Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 439 The Rise of the Rich 2nd Generation

Chapter 439 The Rise of the Rich Second Generation (addition 44 for the leader burning_moon)

"This guild order, I decide to give it to Brother Shifang. This golden scorpion shell was bought by the five hundred brothers who sacrificed more than half of their lives. I can't make the decision..." Su Mo said sincerely.

The hope that had just been ignited was extinguished in an instant, and Shi Fangliang nodded dejectedly: "I understand."

If it were him, in the past, as long as someone asked him, it would definitely be offered with both hands, and what was urgently needed was for Mr. Mengchang.

But Su Mo is not, Su Mo is a person who cares about tens of dollars.

The funny thing is that he used to think that a person like Su Mo was too difficult to become a big man. He never thought that he now has One Piece Tavern, Dark Fragrance Shuying, Panda House, and a guild with more than 500 brothers under his name.

On the other hand, he is just a lost dog now.

"However," Su Mo changed the subject and said, "I can lend this golden scorpion shell to Brother Shifang first, and Brother Shifang will go to complete the main task first, and if you need any help, you can also ask us for help." Help, the fee can be discussed later."

"This..." Shifang Mingliang was very surprised.

Su Mo really helped him a lot by doing this. If you just lent him something worth 200 million, do you have so much confidence in him? If he fails, it's hard to say whether he can return the 200 million later. Woolen cloth.

"I have confidence in Brother Shifang." Su Mo said with a smile.

Since ancient times, it is easy to add flowers to the cake, but difficult to send charcoal in the snow. A group of short-sighted people, when they encounter a little thing, they avoid the ten directions and are as bright as snakes and scorpions. They don't know what they are missing.

Many people think that the success of the rich second generation is all due to their parents...

That's right, you are right!
Shifang Mingliang doesn’t need to do anything, just have a good attitude and show my determination to do business in front of my father and brother, and his father and brother will start to arrange professional talents for him to plan and manage. The business accumulated by their family over the years The network will start to work.

While the other guilds were still waiting impatiently for the pie to fall from the sky, Shifang Bright's plate was already filled with pie.

Other guilds are desperately working hard, begging grandpa to sue grandma to find a cheap endorsement contract, Shi Fangliang just mentions it at the banquet attended by his father and brother, and can get a bunch of jealousy from uncles, brothers and sisters endorsement contract.

There will also be a bunch of people queuing up to please the son of a big tax-generating family with various support subsidies, lest he will not have a good time.

When he has achieved a little bit, no matter how much this achievement has to do with him, his old father will say with tears in his eyes that my Lin'er is finally sensible, and his elder brother will feel that he finally doesn't have to feel guilty about accidentally feeding his younger brother. become waste.

At that time, various investments will be added, and the listing is not hopeless.

Su Mo used to be in that circle, so he understands better than anyone else that many glamorous successes are actually because he can't get along and go home and inherit hundreds of billions of assets.

With the guild order and the golden scorpion shell, Shi Fangliang left Anxiang Shuying.

The guild order was given to him by Su Mo, and the golden scorpion shell was lent to him by Su Mo. In addition, there is a heavy favor, which is more difficult to repay than the former combined.

"Brother, I want to chat with you." Shifang Mingliang finished his meal silently, and stopped his brother who wanted to leave.

Their family belongs to the very traditional type, a large family lives together, but since they only have two brothers, there are not many family members, parents, elder brother, sister-in-law, younger nephew, and Shifang Mingliang.

"Is there anything that you can't say in front of everyone, and do things timidly, petty, not good!" The old man scolded angrily.

The elder brother was very speechless, his father just wanted to hear what the two brothers had to say, he was too curious, but he said it so harshly, as expected, he saw the younger brother bowed his head.

"Go to the study."

The eldest brother spoke in the middle, the old man snorted coldly, and went to the study first with his hands behind his back.The two brothers followed behind, and all three men in the family sat among them.

Under the encouraging eyes of his elder brother, Shifang Mingliang began to stumble and express his thoughts.

"Create a guild?" The eldest brother sat on the chair and leaned forward slightly, showing some interest. The old man still looked disdainful, but his concentration could be seen from the hand that stopped stroking his beard.

The youngest son's education has recently been put on the daily routine. The father and father both went to the game for a walk, and even asked someone to make an industry analysis report. They are no strangers to some things in the game.

"Yes, I have already obtained the guild order, and I have also borrowed the quest items for the main quest. This time I borrowed money in the game, and I have screened out a dozen reliable brothers. I plan to take advantage of the situation to establish the guild. I plan to work hard. Develop the guild, stop messing around."

"Oh, little brother, you finally got the hang of it, so you have to do this!" The eldest brother agreed.

"Hmph, tell me, who gave you the trick? With your brain, it's strange that you can figure out how to create your own guild?" .

"I... why can't I think of it, I've thought about it before." Shifang Mingliang was very annoyed.

"Little brother, this is not a bad thing. If you have friends who can make correct suggestions, this is more important to a leader than thinking of it yourself."

"A friend in the game told me that he gave me the guild token, and he also lent me the golden scorpion shell."

"No matter what he said to you, it doesn't matter. His purpose is not important. What matters is what you plan to do. What preparations have you made so far?" In order to prevent the old man from continuing to complain, the elder brother had no choice but to dominated the topic.

As he said, would there be someone with bad intentions who wants to plot against his little brother.It really doesn't matter, they only care about the result, they only want to see their little brother grow up, as for other people's calculations, it depends on whether they have the ability to take away the fruits of victory.

"My guild order is ready. When the main task is completed and the system broadcasts, I will use the world channel to announce the establishment of the guild. I have already thought of the name of the guild. It is called Brotherly Love..."

"Hey, I've been tricked into being like that, and I still have a deep brotherhood." The old man finally found a chance to complain.

The eldest brother opened his mouth, and actually felt that the name of this guild was very ironic. Could it be that his younger brother is still obsessed with the so-called friendship in the game.

"I have considered it carefully. With my connections in the game circle, continuing to establish Xiao Mengchang's personality will make many things more effective. As for who can be brothers and who cannot be trusted, I will gradually learn to distinguish .” Shi Fangliang looked at his brother, feeling that his brother would definitely understand and support him.

Sure enough, the elder brother applauded directly: "Little brother, it's great that you think so. If you don't use the existing resources, it will be wasted. If you use Xiao Mengchang's popularity to create influence for the guild, at least the money you spent before will be worthless." There are no white flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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