also come into contact with this list of Shifang Liangming. At that time, he took a document listing a lot of materials to inquire about the monster group. Some found the source, but some found nothing, including this golden scorpion shell. Since there is no clue, Then it doesn't matter how much the reward is.

Then Su Mo touched it again.

Actually there is!

Gold equipment, a defensive shield - Johnson's hard shell, the name is very stupid, but the attributes are very good, any defensive fighter holding it will greatly increase the strength.

Su Mo gave the equipment to Luofengfengfeihua.

At least so far, Luofeng Fengfeihua is the highest and most powerful mt in the guild, and he joined earlier than Crazy Ouye, so it's not the latter's turn to get the equipment anyway.

I thought that this time I would finally be able to touch nothing, but the cold touch made Su Mo cheer up again.

Is the system a mess today?
To take advantage of it and still be sarcastic, only Master Su is such a good-looking person who takes advantage of it, and he doesn't know why he has such a harvest.

The golden scorpion shell is a material that can be dropped with a certain probability, and so is the golden shield. It is determined by the system that it cannot be dropped.

Generally speaking, only one of them will fall out, but this time they all fall out, mainly because the Scorpion King Johnson was killed by the player for the first time, and he held back for too long before.

And the third thing, this is obviously the private goods contributed by Scorpion Wang Johnson in order to please Panda Qiuqiu.

I took it out and saw that it was a dagger. The green dagger body was poisonous at first glance. After checking the attributes, it was indeed so. This level [-] silver weapon has a special effect that increases the damage of poison.

Su Mo gave the dagger to Lao Mao, only his level will reach forty soon, even if the others get it, they will have to wait a long time before using it.

If you touch it again, there will be nothing left. Su Mo's greed was obviously coldly rejected by the master of the system.

At this point, this operation is almost over.

Getting two good pieces of equipment and a piece of material worth millions is an extraordinary victory, not to mention the rich experience everyone has gained.

Su Mo brushed the monsters for a while, and finally reached level 34 when night fell completely.

The average level of the Scarlet Battle Banner has been directly raised by more than one level after this operation. Now everyone's average level is 32 and a half levels, which is displayed on the guild panel.

"Okay, today's operation is over, those who still have physical strength can stay here and continue to fight monsters, and those who can come to Shencheng to help move things tomorrow, hurry up and pack up your luggage and hurry, everyone will see you at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon , I will send the location to the guild information later, and my contact information will also be posted on it, please feel free to contact me.”

(End of this chapter)

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