Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 429 Pirate Den

Chapter 429 Pirate Den
The den has a tower, and there are a few pirates responsible for observation. They saw a scout ship wandering in the waters near the den from a distance, and they didn't suspect anything.

After all, scout ships are meant to wander around.

Soon one by one small rafts began to gather in this area, and Su Mo's scout ship greeted them some distance away from the pirate's den.

"I lost some brothers." Yunfei reported a sad news.

"What happened?" It shouldn't be. Could it be that someone like himself tied the raft and tied the wrong knot? Su Mo was curious which sand sculpture did it.

"One raft encountered a school of sharks, none of the eight brothers survived, and another raft encountered a huge sea monster, and no one escaped. The rest are here." Yunfei was very helpless. Said.

"I heard that your boat broke up? Xiaomo, are you okay?" Fu Jiafeng's concern was obviously more like a magical attack.

"I did it on purpose. If it wasn't for breaking up, the pirates probably wouldn't think we were in distress, let alone bring us here. Don't talk nonsense, are you ready?" Su Mo didn't bother to answer. He just took out a small notebook in his heart and wrote it down in great detail.

After the Spring Festival, everyone will face each other in reality, and Lao Fu must kneel down and sing Conquer.

Although the raft is small, it is still more conspicuous after all. After receiving the order, more than 500 people all abandoned the raft, dragged behind the pirate scout ship with ropes, and slowly drove towards the pirate's den.

To enter the real seaport, you need to go through a gate.

The gate is so narrow that it can only accommodate a Tier [-] destroyer, and it is blocked by an iron fence. On both sides, there are turrets pointing directly below, and there are shooting holes for bows and crossbows. If there are enemies here, the pirates can come here Defeat the enemy.

Su Mo stood at the bow of the ship aboveboard, and there were more than a dozen people on the ship wearing pirate clothes and bowing their heads to do things. If the pirates had the talent of clairvoyance, they might still be able to see that the underwater side was densely packed with people.

"Pabu, you're back. What's going on around here?" A pirate at the gate poked his head out and asked.

"Nothing, did something happen?" Su Mo raised his head and asked, he had already put on the hat of the pirate captain, under the effect of transfiguration, even if he looked at him with a magnifying glass, it was exactly the same .

"The head of the family went out on a raft with a sword on his back, and he hasn't come back yet. Hey, what's the matter with your voice?" The pirate suddenly became vigilant.

"I fell into the water while patrolling, and I feel a little uncomfortable." Su Mo continued to respond with a somewhat hoarse voice, at least on the surface as stable as an old dog.

The brethren of the Scarlet Battle Banner gripped their weapons tightly. Once they found out, they would storm the sluice.

The location and terrain of this isolated island are really good. From a high altitude, it looks like a huge U-shape. It is surrounded by smooth and trapping cliffs, and the reef is sharp. Ships cannot approach it, and ordinary people cannot climb it. Only the gate here can In and out of the harbor surrounded on three sides.

It's a pity that the Scarlet Battle Banner is not strong enough, otherwise Su Mo would have wanted to snatch this place and use it as a base.

At least not now, even if the Scarlet Battle Banner is defended by 500 people, the pirates only need a few bosses to wipe them out. The game is a game after all, and high-end combat power has a great impact on the battle situation.

"Falling into the water?" After hearing Su Mo's explanation, the pirate thought he had found an opportunity to despise him, such as weaklings, idiots, embarrassing people, etc., so he spurned Su Mo a lot.

Naturally, that little doubt dissipated.

Su Mo kept silent, only thinking about finding this vicious pirate after he got in, and then he would not only spit on this pirate, but also his grave.

The iron gate slowly rose, and the pirate scout ship sailed into the pirate den full of Su Mo's resentment.

When I saw the island from a distance, I thought it was a good place, but when I saw it up close, I felt it was even better, with lush trees and golden sandy beaches, and if there were a few beauties in bikinis, it would be even better.

Of course, what made Su Mo feel good the most were the few ships parked in the harbor.

Get rich!
"Second brother, take someone to control the gate and kill the pirates on it. They are only allowed to enter and not allowed to exit. The ships inside are all ours."

A six-level sail frigate, two seven-level sail frigates, one eight-level sail frigate, and three scout ships—including the one that Su Mo and the others have already occupied. This is completely a small pirate fleet.

Seven ships!

Master Su was so excited that he was about to have a heart attack, muttering, mine, mine, all mine.

In order to prevent the pirates from destroying the ship when the situation is not good-no one knows if the pirates have such a mind, but the game system will definitely be able to do it.

Even the pirate BOSS who crossed the sea on a raft appeared, there is nothing he can't do.

So Su Mo sent 20 people to defend a ship, and also arranged people under the water to prevent the pirates from digging the ship. The combat teams quickly took their positions, waiting for the signal to launch an attack.

The pirates above the gate were still laughing and joking about Mr. Pabhu's jokes.

Can you catch a cold if you fall into the water?

It's an embarrassment to a pirate.

At this moment, black shadows appeared behind them. Three players could deal with a fortieth-level pirate, which was enough to even out the level gap between them.

The few pirates in the observation room didn't even understand what happened, so naturally they didn't have time to pass on the news.

The old cat studied it and put the gate down again.

Then he went to clean up the pirates on both sides of the gate. He didn't inform Su Mo that everything was done until the last pirate was killed.

"Good job!" Su Mo's eyes sparkled with excitement: "Brothers, start snatching the ship, and the others will kill the pirates. From now on, everything here will be ours."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that this kind of words lacked a sense of justice.

Quickly added: "These vicious pirates rob houses all day long, kill the weak, and do all kinds of bad things. Today, their doomsday is coming. We must not let even one devil go..."

People with the Scarlet Battle Banner, as well as allies such as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, don't have time to listen to Master Su's whining here.

As early as when he gave the order to start robbing the ship, he had already started to do it.

The person in charge of snatching the boat skillfully threw the hook in his hand onto the side of the boat and swished up the rope—what is a professional counterpart? This is called a professional counterpart. These guys from Scarlet Battle Banner are proficient.

There are not many pirates on board, only some cleaning uncles who are cleaning the cabin.

However, whether it is the cleaning aunt or the cleaning uncle, they are all pirates, and they are all monsters in the game. If they are honest, they will be tied up and thrown aside, and those who are dishonest will be resolutely suppressed.

Soon, these ships were named Su.

(End of this chapter)

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