Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 431 I am a Pirate

Chapter 431 I am a Pirate (Thank you for your blessings)
I'm a pirate, and I was originally the number one, but then someone who was more ruthless than me came, and I had never fought before, so I became the second leader.

I hate the name Erdangjia.

Because I am no longer the head of the family, I can't enjoy many things.

However, time is a good medicine, and I gradually got used to my status as the second master until the appearance of the third master.

It's a pity that the big boss has become the real big boss, and those who supported me in the past have all left me as I surrendered. Even if I thought about resisting, it was too late.

In fact, San Dangjia and I really love each other.

On this day, Chuan Shanjian of the Big Master went out again to find someone to fight one-on-one. He was just better at the heads-up, and I lost to him in the one-on-one match at the beginning, so he snatched the position of the Big Leader.

The third man and I get our hair done here at the big man.

A sinful shell flew from the window and directly killed my beloved, and I was so angry that I rushed out to avenge him.

However, what I was facing was a group of shameless adventurers, there were too many of them, and only then did I realize how cute the villains like the master who are arguing all day long to be singled out are so cute.

Fighting to the last moment, I calmly greeted the arrival of death.

However, to my surprise, these adventurers just tied me up and hung me up, but did not kill me for the time being.

What do they want to do?
The very handsome leader, who was even better looking than the third leader, came out at this time and walked in front of me. He squatted down and looked at me at the same level. Due to the angle, he was an upside-down sand sculpture in my eyes. .

"Want to die or live?" Sand Sculpture asked.

"Are you going to kill me?" I smiled contemptuously. I was once the head of Horseshoe Island, and I have seen a lot. My boat was robbed, and my third family was killed. Even if I die, I will not surrender to this sand sculpture.

"It depends on your sincerity."

The sand sculpture's smile was so disgusting and glaring, I closed my eyes and said disheartenedly: "You guys should kill me, I won't give in to you hateful robbers."

"Actually, death is a very simple matter." The sand sculpture smiled warmly, but I could clearly see the ruthlessness and coldness in his eyes.

Such a person is different from the third master.

"Have you ever had the experience of longing for death, that is, you will feel that death is also a kind of happiness, have you?"

I shook my head, and suddenly I had a bad premonition in my heart. Scenes of me torturing captives to death flashed in my mind. There are strong men, virtuous ladies, elegant old people, and immature children...

I have seen a lot, and I will never be intimidated.

"Cut his dick!" Take a bad boy with a shield eager to try.

I couldn't help but feel that my crotch was cold, and I had an urge to urinate, but I held back, I'm really amazing, I held back.

"I still think Ling Chi is better." A necromancer with a mustache walked over. People of this profession are really insidious, but I don't know what Ling Chi means. I can't find this word in my dictionary. description of.

It seems to be aware of my incomprehension of the word Ling Chi.

So this demon started to popularize science to me about what Lingchi is. I heard it was fine at first, isn’t it just cutting flesh with a small knife? The more vicious guys here sometimes do this kind of thing to themselves. Get pleasure from pain.

However, as he described it, I got the creeps.

Some liquid has flowed into my mouth, is it raining?

At this time, I belatedly realized that I was scared to pee, and I began to hesitate, should I give them what they want? Isn’t it the treasure we hide, after I die, they do not belong to me.

"Ling Chi is too troublesome, do you have time to cut him three thousand knives here?" The sand sculpture, who was more beautiful than the third master, rejected the necromancer's suggestion.

I was relieved, that was great.

"What we need now is a simple, quick and effective way, how about this," this sand sculpture, which looks like a good man, spoke out the nightmare of my life: "It's better to put a sharpened wooden stick upright. Get up, anything else, as long as it has a similar effect..."

I wonder what this has to do with me.

My wonder didn't last long, the man continued: "Then hang him upright, let the tip of the wooden stick pierce his ass, you don't need to pierce too much, he has to use his arms to avoid being pierced too deep , but if he loses strength, he will pierce in, so that he will hurt, and he will lift himself up again..."

Beasts, beasts, I heard the ghosts, and struggled violently.

"Give it to you, I'll give you whatever you want, please kill me," I cried, tears mixed with urine, washing my dark face, I believe anyone who saw it would give me a hug Tears of sympathy.

"Kill you, what will you drop for us?"

"I'll give you everything, I'll give you everything, I'll give you everything," I have completely collapsed, I just want to die.

"Where did you hide all the money you robbed?"

"There is a huge coconut tree behind the house. If you dig under it, you can see a stone slab. When you open it, you will find a secret room. All our belongings are inside. What I said is true. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Please don't torture me."

Su Mo stood up and motioned for Shenmao to take someone to verify.

Then he squatted back and continued to torture the second-in-command of the pirate, while the lunatic Oye happily cut a wooden stick and buried it in the soil next to him.

The chrysanthemum that Erdang looked at was in great pain, and he asked anxiously: "I've already said it, what are you doing with this, please kill me quickly, you have to be trustworthy, even a robber can't be dishonest .”

"We are adventurers, not robbers," Su Mo corrected him, and then explained: "This is to prevent you from cheating. If there are any other good things on the island, you can tell us everything. It’s about this island, or it can be about these pirate forces nearby, you must say ten answers that satisfy me, or I’ll link you up.”

Crazy Oye even ran over to measure the pirate's height, looking serious.

The poor second boss has already urinated all the liquid in his bladder, racking his brains to answer questions, and must satisfy these beasts. As for the rules and regulations of the pirate industry, he has long since thrown them out of the sky.

Now he just wants to die, so don't let anyone stop him.

 Thank you for your blessings and rewards, and I wish you all a lifetime with the people you like
(End of this chapter)

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