Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 436 Only brothers and sisters can participate

Chapter 436 Only brothers and sisters can participate (add 34 for the leader burning_moon)

If you can really reward a top-quality pet, it’s okay to participate in the competition, and you don’t need to play all day long to play the competition. It’s probably based on the number of games. When it’s your turn, just go up and kill the opponent.

But the problem came again.

Su Mo is very self-aware. His strength is very poor, and his level is too far behind others. Even if the equipment is better, it is useless. The level of skills is also a problem. After all, the main task has given him too much experience rewards.

With such a young man like Su Xiaojiu, how can he win the championship.

"How about I help you find a master to take you?" Su Mo asked cautiously.

"Aren't you stupid? Only brothers and sisters can participate in the Chaoyun Cup. Could it be that our parents have illegitimate children?" Su Xiaojiu looked at her brother with contempt, why did this person become so stupid.

"You didn't say anything!" Su Mo was also speechless.

He carefully recalled his sister's words. From the beginning to the end, the girl never said that only siblings could participate in the competition.

What Mo Qianli is that?

This guy must be a sister control, he actually defined the entry condition of the competition as brother and sister.

"Is it okay to be a younger sister and an older brother?" Su Mo asked worriedly.

"Of course not. When you sign up, you need to upload your ID card account book, and the game company will entrust the registration information to the household registration department for verification. If fraudulent behavior has been found, you will be disqualified immediately." Su Xiaojiu is obviously very concerned about this. The game is well researched.

"So we have a good chance." Su Mo gradually became confident.

There are not many brothers and sisters who both play games, and it is very rare for both of them to be masters. However, if two people who are both masters are willing to participate in the competition, this ratio will be reduced by dozens of percentage points.

Don't look at the combination of the Su brothers and sisters who are not considered masters, maybe they can really win the championship.

"Brother, don't dream, there are quite a few brothers and sisters who are masters. For example, the young master and miss of the Han family have announced their participation in the competition. They are both masters above level 35. One is an assassin and the other is a bishop; There is also a [-]th-level master on the ranking list, and it is said that he will also bring his sister to participate in the competition..."

"Then we have no hope?" It sounds very powerful, a bishop and an assassin are both very powerful PK professions.

Su Mo is a hunter, so it's okay.

The main reason is that the current version of the hunter profession is relatively weak, the hit rate is weak, and good pets are difficult to catch, so it is rare to see master hunters.

Su Xiaojiu is a little cook, and she is completely biased towards an auxiliary occupation.

The combination of the two of them is hard to beat the Han brothers and sisters, not to mention that Su Mo's level is only 34, and he doesn't even have 35.

If there really was a level [-] master in the competition, then he might not even be able to fight.

"Brother, how will we know if we don't try it? I'm amazing." Su Xiaojiu took out her frying pan and waved it angrily, as if she would smash Su Mo to death if Su Mo said any more frustration.

"Yes, yes, it is necessary." Su Mo nodded repeatedly.

Facing the angry Su Xiaojiu, he felt a little trembling in his heart, not to mention that it was indeed his fault for not taking his sister to fight pirates today.

"Brother, I'm already level 37, can you give me a little more strength?"

"Su Xiaojiu, you played games all night during the final exam, don't think I don't know." Su Mo really wanted to teach this girl a lesson by her ear.

"Brother, I'm the top three in the class, how about you?" Su Xiaojiu waved impatiently, signaling Su Mo to shut up.

Su Mo had no choice but to shut up. His feeling after the exam this time was that he didn't fail the exam.

The dialogue between the scumbag and the bully was so unassuming.

"Brother, you can eat one of the meatballs in the warehouse. Go to 35 first and change a set of equipment. If you can't upgrade quickly, I won't call you brother." Su Xiaojiu threatened.

It is rare to have the opportunity to run on her brother like this, Su Xiaojiu is a little fascinated by this feeling.

If Su Mo hadn't been sorry for her today, she wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant. Su Mo would have beaten her so that she ran away.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat." Su Mo originally planned to rise slowly, but now that he is going to participate in the competition, he must upgrade quickly.

That's why he can be so hypocritical.

The other players are trying to find ways to level up quickly, bowing their heads to the NPC for a little experience. Master Su obviously has a way to level up quickly, but he just doesn't use it.

Practicing skills and techniques?

Could it be that if the level is high, you can't exercise!

After sending away his sister who was screaming and wanting to win the championship, Master Su was exhausted physically and mentally, and solemnly told Shenmao, who was his assistant, to remind him to bring his sister with him next time there was an event.

After taking an experience pill, Su Mo easily rose to level 35.

After level 35, he changed some equipment, especially the dark gold short spear at level 35, and his damage had skyrocketed.

Other equipment can only be exchanged for some ordinary silver.

Some equipment with particularly good special effects can't even be replaced at all.

Su Mo feels that his equipment is not bad. Although there are many bosses in the new world, the drop rate is amazing. Often, a boss only drops one piece, and often it is not equipment, and sometimes not even a hair.

However, he is not blindly arrogant.

After all, there is a kind of creature in this world called krypton gold player. Even if he has never killed a boss, he is still full of gold equipment.

With the golden short gun in Su Mo's hand alone, he dares to say that the whole game, no matter how rich you are, don't try to surpass him.

And his vampire badge. Many people don't even have a badge these days, but he has obtained the ultimate product with attributes that most people can't even imagine.

Western Law Enforcer (Dark Gold): Damage 70-133, Dexterity 22, Strength 15, Range 5, Special Effect 1: Damage increased by 10%, Special Effect 2: When attacking, there is a certain probability of interrupting the target’s spellcasting, equipment requirement level 35, durability 55 /55.
Vampire Badge (Dark Gold): All attributes +12, dodge +15, attack speed +5%, special effect 1: phantom clone, after use, two clones will be transformed, with 20% of the main body's damage and defense, for 30 seconds, Special effect 2: Your attack has a certain probability of obtaining blood-sucking effect, the equipment requires level 30, and the durability is 60/60.
And he still has a few pieces of gold equipment, but the level is not so high.

For those equipment that is less than level 35, no matter how good the special effects are, they can only be replaced with level [-] silver. After all, it spans two equipment levels, but the added basic attributes are also considerable.

There was also the level 35 dark gold bow material that the little blacksmith wanted, and Su Mo also decided to get it together as soon as possible.

The range of the short gun is very short, and the attack power is not as good as the slow-firing longbow. He must have a long-range weapon that can take advantage of the hunter's range.

There is also the elf sword in his hand, and he must taste more blood.

So far, it is still a blue dress, and it is really thrown into the face of a peerless soldier. Su Mo intends to use the long sword in close combat every time he fights.

After changing some equipment and bringing supplies, he ran to the desert to level up.

Su Xiaojiu wants to be a champion, so let's get her one. If a brother can't do this little thing, he might as well die.

(End of this chapter)

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