Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 426 Shameless System

Chapter 426 Shameless System
There is no problem with equipment assembly and debugging. There are plenty of manpower and even experts in this field.

Rows of game pods soon appeared in the warehouse, and you can play games just by lying down in them. Now there are more equipment and fewer people, so it is completely possible for each person to have one.

Four hundred pieces of equipment have been placed, but not one of the warehouses has been filled.

There are a total of four warehouses. If they are arranged according to this density, they can completely store [-] game cabin equipment.

It could have been placed very generously, but Sheng Shi An Ning chose not to do that. From this, it can be seen how strong this girl's careerism is. She is obviously determined to make the Scarlet Battle Flag a level that ordinary people can hardly match. .

Su Mo didn't raise any objections. He didn't even pay Sheng Shi An Ning his salary. It would be too much to prevent people from seeing some career prospects.

At night, the base construction of the Scarlet Battle Banner came to an end.

Fragrant rice, fragrant pork belly roasted eggplant, a small porcelain pot for each person, and a large bowl of winter melon ribs soup.

It's not rich, but everyone's food is delicious.

At present, the sleeping place is mainly in the warehouse, and only a few people with their families are assigned to the dormitory.

Su Mo's location is no different from other people's. The standard single dog configuration, the game cabin, folding bed, and a small cabinet next to it are filled with clothes, and the toilets are all outside the warehouse.

The only good thing is that the room temperature is well controlled.

Although the winter in Shencheng is not as cold as that in the Northeast, all Northeasterners who have experienced the winter in Shencheng say that the winter in Shencheng is difficult. Shengshi Anning is a girl from the Northeast, so she dealt with the heating system immediately.

Early the next morning, everyone turned on their machines and entered the game.

After Su Mo entered the game, he continued to hunt pirates.

He notified the free people in the guild to gather to the place where he is now, planning to face the pirate boss again, hoping that these pirates can work harder and drive a few more ships over.

Soon, people from the Scarlet Battle Banner had already gathered in this sea area.

Let's play pirates together, the experience is not bad, if you don't need to go around to find the target to kill, the monster refresh rate is slow, it is not suitable for too many people, otherwise this place can be regarded as a holy place for leveling.

"Hey, why are you here?" Su Mo was very pleasantly surprised.

He saw the kid Fu Jiafeng whom he hadn't seen for a long time, the other thirteen Taibao, and some younger brothers who had just joined their guild.

The guild temperament of Scarlet Battle Banner is calm, and they are all people who have gone through great storms.The temperament of Fashen Temple is young and middle school, basically students, and they are in the period of youth and vitality.The two guilds are basically irreconcilable and doomed to dislike each other. If there is no Su Mo involved in the middle, it is estimated that there will be no intersection in a lifetime.

"Why are you doing this? Is it so difficult to ask me? If I hadn't gotten the news by accident, I wouldn't know how difficult it is for you now." Fu Jiafeng started using magic attacks again.

Yes, that's how it feels.

Do you need a reason for hitting someone?

Of course, beating someone for no reason is called bullying and fighting, and it doesn't feel like it at all.

"Big Brother Binghe, why didn't you come to us when you were fighting pirates?" Chong Chong, who was fighting a tiger, ran over and interrupted Fu Jiafeng's magic attack, and Su Mo didn't like to show his face to the few normal people in the Fashen Temple .

"It's Chong Chong, I was about to notify you, and you came." Su Mo lied.

"I notified Sister Weimeng and the others, and we can go to snatch the boat together again." Chongchong, who was fighting the tiger, chose to trust Su Mo without any scheming, he was such a pure and lovely blue boy.

Although there are more people and more manpower, Su Mo didn't mind sharing the money with more people before, but now he has hundreds of people, and he really doesn't need helpers.

"They're all magicians, let's keep them, we're short of magicians." Yun Fei obviously has a strong taste, and he doesn't dislike these second-year boys at all.

Su Mo thought about it, and it was true.

Among the Scarlet Battle Banner players, the most numerous are assassins and warriors, and the most lacking are magicians.

As the name suggests, the Dharma Temple is basically all magicians, and this guild does not have a healing profession so far.

Normal fights and spawning monsters are the local tyrant Chong Chong who fights tigers and eats medicine in front, and a group of mage biubiubiu release magic in the back.

Su Mo saw them fighting monsters once.

When the tiger-fighting Chongchong died, the others jumped up and down and continued to attack. It may be that such a thing often happens, and these people's skills have improved countless times compared to the beginning.

The equipment is average and the level is average, but they are still magicians, magicians that are rarely seen in the Scarlet Battle Banner.

If Su Mo is the kind of boss who is particularly ambitious, what he needs to do now is to let the people behind him play the professions that Scarlet Battle Banner lacks at this stage, so as to improve the overall combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that Su Mo's ambition is not that big, and he doesn't like to force others to play a job he doesn't like.

As for Sheng Shi An Ning, she is only a dozen or so levels now, and she has never participated in battles, so she knows nothing about the current predicament Scarlet Battle Banner is facing.

A leader like her is at best a big housekeeper who works actively.

"Everyone, get ready, the target may appear soon." Su Mo counted the number of pirates he killed while killing monsters and picking up pirate nameplates.

Yes, almost enough kills.

Another pirate boss will lead an army of pirates to encircle him.

It's just that I don't know how many ships will come. Many of the brothers of the Scarlet Battle Banner have drank underwater breathing potions and hid in the water to ambush.

There are only a dozen or so people who are really on this island.

With such a small number of enemies, even if the pirates are so cowardly, they probably have the guts to bring the big ship over.

When the time comes to grab the pirate ship, everyone will sail together to rob the new pirate ship, maybe a fleet will be formed soon.

It is not a dream to sell boats and supplies and reach the pinnacle of life.

"What's that?" Chongchong, who was fighting the tiger, climbed up to a slightly higher reef, poked his head and found a new enemy situation.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, watching a small black spot getting closer.

A very absurd feeling hit my heart, maybe this is to destroy his so-called pirate fleet.

The little black spot was getting closer and closer, and gradually people could see the whole picture clearly. Everyone found that it was a pirate, sitting on a broken wooden raft. With the sliding of the wooden pulp, the wooden raft approached the island with great difficulty.

System, sir!

I was robbed of the ship twice, and now the pirates have learned how to behave. This time, not to mention the pirate ship, even a broken sampan did not go into the water. They just tied a few pieces of rotten wood together. I don’t know where they came to Su Mo. in front of them.

This game is unplayable.

The army mobilized hundreds of people, not only dispatched the bloody battle flag, but also added the future overlord, the Magic Temple. Our enemy is only one pirate, a pirate who comes at a pace.

When he was about to get close to the pirate, the pirate jumped off the raft and jumped directly onto the land of the island.

As for the raft, it finally fulfilled its historical mission. After the pirates landed, it immediately fell apart and turned into a wooden stick.

(End of this chapter)

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