Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 424 A Group of Porters

Chapter 424 A Group of Porters
"So what is your suggestion?" Su Mo humbly asked for advice.

"Ambush is still an ambush. You can hide a group of people, and when they come, they will rush out and kill the whole net without leaving any behind." The little blacksmith said viciously.

"Okay, okay, goodbye, remember to complete my list." Su Mo turned and left, leaving the little blacksmith still angrily imagining cramping up the pirates, including the pirate king.

Su Mo went to deal with the pirates, while Shengshi Anning was in charge of other things.

She must take good care of these people who rushed to Shencheng one after another.

Fortunately, there is no need to send someone to the station to pick them up. Even those with limited mobility will be sent by their family members, and the family members will be reimbursed for this part of the travel expenses.

Veterans who originally needed someone to take care of them suddenly found a job. Their families are incredible.

So many people have to come and see for themselves to rest assured.

Seeing a deserted place and a dilapidated warehouse, the hearts of the family members suddenly became half cold. Could it be someone who sells trachea.

After entering, I gave up the idea.

Inside the fence are busy young people repairing houses and roads, military tents are set up in the warehouse, and there is a high-power air conditioner every so far to keep the inside warm.

There are staff in the communication industry setting up the network inside, and they are actually more surprised than the newcomers.

This warehouse has been abandoned for several years. It is said that it was irradiated during the war, and even many nearby residents have moved away. They would rather rent houses in other places than hide far away.

I don't know what happened today, but it was rented out by someone.

These tenants were of all kinds, and most of them were disabled. Many of them wore camouflage T-shirts in winter, showing their strong muscles, and some even sat in wheelchairs and were pushed out to bask in the sun.

The dusty and overgrown abandoned warehouse has a new look in half a day.

Crazy Ouye took pictures from various angles. He came here the first time today, intending to shoot a set of documentaries. From the earliest desolation and destruction, after the concerted efforts of everyone, what kind of demeanor will he show in the end.

Of course his role is more than that.

Crazy Ouye graduated from university last year and has been idle at home. When he is free, he follows his family and starts to contact his own company's business - their company belongs to the category of decoration services and also involves design work.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, crazy Oye's design ability is at least better than that of ordinary people, even if he is not as good as a professional.

The warehouse soon turned into a military camp. The role of the lunatic Ouye was to add some elegance and comfort to the military camp during the process of iron and blood. After all, many people were not in good health, and health preservation was equally important.

After a hasty meal at noon, everyone took the bus to the location of the equipment.

Most of them were wearing old camouflage and military overcoats. They lined up in a neat line and ran to the bus. When they got there, they found that there were not many seats, so they didn't sit down, and just stood in a row in the aisle.

The people on the bus thought they had encountered a soldier.

Some students blushed and gave up their seats, but were rejected by the new members of the Scarlet Battle Banner. This time, those who came to move things were relatively strong, so there was no need for children to give up their seats.

The three clubs have to go to people, so they are divided into three parts.

There were about 20 people going to each place, and Su Mo also had so many helpers here. He ate egg fried rice at noon and squatted on the steps at the entrance of the clubhouse, waiting for the brothers to arrive.

At the entrance of the clubhouse stood a beautiful young lady welcoming guests, and a strong young brother frightened Xiaoxiao.

They silently watched Su Mo sitting on the steps eating fried rice with eggs, which caused the guests to turn their heads frequently, and no one looked for trouble without opening their eyes.

After all, their boss Ge Erdan just sat on the steps with this fried rice brother and smoked a cigarette.

And the box of egg fried rice in the hands of this fried rice brother was bought by their boss Ge Erdan himself.

After Su Mo's egg fried rice was finished, the people he was waiting for also arrived. Twenty or thirty guys in military coats came out of the bus and soon stopped in front of the club.

The security guards at the gate didn't know that these people were looking for Brother Fried Rice, they thought someone was going to make trouble.

After all, the clothes were so neat and tidy, and the aura was so vicious. Who would believe that they were not here to make trouble? A security guard almost called the police.

At this time, the group of people stopped in front of Brother Fried Rice, and stood there in unison.

Zhu Zhiyong and Chen Yu happened to be going out for dinner at the moment. After yesterday's hero rescue, although they went to the police station once, they also captured Chen Yu's "heart" by the right way.

They just saw a group of people stop in front of Su Mo.

"Is it looking for trouble?" Chen Yu said with some expectation.

"Probably not, and it's useless even if you're looking for trouble, but..." The latter words were not uttered, but everyone knew it.

"Even if he is a veteran, can he hit twenty?" Chen Yu was not convinced.

At this moment, Su Mo stood up from the steps, held the empty lunch box in one hand, patted the dust on his buttocks with the other, and waved his hands boldly, beckoning everyone to follow him in.

Chen Yu's legs were weak now. It turned out that these people were not looking for trouble, but were helping the evildoers.

Fortunately, Su Mo didn't take the two of them seriously at all. He just nodded and led them in.

"Brother Mo, what is this?" Ge Erdan was confused.

"For moving things, didn't I say that someone was hired to move things?" Su Mo explained.

"So many..." And with such a strong aura, fortunately, Ge Erdan is honest and honest, otherwise I thought you were here to mess things up.

Several large vehicles have already parked in the warehouse area behind the building. The clubhouse has the most equipment in the warehouse, a total of two hundred units.

Su Mo directed the people to carefully lift these equipments into the car, and immediately transported away after loading one car, and continued to install the rest. The distance from here to the old warehouse is actually less than [-] kilometers. There is no traffic jam during this time period, and it will be soon You can run back and forth.

"Old Ge, your warehouse is full of messy things that don't take up space." Su Mo hooked Ge Erdan's fat neck with one hand, and pointed at the messy things in the warehouse with the other hand.

"Brother Mo, these are all good things, how can you just throw them away." Ge Erdan suddenly had a bad feeling.

I really don't want to see this person again, I really want to move with the club.

"Throw away whatever you want, just sell it to me at a cheaper price. These fitness equipment, these chairs, these cushions, and even the sofa, why are there holes? As long as they are cheap enough, I don't mind."

"Brother Mo, it's up to you, you pull it away, pull it away." Ge Erdan tried hard to hold back, after all, this guy's fighting power is beyond the limit, and today he brought twenty or thirty more, those in his clubhouse It is estimated that the flowery shelf is not enough for two people to hammer.

"This bed..."

"Brother Mo, this is where the warehouse manager sleeps, it's dirty!"

(End of this chapter)

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