Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 438 Sending charcoal in the snow

Chapter 438 Sending charcoal in the snow (please recommend a ticket)
"Oh, brother Shifang, are you kidding me? You asked me to borrow money?"

"No problem at all, but I have a batch of goods on hand now, and I have to sell them to get the money. If you can wait for dozens of days, I will raise enough money for you even if you sell the pot."


"The money you borrowed last time?"

"Brother Shifang, don't worry, I, XXX, am not someone who doesn't pay back my debts. Even if I sell everything, I will have to pay back the money sooner or later."


"Hahaha, brother Shifang, you asked me to borrow money, don't be kidding, I'm busy now, let's talk later."

"Beep beep..."


"Brother Shifang, it's not that I don't lend it to you. You also know that brothers are still clear about their accounts these days. Why don't you deposit something with me?"

"Hey, Brother Shifang..."


"Brother Shifang wants to sell equipment, that's no problem at all, 200 million? Brother Shifang, stop joking, your set of equipment looks better, and you spent almost 500 million to buy it? Haha, your so-called Brother, they are all cheating you of money, how could it be worth 200 million, I will pay 50..."

"Friendship is friendship, I'm a businessman!"


The good buddies who used to be enthusiastic in various ways seem to be busy, and the guys who have borrowed money from him and have not repaid a dime have also begun to alienate him.

No one cheated and said that they would not pay back, and everyone would sell their iron.

I made myself feel like a sinner, as if I was persecuting them and making it impossible for them to live.

I am completely heartbroken.

Those rebuttals to my father were slapped hard on my face.


I gave up and kept asking for help because I knew I was really wrong and I was nothing without my father and brother and the money they gave me.

I'm a piece of trash!
Su Mo is a good listener, he doesn't talk much, and only drinks occasionally.

Unlike my brothers before, if I complained about one person, they would complain with me, share the same hatred, and offend me, which is more indignant than offending themselves.

"I wanted to find someone to drink with, but I found several pages of friends, but there wasn't even a suitable one." Shi Fang Mingliang said with a wry smile.

"Brother Shifang is serious. I believe there are still many people who are willing to help you, but I am afraid that brother Shifang has given up seeking help." Su Mo grinned and said, "Actually, I am also a second rich man. From generation to generation, the family has been rich and wealthy for several generations, and my father's generation slowly declined, and finally went bankrupt directly."

"No were so careful when you first entered the game." Shifang Mingliang suddenly realized.

"Yeah, at that time I couldn't even bear to eat a bowl of fried rice with eggs." Su Mo said as someone who came here: "Actually, no matter who has money, it's not as good as having money in your own hands. Brother Shifang might be able to do it in the future." It's a big business."

"Just me? I'm just a waste." Shifang Mingliang shook his head with a wry smile.

He took Su Mo's words as a pure consolation, very perfunctory.

"Now is the best opportunity to test people's hearts. Those who are willing to help you are your brothers. As for those who don't give up for various reasons, they can really be alienated in the future. The person who completes the main mission will use this name. Does Brother Shifang think you can’t do something good?”

"But I still don't have any money. Although someone borrowed a little, it is still far from 200 million. It really is a friend in adversity. Now it is rumored in the circle that our family has gone bankrupt."

"Haha, brother Shifang is really confused." Su Mo shook his head and sighed.

"How to say?" Shifang Mingliang is really a little confused, he is like this now, there is nothing he can't see, the world is cold, and people's hearts are not old...

"Your brother and your father, do they really ignore you?" Su Mo asked.

"Yeah, my dad is determined to make me self-reliant, and my brother doesn't dare to disobey my dad, my dad has heart disease." Shi Fangming said.

"They said they won't give you money, but they didn't say that you can't borrow it. You can also use your family connections. Are you not a part of your family? Did they kick you out of the house?" Su Mo asked.

Even the interviewer, Su Mo suspected that it was arranged.

Seeing his son and younger brother doing nothing all the time, like being taken advantage of by the friends around him in various ways, Shifang Mingliang's father and brother directed such a good show.

As for why he didn't suspect that Shifang Mingliang's elder brother deliberately raised his younger brother?
The reason is very simple. Shifang Mingliang's elder brother is a very capable person. He can expand his father's business tenfold, so there is no need for such a small trick.

"Borrow money?" Shifang Mingliang's eyes began to brighten: "My brother will definitely lend me money, my dad just said not to give me money, he didn't say he couldn't lend me money, haha, Brother Binghe, you are so smart. "

"Wait a minute, brother Shifang." Su Mo called him to stop.

I used to think that Shifang Mingliang is particularly bold and capable of being a man, but it seems to be a complete illusion. The impression of being bold and generous can only come from Shifang Mingliang's love of throwing money around.

In terms of sophistication and knowledge alone, this person is nothing more than a spoiled rich second generation.

"what happened?"

"If you go to borrow money like this, I don't know if your brother will lend it to you, but he will definitely be very disappointed." Su Mo smiled inscrutablely: "But if you can come up with a very feasible business plan plan, I think he will be more than happy to lend you the money."


"Yes, brother Shifang, don't blame me for speaking harshly. Don't always think about making friends in the world and making friends everywhere. It seems very beautiful, but who really takes you seriously?"

"Yeah," Shifang Mingliang said with mixed feelings, "Not many people take me seriously. How flattering they were in front of me back then, and how ruthless they turned and left. Everything before was like an unrealistic It's time to wake up."

Something is wrong. Master Su originally planned to stimulate the other party's ambition, but why the other party suddenly lost interest in life.

He hurriedly remedied: "Brother Shifang, status is not obtained by giving money to others, but requires real power. If you are a high-level person in the temple of the gods and the boss of the dusk of the gods, is there anyone who has the right to disrespect you?" You?"

"That's right..." Shifang Mingliang lost his mind.

Once, at the instigation of his friends, he tried to reconcile the conflict between Ragnarok and the Temple of the Gods. Once he did this, Xiao Mengchang's reputation in the game circle would reach an unparalleled level.

However, Cang Jia of Ragnarok did not give him face.

Now that he thinks about it, in Cang Jia's eyes, he is probably no different from a clown.

"The situation in the world was born in my generation. Now, ambitious people are setting up guilds one after another. Brother Shifang, why don't you create a guild yourself? I think your father and brother must be very pleased to see your dedication." Su Mo from He took out two things from his backpack and slowly pushed them in front of the other party.

A guild order.

One material - golden scorpion shell.

(End of this chapter)

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