Chapter 422
"Don't you have a better bow now?" Su Mo asked suspiciously. Although this little blacksmith is young, his cunning is definitely not inferior to those old guys.

"Yes, there is, but you can't use it." Xiao Sony looked at Su Mo with pity, and shook his head sympathetically. His expression was full of contempt. The implication was that you are a hottie, and you have no ability to use my things. .

"Let me have a look!" Su Mo was very unconvinced.

So he soon had an overall emerald green longbow in his hand. After looking at the attributes, it turned out to be a dark gold level weapon. Unfortunately, the number of equipment requirement level 45 slapped him hard. It made his face burn with pain.

"When I hit level 45, I will definitely get a legendary weapon. What is dark gold?" Su Mo said stubbornly.

"Hehe, do you know what a legend is, and you definitely have to take it. I have... only seen a few times in my life. This Watchman of the Wilderness was made by me. Unfortunately, it is nothing good. material, otherwise it might really become a legend." Sony caressed the longbow with regret on his face.

Although Su Mo knew that he must be acting, he had to admit that he was tempted.

"Why don't you make me a level 35 dark gold longbow, what materials are needed - don't fool me with that piece of parchment, I really can't do it." Su Mo put the ugly words first.

"This, this..." The little blacksmith thought for a while, and began to sketch the parchment.

He seems to be really careful, constantly calculating the choice of these materials, sometimes a material has to be drawn two or three times repeatedly, ticked and crossed off, and then ticked again when he thinks it is okay.

"Wait a minute, what is this, monazite, I haven't even heard of it, even if you throw me on the mine vein, I can't recognize it, how can you collect this thing for you?" Su Mo looked at The unheard of ores on the parchment began to ask the little blacksmith to help him popularize the characteristics and origin of these ores.

"Monazite, you don't even know this, but you still claim to handle thousands of gold coins a day?" The little blacksmith didn't miss the opportunity to taunt Su Mo.

"Don't tell me I'm leaving." Su Mo was very annoyed.

"Okay, okay, what a bad temper, like a woman crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. Take my ore encyclopedia and read it. It even describes the terrain that the ore may form. If you still can't find it in this book If you get to the ore, then take the little bow I made when I was young and continue to fish."

"This is..." Shock was no longer enough to describe Su Mo's mood.

He snatched the book whose cover was worn out, and the words [Rhodes Ore Encyclopedia] could still be vaguely seen on it, and carefully opened the first page.

Copper deposits, four modes of existence, and the approximate topographical distribution of each.

Compared with ordinary ore books, there was no difference in any way. He couldn't wait to flip through the back, and finally saw the explanatory text of monazite.

Monazite, monoclinic crystal system, small plate-like crystals, brown-red, yellow or yellow-green, oily or glassy luster, shell-shaped to uneven fracture, brittle, and emits bright green fluorescence under ultraviolet light.

Distributed in Twilight Forest, Ghar Forest, Ghar Forest, Cass Forest, Buna Wetland, Pavo Swamp...

Behind it are a bunch of place names that I haven’t heard much. Judging from the time when this book was written, some place names may have changed, especially the Holy See’s favorite place names. Even the name of Tallinn, the capital of the Free Federation, It was also named by the Pope himself and is still in use today. As for the name of Tallinn before, no one knows now.

It really is Rhodes Ore Encyclopedia, the greatest ore textbook in legend.

Rhodes is the most famous adventurer in the history of the Eastern Continent. His adventures have spread all over the continent. In addition to his strength, he is also a famous diplomat. At the same time, he is also a master of herbs and ores, especially in ores. His "Rhode Ore Encyclopedia" has influenced generations after him.

Although he knew nothing about casting, Rhodes was still respected as a master blacksmith.

However, because Rhodes disappeared quietly in the wilderness in the end, no one knew where he went, so his knowledge was not completely passed on, and his book [Rhods Ore Encyclopedia] has been continuously updated by future generations. Praises and excerpts have gradually lost their original appearance.

Su Mo didn't know if the [Rhodes Ore Encyclopedia] in his hand was the original version, but judging from the thickness and content, it was definitely one of the most comprehensive versions.

He made preparations before teaching the monsters, and had been fascinated by this book for a long time.

Su Mo originally wanted to ask the little blacksmith to give him this book, but he stopped talking in time. Such a request would definitely become a trick for the little blacksmith, and he didn't know how much it would cost.

At that moment, he pretended to be careless and put [Rhodes Ore Encyclopedia] into his backpack.

"My book..." The little blacksmith was stunned.

"Don't you know it by heart? Or can't you remember it?" Su Mo asked back.

"I...Of course I know it by heart, but this book is mine, how can you just put it in your bag." The little blacksmith argued hard.

"If I don't have this book, how can I find the materials you gave me? Do you want these ores? If I meet them but don't recognize them, who will bear the consequences." Su Mo was more righteous than him. Strict speech.

"It seems to be the same." The little blacksmith scratched his head and agreed with Su Mo's point of view.

Then he continued to modify the ore materials needed for the dark gold bow, and finally formed a new list, which marked mandatory, optional, optional or not, and various levels.

Overall, most of the materials on the original list are still on it.

Su Mo estimated the total value of the ores that must be selected, and felt that the deal seemed to be a good one. There were only two materials he had never heard of, but since there are detailed explanations on the sources in this book, plus he, or It has a group of strong miners, and it is not difficult to mine it.

"By the way, there are also attribute arrows. Don't use this pit to find ores. Sony, don't worry. I found rare ores and I will definitely find you for equipment. Now I have the complete set of ores you gave me. Can I Will you see the rare mine and pretend not to see it?" Su Mo looked at the little blacksmith with sincere eyes, feeling a little embarrassed at him.

"This kind of armor-piercing arrow needs manganese ore. Don't look at me, this time it's real." The little blacksmith stopped hiding, and he took out arrows of various attributes in a show-off: " This is a poison quenching arrow, which is different from your skills. Have you seen it?

"This is powerful, but wouldn't it be better if you could add a barb, and it would also cause bleeding damage."

"Uh, it seems so, haha~"


(End of this chapter)

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