Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 421 A Better Longbow

Chapter 421 A Better Longbow

Su Mo went to the club the next day, and he just ran into an "acquaintance" at the door.

"Yo, you just came out, so fast!" Su Mo laughed, and quickly walked over to pat the other person on the shoulder, greeting him very familiarly.

"Yes, yes, I was educated and realized my mistakes, so I was released. I decided not to box from now on. I want to be united and friendly with everyone..." Li Zhiyong said early He saw Su Mo, but he didn't want to say hello to Su Mo, so he pretended not to see him and went straight into the club.

It's a pity that Su Mo didn't give him such a chance.

When Su Mo patted him on the shoulder, Li Zhiyong thought he was going to be slapped to death. After all, the military instructor he imagined could definitely smash a brick with one palm.

In fact, Su Mo didn't do that, and he wasn't that powerful.

Breaking a brick and smashing a brick are two completely different concepts. Even breaking a brick depends on the quality of the brick.

"Oh, why is that? Boxing is not fighting. We can make gestures." Su Mo quickly persuaded.

In the days when the old Fu was away, he still counted on this classmate Li Zhiyong to pass the boring time. How can he stop playing if he doesn't play? You can't be a man without persistence. What's the difference between this and Xiaoyugan.

"It's wrong to fight, you have to convince people with virtue." Zhu Zhiyong said righteously.

A posture that I will cry if you hit me, but I will never fight back, hum, dignified soldiers, even in the past tense, you are too embarrassed to hit someone who can't fight back.

Su Mo really can't do such a thing, he usually fights with others in self-defense.

As for Fu Jiafeng's kind, it's actually considered self-defense. It can be seen that Fu Jiafeng used a magic attack on Su Mo, and he had no choice but to stand up to resist.

"Counsel!" Su Mo decided to use magic attack to test it first.

First, Zhu Zhiyong's face flushed red. He once beat the boxing coach to the ground in this fitness club. So far, no one has dared to call him a coward.

However, the face that had turned red just now turned pale quickly the moment he saw Su Mo's expectant eyes, and then he smiled slightly and walked away.

Su Mo had no choice but to go online in frustration.

After going online, go to kill the pirates first. His special product, the carved feather arrow, was almost lost in yesterday's battle, so he has to add some emergency supplies.

"Oh, my dear Mr. Sony, business is so cold." Su Mo picked up a piece of ore from the blacksmith's shop and tapped it on the cutting board, awakening the blacksmith's owner who was sleeping with his head tilted, not only snoring but also drooling .

"It's you, don't touch my ore casually, will you pay for it if it breaks it?" The little blacksmith wiped his saliva and said angrily.

"Ore is worth several thousand gold coins a day." Su Mo really didn't brag this time, the amount of ore that Laifu collected from the monsters was astonishing.

Although they are all worthless scraps of metal, there are thousands of gold coins accumulated in a day.

There were more than 7000 gold coins received yesterday. After reselling, even if the commission paid to Gaara is removed, Su Mo can earn at least [-] gold coins.

Now the price of gold has fallen again, about ten to one, which is also 5 yuan.

Earning so much in one day is already very good.Herbal medicine is not very good, and there are two to three thousand gold coins at most. After all, there are not many monsters who are good at collecting herbs, but with the addition of equipment, teacher Laifu's daily income is also less than [-].

"Is there really that much ore?" The little blacksmith lost his sleepiness.

It's not easy for him to go out to mine. Players basically sell broken copper and iron, and it's hard for a smart woman to make a living without rice, so many times he is so idle and has nothing to do.

"What do you want?" Su Mo was very vigilant.

That was his source of income. He depended on it to improve his real life and save money to buy a villa. He would be in a hurry with anyone who dared to think about it.

"What kind of eyes do you have? How many people are begging me to use their ore? I'm still not happy. If it weren't for the fact that we are grasshoppers tied by a rope, why do you think you let me start a fire? Because you are handsome?"

"Is not it?"


"Then I'm really leaving." Su Mo made a gesture to leave.

The little blacksmith finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "You just leave like this, don't you want carved feather arrows? And I'm currently developing attribute arrows."

Su Mo didn't intend to really leave, so he naturally went down the slope now.

"Oh, let me tell you earlier. Let me tell you. I'll help you collect any ores you need. Don't talk about copper and iron. I'll bring them here for you to use."

"Hmph, pretending to be generous, wait a minute, I'll make a list for you."

After finishing speaking, the little blacksmith immediately found a piece of parchment, wrote and drew on the paper, and after writing for a long time, he straightened up: "Okay, this is all for now, find all these things, I promise you If you can get attribute arrows, not to mention top-grade carved feather arrows, you can get them yourself in the warehouse."

"Uh..." Su Mo took the parchment and almost laughed angrily.

"I said, Mr. Sony, heir to the great blacksmith family, are you awake? You asked me to collect so many things for you, and you actually made attribute arrows. You are fooling me. Tell me, how much are these ores worth?" , and this, this, this, I’ve never even heard of it.”

The little blacksmith was slobbered by Su Mo, so he could only smile embarrassingly.

He wiped the drool off his face, and said solemnly: "Trust me, I will never cheat you. You are still using a level 25 bow. It is too shabby."

"Yes, you gave it to me." Su Mo took out the longbow and showed it to the little blacksmith.

Whale String Longbow (Gold): Damage 42-88, Dexterity +3, Strength +15, Range +2, Special Effect: If the power is charged for 30.00 seconds, the damage will be increased by 25%, the equipment requires level 33, durability 33 /[-].
Because of the powerful attribute of 30.00% damage increase for a charged attack, Su Mo has never changed weapons.

It is not easy to add special effects, and such top-quality special effects are even more rare. Su Mo has encountered countless silver longbows of level 25, but all of them were defeated by this golden bow of level [-].

Even the level 30 golden longbow was abandoned by him because of the special effects.

"I can help you make a better longbow, believe me, just provide me with enough ore and other casting materials, friend, we have been friends for such a long time, I am the kind of master blacksmith who likes to deceive people Well, look into my eyes, do you see sincerity in them?" The little blacksmith boasted about his craftsmanship.

"There's eye shit." Su Mo replied.

"Okay, okay, I really lied to you, these ores are not necessary, you just need to help me find the first ones, but please believe me, once you find the latter ones, I will definitely give you something different surprise."

(End of this chapter)

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