Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 432 A Room Full of Gold Coins

Chapter 432 A Room Full of Gold Coins
Su Mo has always wondered why the pirate leader would come to make trouble after killing a certain number of pirates on his side.

In essence, it is a good thing done by the master of the system.

But the master of the system will not be reflected in the game, so there is a pirate hunting order. Every once in a while, the pirate court will distribute some pirate hunting orders to various places.

Su Mo was just a name on the pirate hunt list.

This time it happened to be assigned to the head of Jax the Wavewalker. It was supposed to be three pirate leaders, leading hundreds of pirate boys, and driving their fleet to kill Su Mo.

I don't know what Jakes was thinking, so I went alone.

Su Mo also knew one more thing.

There is no pirate king in the pirate king’s court anymore. His old family has been missing for at least ten years. Many people think he is dead. The one who killed him was either Pope V or the wizard king Rudolph, so the pirates are eager to move. Cooperating with each other and suppressing each other, several relatively powerful pirates are thinking about competing for the seat of the pirate king.

Of course, the reason for their action is to unite all forces to avenge the pirate king and his old family.

In the past ten years, the reputation of pirates has not been good. Although there are still some rules set by the King of Pirates, most of the pirates have become vicious bandits.

At least the clues can be seen from the piles of bones on Horseshoe Island.

Shenmao took a group of brothers to the place where the second leader said to collect treasures. Whether it was intentional or not, Master Su's trust moved him a lot.

After all, no one knows what's in there. What if there is a magic weapon? No matter what your background, everyone is still human in essence. They all have seven emotions and six desires. It's not impossible to take it and run away.

"Let's dig here first, and you two should be vigilant around. If there is any danger inside, if you hear our yelling, notify the boss immediately." Shenmao said.

Even though he entered the game a bit late, he had just shown his face on Su Mo's side, but his mind and ability quickly made him stand out. Now is the time to prove his ability, and he must not be sloppy at all.

Several people worked together, and quickly found the stone slab, and opened the stone slab to find the entrance to the underground secret room.

There is no hidden danger in the basement. After all, the second boss has been tortured to the point of mental breakdown, and it is impossible for him to have the brains to hide the trap inside.

Walking into the basement, God Cat's breathing was suffocated, and it was the faint light at the entrance of the cave. He saw a room full of gold and jade, all of which were gold coins, golden gold coins, and some armored weapons. The secret room was scattered everywhere. .

"Boss, I found it. Come here." The cat took a few steps back and returned to the ground.

It seems that he really did not lie, Su Mo looked at the second master with regret, and signaled to the people around him that they could do something.

Crazy Ouye was also very regretful. During Su Mo's interrogation, he had already arranged all the torture equipment. As long as the second-in-command had any dishonesty, he planned to test the piercing punishment Su Mo said.

There is absolutely no sense of guilt, these pirates are simply the source of evil.

And the second boss who was in charge of managing this pirate was even more outrageously cruel. A lot of evidence that made him die a hundred times had been found from his residence.

Su Mo came to the secret room and jumped straight down.

The gold coins inside do not need to be picked up one by one, Su Mo only needs to pick them up, and they will immediately enter Su Mo's backpack.

14 gold coins, no wonder they can pile up so much.

I don't know how many merchant ships and fishing villages they robbed to get such a large fortune.

Perhaps it was because Jacks the Wavewalker preferred gold coins, and there were not many gold, silver and jewelry this time. This also shows that Horseshoe Island must have a very reliable way to sell stolen goods, but it is a pity that he did not ask the second leader.

And the second master was killed when Su Mo left.

In addition to the secret room, there are also a lot of gold and silver belongings in other places. If they are all added together, this trip will net at least 150 million real currency.

This is not counting the seven large and small warships.

"Cat, what do you think we might just rob pirates in the future? It's too profitable." Su Mo tapped in the secret room to see if there was any legendary hidden compartment or something, but unfortunately there was not.

"Boss, even if there is no pirate king, any big pirate can crush us." Shenmao reminded helplessly.

At the same time, I also feel a little sympathetic. My boss is said to be a rich second generation. Later, the family went bankrupt, and now I have to struggle to pay off the debt. I am almost crazy about money.

"Okay, damn pirates, let them take care of our property first." Su Mo was very helpless, sincerely, he felt that being a pirate was a promising career, and the system did not stipulate that players could not be One Piece .

"Boss, it's not good, and a pirate ship has returned." The brother who stayed behind at the gate reported.

"Give it up." Su Mo said confidently.

"The problem is that they have already run away, and they don't know what is wrong. The ship turned around and ran away before it came in."

"The sun, how big is their ship, and in what direction are they running." Su Mo's originally good mood immediately turned bad. It's not just a matter of missing a ship, but they are likely to face the crisis of naval battle.

"It doesn't look big. It's probably an eighth or ninth-class boat. It's fast and heading east."

"Everyone is there, hurry up and clean the battlefield, I will see all the people on the boat in 15 minutes." Su Mo paused, and then changed his words: "God cat, you stay with your team to clean the battlefield , No matter it is valuable or not, as long as it can be taken away, take it away, and the others will get on the boat immediately, open the gate, and leave now."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Tian Dazhuang, who was still carrying grain, asked in confusion.

Food is also a good thing, and it can be sold for money when it is taken out, and it can be given to the poor people even if it is not good. Those who cannot afford food can have something to eat.

"Not far to the east is another group of pirates. They are stronger than Horseshoe Island. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave." When Su Mo tortured the second master just now, he also got to know the nearby pirates.

If the scout ship was really going to rescue soldiers, then the pirates would arrive near Horseshoe Island in about half an hour.

It's hard to say whether they can leave by then.

Following Su Mo's order, people on the island began to board the ship one after another. Several large and small warships set sail and sailed through the raised gates into the sea.

Shen Mao stayed with dozens of fighters to clean up the mess.

They picked up the things that could be picked up, and then put them into the guild warehouse. As for the things that couldn't be picked up, they had to be destroyed, lest there would be new pirates entrenched here.

Master Su has already decided that when the time is right, he will take his brothers to occupy this place.

(End of this chapter)

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