Chapter 430 No!
Quick, accurate, ruthless.

The timing of the attack was uniform, and the movements were clean and quick. After all the ships were controlled, the pirates on the shore did not find anything wrong.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that the first master is not on the island, and the third master has an affair with the second master behind the back of the first master.

"Would you like to try this cannon?" Tian Dazhuang was very itchy.

Although it is the earliest junk, the members of the Scarlet Battle Banner who have returned to the lives of ordinary people still have an unspeakable sense of intimacy when they see the barrel.

"Alright, all the warships adjust their angles and aim their guns at the most luxurious building on the island." Su Mo observed with a telescope, and finally locked on the target to attack.

After his observation, there are basically no old, weak, sick or disabled on this island.

From time to time, you may see corpses hanging from the trees on the roadside, either the subordinates who offended the pirate leader, or the crew and passengers who were looted and tortured to death by the pirates.

Obviously, this is a sin island.


With an order, the ship's artillery made a deafening roar, smashing shells one by one towards the most beautiful building on the island.

"Attack!" The cannon sounded over there, and Su Mo had already led people onto the island. They were facing vicious or panicked pirates one by one.

Pirates are actually pretty dumb.

Today's weather is very good, it's rare for everyone to have a vacation, many people are basking in the sun on the beach, such warm sunshine in winter is beyond the imagination of those bumpkins in the north.

Never thought that misfortune would fall from the sky, but suddenly a group of strong men appeared.

I thought in my heart that this is not right. Isn’t the law and order in our area pretty good? Or is it that the leader of the colleague next door crossed the line? It's a mess, but Horseshoe Island is not just a random place.

There are actually quite a few pirates, but it is a pity that they rushed to the battle, and the dragons had no leader, so they became the targets of massacre in a short time.

The cannons and crossbows of those warships are simply life harvesters for pirates. How they used these things to bully merchant ships and coastal fishermen, now they are bullying them.

Especially the strong crossbow, a huge crossbow, with a little luck, can penetrate several pirates at once.

Cannonballs and crossbows opened the way ahead, and Su Mo and others chased the pirates all the way to the most luxurious building on the island.

At this time, the entire pirate palace was in ruins, and the wailing of the injured pirates could be heard from far away. I don't know how many were directly smashed to death, but the wailing could not come out anyway.



Hearing the heart-piercing roar, Su Mo also felt panicked.

Could it be that some important person was accidentally bombarded, which made the BOSS who stayed on the island so sad and indignant?

Soon he got the answer, a pirate who looked very much like the boss—mainly burly and majestic, and his appearance was different from ordinary pirates. Judging from the guarding posture of the surrounding pirates towards him, this was obviously a BOSS.

At this time, the boss couldn't judge his strength from his attire.

Because he was only wearing a pair of big underpants, his upper body was naked, and he was holding a humanoid creature in his arms who was also not wearing any clothes—the reason why he could only make such a judgment was because the target's head seemed to be covered What hit, already beyond recognition.

This target is slender and fair, and is a good woman, but it is obviously not a woman.

Master Su still has this knowledge.

Regardless of the truth, this scene is enough for everyone to imagine. Su Mo believes that this is the roar of a friend.

"Stop the bombardment, let's go up together, get rid of them, madman, it's up to you."

"Hey, gay, look this way!" Crazy Ouye rushed over, taunting the brawny boss, and really pulled the hatred over.

"It's all about you, and it's all because of you."

Anger was no longer enough to describe the mood of the second leader. He carefully put down the body of the third leader, grabbed a machete from his accomplice, kicked the poor child into the air, and rushed towards the madman Ouye.

"Boss fight!" Su Mo yelled, and began to split the command.

Assign special people to watch tanks and treat them, and to clean up common pirates, to prevent pirates from escaping, and to quickly collect treasures.

His commanding talent is average, and he is in a hurry.

But if it is subdivided in this way, everyone only needs to do their own things well, and each team leader will ask whoever has a problem to settle the account, so the entire battle situation quickly becomes orderly.

Originally, there were three bosses on this island.

It can also be said that there are two, because the third master is a rookie, he is only good-looking, and he became the third master on the island where no women can survive.

In the shelling commanded by Tian Dazhuang, a shell shot in from the window in the first round, smashing the head of the third master in one fell swoop, and the second master, who was still talking and laughing with the third master, almost peed his pants in fright.

The head of the family was ambushed by more than 500 people outside and died tragically on the spot.

The third master was crushed in the head by a shell that flew from nowhere.

Now there is only one angry second-in-command left.

Logically speaking, the second leader is actually very powerful, especially after the anger dazzled his head and made him go berserk, his strength increased by three points. Compared with the first leader who prefers to fight alone, he deserves it. It is a life harvester.

Unfortunately, he was shocked and angry for a moment, and forgot to bring out his equipment.

His mace, armor, gauntlets, gloves, pants, shoes, rings, etc. are buried in the palace that has been crushed behind him.

He was wearing a pair of big underpants, and he was holding a machete, which was a defective product snatched from his younger brother just now. He chopped down Madman Oye's shield a few times, and the machete had already begun to curl its blade.

"Stop him, don't let him escape." Su Mo shouted loudly.

After fighting for a few minutes, the Erdangjia was obviously exhausted—as for where his energy went, no one knew—so fear overwhelmed his anger, and he thought about running away.

Keeping the green hills alive is the most important thing.

"I can't help it!" Crazy Ouye said that several consecutive skills had no effect.

"Hurry up and scold him!"

As a result, all kinds of obscenities began to come out of the mouth of lunatic Ouye, this guy was much more vicious than what Luo Fengfeng and Feihua scolded.

"You want to run if you can't beat it, you're a piece of shit."

"You rotten fart, you can't even keep your own man."

"If you're so cowardly, you must be an idiot."


In fact, the pirate leader still wanted to run away, but those who were scolded were no longer so determined, and as a result, he was surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside.

(End of this chapter)

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