Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 440 Guild Influence Ranking List

Chapter 440 Guild Influence Ranking List
"But brother, I need you to lend me some money. I have to pay them 200 million yuan for the main quest items. I also need to build a guild and hire experts to join me..."

Shifang Mingliang is not stupid, and he plays the game very casually. He can see many things in the game, including how to run a guild, better than most ordinary players. After all, his height is there.

Listening to his plan, although they felt that it was full of loopholes, the old man and elder brother still couldn't help nodding their heads.

The two looked at each other and smiled, both filled with relief.

It's not in vain for them to play a show, the elder brother who has always been known for being cold-blooded and ruthless in the mall even shed a few tears, and the old man didn't sleep well for several nights.

If the youngest son can't think of what stupid thing he did for a while, then he will really die.

"It's fine to borrow money, we are not a bank," the elder brother shook his head, and said, "We will provide you with 2000 million in one installment, but you have to sign a VAM agreement."

"What is the gambling agreement?" I was disappointed when I heard that I didn't borrow money, but I didn't expect that there would be a turning point soon.

"The game will release a new guild influence list recently..."

"The guild influence list, when did it happen, why don't I know?" Not to mention know-it-all, but at least it is at the level of asking, if there is any new content in the game, there is no reason why I, a veteran player of the game, should not know about it.

"Today I had a meal with a few bosses. There was a news that a boss inadvertently disclosed. Don't think too much about it. This is no longer part of the ban. Since the ban has been lifted, it will probably come out in two days. , if your guild can rank in the top ten in the list within a month, as long as you have a record of entering the top ten, we only need 2000% of your share for the 20 million. If you rank in ten to twenty , just 30.00%, if you rank 40.00 to 50.00, we will ask you for [-]%, if you rank [-] to [-], we will ask you for [-]%, if you can’t even rank [-], your this We will send someone to manage the guild, what do you think?"

"It's only 2000 million." He didn't understand a lot of the messy things behind, but he understood 2000 million.

"You bastard, what's the matter with 2000 million, 2000 million is still too little, do you know that when I was young, I went out to wander around, and after I bought the bus ticket, I only had 20 yuan left in my pocket..." The old man became angry when he heard it.

"Little brother, 2000 million is really a lot for an entrepreneur. This is the amount given by a professional reviewer. You have to know that those who want to start a career in the game may not have the ultimate goal in their life." It’s just earning 2000 million, your start has already reached the end of others.”

"Then... that's fine." Shifang Mingliang said reluctantly.

If there are children from poor families present, they will definitely scold the damn rich second generation, damn everyone is born equal.

"If I were you, I would wait until the guild is established and the influence rankings come out before using the props of the main mission." After all, the eldest brother still loves his younger brother, and couldn't help but remind him that he has done so for so many years. For the first time in business, consider the negotiating partner.

For my family's business, 2000 million will be credited the next day.

Su Mo also immediately received a transfer of 200 million, of which 100 million was distributed by himself, and the remaining 100 million was distributed to other members of the guild.

The last time the guild held a leveling event, the materials were a surprise. Shengshi Anning made a decision not to participate in the dividends of the guild—mainly because of the wave of robbing pirate ships. Not only did the guild get a lot of money, Su Mo also took I gave up part of my share to the guild.

The guild funds now have hundreds of thousands, more than enough for daily expenses.

The current members of the guild each earn 4000 yuan. To put it bluntly, this money will greatly increase the cohesion of the guild.

After two or three days of construction, the base has completely changed.

"I admire you, Xiaomo, you are the best. I don't know why Shifang Mingliang didn't plan to buy it. I thought it was going to go bad." Yunfei has been worried these days.

He made up his mind to trick Shifang Mingliang.

As a result, Shifang Mingliang hesitated and hawed, not only haggling over the price, but also revealed that he might not intend to ask for it, which scared Yunfei into a panic.

If there is no Shifang Mingliang and his main mission, then the golden scorpion shell is just an ordinary material.

So far no one knows what it does.

As a result, Su Mo took the scorpion shell away, and the money came back the next day.

"Actually, I didn't do anything, I just caused a new guild to appear in the game," Su Mo said while brushing monsters, while devoting part of his energy to watch some real-time messages on the forum.

There are a lot of game media, big and small things are reported, it is a waste of time to see valuable things from the chaos.

Some official accounts on the forum are dedicated to summarizing these reports.

The official account that Su Mo likes to read is more discerning, and he has a special report today [Xiao Mengchang Clarifies Rumors of Bankruptcy, Huge Money Gathers Brotherly Love].

Tens of millions of funds were injected, and a scientific salary system was announced as soon as it was established. As long as you join the guild, you can enjoy a fixed monthly salary.

On this point alone, many guilds would be willing to bow down.

Even Su Mo can't do it, because he doesn't have that much money to ensure the stability and continuity of this system. Although the income of members of the Scarlet Battle Banner is actually quite a lot, everyone got 4000 yuan in just a few days. That guild can do it.

Shifang Mingliang also invited many experts in the game circle.

Several masters have announced their joining, while more are waiting and watching. According to the analysis of the official account, with the strengthening of the strength of the guild of deep brotherhood and the bright appeal of Xiaomengchang Shifang, there will be more and more The master chooses this emerging strength that focuses on brotherly loyalty.

Su Mo and Yun Fei chatted for a few words and then hung up.

While spawning monsters, watching the news, and chatting at the same time, it is easy to be schizophrenic.

Another piece of news mentioned the Chaoyun Cup. Mr. Mo Qianli clarified the official time for the start of the game at an official game exhibition. Bi a game was scheduled for the first day of the new year, which means saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

Su Mo calculated, there are still eight days left.

Mr. Mo Qianli revealed the prizes of the competition for the first time on a formal occasion, the reward of No. 1100 million real currency, plus one of five special props, No. 250 million reward, plus one of four special props, No. 320 million real currency , and choose one of three special props.

Both No.4 and No.5 have a prize of [-], choose the remaining two special props.

Another piece of news caught Su Mo's mind, that is, the guild influence list will officially appear after system maintenance two days later.

(End of this chapter)

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