Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 423 Are You Stupid

Chapter 423 Are You Stupid

"This kind is made of Frost Arrow and Ice Soul Stone. Don't look at me, I know that Ice Soul Stone is very expensive, but do you know that arrow effect and skill effect are two independent concepts, that is to say, If you use this Frostbolt to use the Poison Arrow skill, then your enemies will be slowed down and poisoned, isn’t it amazing?” The little blacksmith couldn’t put down his work.

"It's amazing, but if you use ice soul stones as arrows, you must have lost your mind and went crazy." Su Mo felt a toothache.

Pyrostone, white and luminous, is hidden in various ore veins. It is an associated ore and a rare mine. Under normal circumstances, a miner may not be able to dig one piece in a whole day. With so many young men, they can harvest at most three or five yuan a day. .

One piece is 1000 gold coins. Based on the absurd ratio of gold prices in the New World, this thing is worth [-] yuan.

Biu shot out with an arrow, and the 1000 yuan was gone. Is it playing a game or risking your life?

"What are you thinking, kid?" Seemingly understanding what Su Mo had misunderstood, the little blacksmith quickly explained: "How can it be possible to make an arrow with a piece of ice stone? This ice stone can make at least thirty arrows, oh No, how about fifty arrows?"

In fact, he doesn't mind Su Mo's misunderstanding. If an arrow can be exchanged for an Ice Soul Stone, why not do it? Unfortunately, the kid in front of him is too shrewd to deceive him. Let this kid retreat directly, that would be more harm than good.

"That's quite expensive. An arrow costs two gold coins. I don't want to use it. Few people in the entire continent are willing to use it." That clever oh no, made Su Mo keenly aware that he was being designed to be taken advantage of.

He has always been the one who cheats others, yet someone dares to cheat him!

"Then what do you think?" The little blacksmith was speechless. He made fifty stones for each stone, but he was still not satisfied. In a normal blacksmith shop, even if you provide stones, let's not talk about whether they can be made. Those idiots can give It's not bad if you make twenty.

"In any case, it costs one stone and two hundred arrows." Su Mo said.

" get lost!" Sonny snatched back his own arrow, pointed at the door and shouted at Su Mo: "What kind of rubbish do you think this is, do you think I'm such an unreliable person in your eyes?"

"Why are you so angry? You're so young, why don't you get angry, don't you pee yellow when you wake up in the morning?" Of course Su Mo didn't leave so easily.These days, top-quality carved feather arrows are rare objects, not to mention that this kind of thing does not lose as much damage as the top-quality carved feather arrow, but it also has additional attributes.

"You're the one with yellow urine!"

"Well, we can't keep bargaining like this, it's a waste of time, I have extra time, I might as well kill the pirates to avenge you, don't you think so?"

"I won't give you any false information. One hundred, this is the limit number. In many cases, there is no way to reach one hundred. My estimate is based on the increase in proficiency and the development of new techniques. Yes." Hearing the revenge, the little blacksmith's expression eased, he really needed revenge, and he needed Su Mo's help to get revenge.

From fifty to one hundred, so you are still cheating me, right?

However, Su Mo also knew that enough was enough, and one hundred roots did meet his psychological expectations.

So the two happily reached an agreement, and then the little blacksmith took out a flaming arrow, which, as the name suggests, could bring continuous burning damage to the target.

Lastly is the Explosive Arrow.

"This is not easy to use." Looking at the somewhat bloated shape of the arrow, Su Mo doubted the little blacksmith's craftsmanship for the first time.

"Throwing, are you stupid?" The little blacksmith was furious, with a kind of anger that his beautiful child was called ugly. In fact, the armor-piercing arrows, poisoning arrows, ice arrows, flame arrows, bursting arrows, Arrows, he is most satisfied with bursting arrows, because he not only perfectly restored an almost lost ancient craft, but also added a lot of his own understanding.

To be told that it is not easy to use, who gave you the courage!
"What is this thing made of?" Su Mo asked.

"Sulphur..." The little blacksmith mentioned several materials, and there was another thing that Su Mo hadn't heard much about. He took out the "Red Ore Encyclopedia" and successfully found the description and origin of the material.

Actually in the northern ice and snow plateau.

Su Mo has been to that place before, in order to make a kind of material. After going there once, he really doesn't want to go there for a second time. It's too cold there.

At that time, Su Mo wasn't prepared and didn't wear enough clothes to keep warm. As a result, his body continued to lose blood due to the cold.

"Five kinds of arrows, how do you charge for them?" Finally getting to the point, Su Mo was ready to be cheated, the pain and sweetness was probably now.

How fascinating it is to master new powers that other players cannot touch.

"I won't charge too much money, it's the same as the top-quality carved feather arrow, but you have to prepare the materials yourself, and kill the pirates!" The little blacksmith said viciously.

"Speaking of which, pirates are not all bad, right? Wouldn't it be good for us to kill leeks like this?" Su Mo said without sincerity. From the player's point of view, pirates are just a kind of monster. It will be refreshed soon after it is released, and it will have no effect on the number of the entire pirate group.

"Since you are a pirate, there is nothing good about it." The little blacksmith was extremely firm.

Hatred made him dislike pirates. His goal in life seemed to be to destroy pirates. Su Mo shook his head because of the paranoia of small people, and gave up his plan to continue persuading them.

As for the matter of killing pirates, of course he must carry it out unswervingly.

At least for now, the benefits of killing pirates are too great. Even if there are any risks, he will unswervingly kill them for the sake of his friendship with the little blacksmith.

Of course, all kinds of excellent arrows made by the little blacksmith are also the catalyst of this friendship.

After agreeing on a new cooperation plan, Su Mo began to choose the place for leveling today. Seeing that he had to kill enough pirates again, the new pirate leader would definitely come again.

The right time, place and people are in harmony, and only when all three are in place can nothing go wrong.

When to come seems to be the will of the pirates, but in fact it is in Su Mo's hands. He can count how many pirates he has killed. Geography needs to be studied.

"Sony, look at this map, where is the most convenient place to ambush the pirate brigade?" Su Mo asked the little blacksmith for advice.

"Are you stupid?" Little Sony looked contemptuous.

"What do you mean, I know God is fair, given me such a good-looking face, it is impossible to give me a brilliant head, but at least I still have a normal IQ, it has nothing to do with being stupid." Su Mo was angry.

"Ambush pirates? Are you stupid or not? Who knows the sea terrain better than pirates? People regard the sea as their home, and any terrain is nothing new to them!"

That's seems reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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