Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 437 I'm a Waste

Chapter 437 I'm a Waste

After changing the equipment, Su Mo's output has changed drastically. A short gun never stopped.

His shooting accuracy surpassed that of normal people, and the speed at which he changed bullets was even more dazzling.

Master Su was a quick shooter when he was in the army. After returning to the world of ordinary people, his level dropped a bit, but after a period of training in the game, he has returned to the level of his peak period.

What's more, he has great physical strength.

One person and one wolf take turns to output, without occupying each other's physical strength. Although Laifu was just an ordinary wild wolf at the beginning, he has gone through such a long time of hard work—well, mainly eating various monster apostles. The strength has surpassed most balanced pets.

Pets are roughly divided into three categories, one is defensive pets, whose main function is to defend and pull hatred, and the other is output pets, which focus on output capabilities, and other attributes such as defense, blood volume, and movement speed will inevitably be used. Sacrifice a part, and then there will be a balanced pet like Laifu.

Of course, it is generally believed that there is a fourth type of pet, that is, ornamental pets, which are useless except for being good-looking.

Laifu is a balanced pet. Its defense is not high, but it is not particularly low. The movement speed is not only not low, but it exceeds most pets. The blood volume is not bad, and the output is second only to those professional output pets.

The attribute pills it eats and the monster apostles it eats don't increase a single attribute, they directly increase the measurements.

In terms of the efficiency of spawning monsters, Laifu was not as good as Su Mo. As long as Su Mo was around, some of his skills would be useless at all.

Laifu brushed the monsters for a while, then Su Mo put away Fu, summoned Qiuqiu, let Qiuqiu hold a group of monsters, and he used the hunter-type group attack skills to slowly clear the monsters.

Su Mo's leveling efficiency is at least twice that of other players.

"Brother Binghe, if you have time, can we chat?" Shi Fangliang sent a message, just as Su Mo was planning to pack up and go home.

"Hagins, the fragrance is faint." Su Mo replied the message.

He knew Shifang Mingliang's reason for coming. What he wanted was in Yunfei's hands, and Yunfei was obviously a cannibalistic black wound, and he also had a heart of hatred for Fu. Slaughtered fat sheep.

Earlier, Yunfei had already warned Su Mo not to accept Shifang Liangming's message, as it would affect his plan to deceive others.

Su Mo saw Shifang's bright message, but he could feel the loneliness and depression of the other party from this short text. This is not at all like that high-spirited Xiao Mengchang.

Could it be that Yunfei charged a sky-high price?
It wasn't long before Su Mo entered the game and met Shifang Mingliang. Frankly speaking, this buddy is really a good person. He not only helped Su Mo kill the monster, but also gave him a mount.

He has been using the Snow Mountain Warg until now, and he is almost out of emotion.

Although he later returned the money to Shifang Mingliang, the favor was still owed after all, and if he pretended not to see him if he wanted to see him, it would be a bit too much.

Huggins's dark fragrance and sparse shadows are just in the backyard of the bar, with dim light, flat marble floor, each tea place is covered with a small pergola, and a charcoal fire is burning under the bed, even in the snowy night. Does not make people feel cold.

Shifang Mingliang picked up the warm wine glass and drank the warm wine inside in one gulp.

Su Mo poured it for him, looked at his sad face, and guessed in his heart whether the rich second generation was really sad, or just pretending to be sympathetic.

"Brother Shifang, what's wrong?"

It doesn't look like Yunfei Lion opened his mouth wide, making this rich second generation unable to afford materials.

"Oh, it's hard to say."

My name is Shifang Mingliang. I am a rich second generation. My father started from scratch and later became worth over [-] million yuan.

They love me very much, and it is destined that I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life, and I don't need to work hard to inherit the family business.

I like the feeling of being surrounded by stars, so I never take money seriously. If I have no money, I will ask my brother for it, and my brother will never refuse me.

until the other day.

My dad called my brother and me to him, and severely criticized me, saying that I was a prodigal son, and that my brother had ulterior motives. In order not to let my brother affect his inheritance of the family business, he deliberately raised my brother into a waste.

My brother was in tears. He couldn't believe his father saw him that way.

And I also know that this is impossible. Don’t I know how my brother treats me? When I was young, my parents were busy with work, and my brother took me with me. It can be said that I was brought up by my brother , he is closer to me than to his son.

However, my father's words made me not know how to refute.

I'm a waste, except spending money, I just do nothing. I hang out with a group of cronies all day long, but my brother keeps stuffing me with money, making me have no idea about money.

If I want to prove that I am not a piece of crap, I have to go out and make money.

I am not a waste, I was dissatisfied in my heart, so I started to find a way to find a job. I graduated from a famous foreign school.

Unfortunately, things are not what I thought.

I sat in front of the interviewer and listened to his questions. I found that I couldn't understand what he was saying, and then I saw the questioning and contempt in his eyes.

Another interview was scheduled, but I didn't go.

I'm a waste, I don't need more contempt to prove it, I don't have the ability to work, the university is guaranteed, and I just have a name with the project, I don't bother to go after working for a few days.

However, I still have many friends.

I am in the game circle like a duck to water, and I respond to everyone, at least my ability has been reflected in the game.

At this time, the quest items for my main quest made progress, and Anxiang Shuying actually helped me find the quest items, and they directly offered 200 million yuan.

200 million is indeed a bit cruel, but to me, 100 to [-] is just a little difference in numbers.

At most, I feel a little upset.

But considering the huge rewards for completing the main quest, this amount of money is really nothing.

I went to my brother for money, but this time, my brother refused me.

He felt like my father said he was raising me, and I was grown up, not the little boy who followed my ass for candy, so this time I had to figure it out.

My heart is flustered, but I don't think 200 million is nothing.

I have so many friends in the game, if Shi Fangliang opens his mouth, 200 million will be sent to me immediately, and after I complete the main task, 200 million will not be difficult to earn.

(End of this chapter)

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