Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 425 The poorest group of people

Chapter 425 The poorest group of people
"Let me just say, how could it be possible to suddenly have an extra bed, it looks so discordant, and it will lower the grade of the clubhouse." Su Mo was kind enough to think about Ge Erdan.

But Ge Erdan was completely desperate.

Didn't this person go to join the army? Didn't he get baptized by the barracks? Why is he still the same cheap style that made people want to die and don't want to be manipulated by him.

"Brother Mo, what do you like, just pull it away." As long as you hurry up.

"How do you say that? I seem to be a bad person. I am such a person. Brothers, who knows the second-hand furniture market?" Su Mo clapped his hands vigorously, attracting the attention of the brothers who were moving the equipment.

"Boss, I understand. I specialize in collecting second-hand furniture and electrical appliances in my hometown. I am known as the Six-Finger Broken King. After I came to Shanghai, I followed An Ning to many second-hand furniture stores." A man with only one finger on his left hand ran over, Loud report.

"That means I understand, you can estimate the value of these second-hand things that Boss Ge doesn't want." Su Mo said, pointing to those things that were eating ashes in the warehouse.

for real?
Ge Erdan couldn't believe his eyes.

Whoever has seen bandits who rob things and still pay, he plans to go to the temple to give money to fulfill his vows without posting money.

"The original price of this sofa is estimated to be more than 3 yuan, and the second-hand one costs [-] yuan. Boss, it's too bad to buy this. Why don't you buy it elsewhere." Six Fingers Tattered King said in a difficult way.

"A hole is worth [-]?" Su Mo couldn't believe it.

"It's worth it, boss." Such an honest child, no wonder he can't get along in his hometown.

"Sigh!" Su Mo actually likes this sofa quite a bit. Their family used to have a similar one, but they didn't have time to pull it out when the villa was seized.

"Take five thousand away, it's useless to us anyway." Ge Erdan really doesn't care about this small amount of money. In fact, even if Su Mo shamelessly took everything away for a share, he would Not much loss.

A lot of things have been left there since the clubhouse opened, not to mention taking up space, and I don't bother to deal with it for a while.

Large items may not be dared to move, but some small items are probably secretly sold by warehouse managers on weekdays.

The key is to feel comfortable.

Su Mo didn't force him to sell, nor was he a trick of not giving him a penny, he was doing business in a proper manner.

Especially this six-fingered brother, he is very kind at first glance.

Ge Erdan called his two younger brothers and told them to take the things in the warehouse that were really impossible to use and sell them to Su Mo and his group.

It's a pity that Su Mo and the others don't have the bed they urgently need.

There are guest rooms on the upper floor of the clubhouse, and there are indeed beds that are usually eliminated, but those things take up too much space, and they have been taken away by the junk collectors long ago.

Don't look at the things that Ge Erdan and the others eliminated, but the quality is actually very good. After all, this club is a very high-end place. Su Mo's brothers can only live in dilapidated tents. There is no soft place to lie down.

As long as it was usable, Su Mo planned to buy it all.

Because there are too many second-hand things, the truck pulling the goods behind had to make a few extra trips.

"I'll give you the money in a few days. You won't be afraid that I'll run away, right?" Su Mo was so shy at the moment that he couldn't get out tens of thousands of dollars in second-hand furniture.

"No problem, Brother Mo, I can't believe it."

Ge Erdan's face was sincere, but in his heart he was thinking, if you don't come into my door again, it's fine to give these things to you.

Maybe his prayers did the trick.

After confirming that he had finished pulling the things, Su Mo actually followed the car and left.

Ge Erdan was moved to tears, and continued to pray that Su Mo would not come here in the future, and even hurriedly moved from the opposite neighborhood.

Su Mo followed the car to the base—this is more compelling than the warehouse, so this became the base of the Scarlet Battle Banner.

The dilapidated warehouse that was previously inaccessible is now very lively.

There are people working everywhere, and even the river ditches outside have been dug and cleaned. According to lunatic Ouye, there is running water not far away that can be brought in, and fish can be raised by planting some aquatic plants and self-sufficient.

The walls of the warehouse have also been repaired and painted. From a distance, it looks like a nearby school.

"We have experts. After a while, there will be a football field and a basketball field here, and a military training field on the side, so that everyone can exercise in the morning." Crazy Ouye said.

"What's the matter?" Su Mo didn't know why.

"Didn't you get up to do exercises in the morning when you were soldiers?" Crazy Oye asked.

"That's all in the past tense, lunatic, I know you are a military fan and want to experience the life of the military camp, but the brothers have already retired, the most important thing is to let them adapt to a peaceful life as soon as possible, and you have to limit your fuss .” Su Mo said.

Crazy Ouye thought about it, and felt that Su Mo was right.

"But those fitness equipment are pretty good, where did you get them?" Su Mo asked, pointing to the warehouse. A fitness area was being formed, and many brothers were exercising enthusiastically.

Most of these people who were born in the military camp cherished their strong bodies very much.

Like Su Mo and Tian Dazhuang, they can also roll iron and sparks fly in a small courtyard of a few square meters.

And the fitness equipment in front of them is much better than those of Tian Dazhuang and the others. If there is no accident, they are all eliminated by the gym. Su Mo also moved a few pieces in Ge Erdan's warehouse.

"Some were sold to us by Boss Ge and the others, that is, those that looked taller, and some were received by our brothers in the streets. Nowadays, urban young people swear when they buy fitness equipment, but it is a pity Some of them were bought back and used twice before never touching them again.”

"Is that okay?" Su Mo was speechless.

"Our people collect old furniture and old quilts in each community, and they have received a lot of good things," crazy Ouye said: "When the security guards in some communities heard that we were going in to collect waste products, they were a little bit resistant at first. Said that we were all veterans, and let us in after a phone call."

"Thank you brothers, the environment is a bit difficult." Su Mo sighed.

Even the old quilts have to be collected, which shows how poor the Scarlet Zhanqi group is, and there are pots, pans, tables, chairs, etc., and they really don't have that much money to take care of them.

Su Mo's remaining money was all used to buy cement and other building materials.

"Boss, I can actually borrow some from my dad." Crazy Ouye said.

"No need to be crazy, I know that you put all your pocket money in, and that's enough. Our difficulties are only temporary. I can guarantee that our base will be very different by this time next year." Su Mo said very proudly.

"That's a must!" Crazy Ouye agreed very much.

This is a group of people at the bottom, the most difficult people. They have experienced all kinds of misfortunes, but no one has given up hope for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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