Chapter 441
The reason Su Mo paid attention to this message was not that he wanted to be on the leaderboard, but that he wanted to pretend to be compared.

It's that this influence ranking is different from the level ranking.

The rank list is simply pretending to be thirteen, which is of no benefit at all, and often attracts those good-for-nothings who want to drag the people in front of them if they can't make it to the list.

The guild influence list, referred to as the guild list.

This list rewards the guilds on the list on a daily basis. The content of the rewards is different every day, and the statistics from the previous day are settled every day.

The reference data of the leaderboard is very complicated and will eventually be reflected in the form of numbers.

The total number of guild members, the number of online users, the number of newly added members, the average level of guild members, the number and level of monsters killed on the day, the number of gold coins picked up, the number and value of guild members participating in tasks...

After reading the news, Su Mo also had to admire the official move.

Once this list comes out, I am afraid that there will be more people playing guilds, and it can pretend to be thirteen, and it is also affordable. Anyone who has a pursuit will have an idea.

As for Master Su, he is obviously someone with ideas.

Panda Qiuqiu: Wow, Brother Laifu, you are finally here, you miss me so much.

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: o(╯□╰)o
There is a feeling that I am talking to myself, although it is not so obvious, and isn't this guy Qiuqiu bragging in the group all day long, thinking about what to do by himself.

When did I recognize the boss, why didn't I know.

I went online today to accept the materials sent by the monsters in the mailbox, and then calculated the money to send it back. I just made a fuss and was forced to recognize the boss.

Panda Qiuqiu: Brother Laifu, are you still there?

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Uh, don't call me Brother Laifu, just call me Laifu, I'm here, what do you want me for?
Panda Qiuqiu: Boss Laifu, I have a friend who wants to learn how to make money from you. Can you play with him?
Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Your friend?what is his name?
I don't know that this guy actually has friends, and even introduces him to make money with him. Where did he get the chance to meet the apostles outside the chat group.

Panda Ball: It's called Scorpion King Johnson.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Oh.

The surface is calm, but the heart starts to be turbulent. It turns out that the Scorpion King is actually an apostle. It turns out that Qiuqiu communicated with the other party. This can also explain why the second half of the Scorpion King is weak like a father-in-law, and it can also explain why the Scorpion King fell. Things are like shit one after another.

Panda Qiuqiu: Brother Laifu, I told him that you are generous and loyal, and you will definitely satisfy this kind of request, right?
Yo, little boy, he even learned a routine.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: All right, you go back and tell him, I start class tomorrow, let him notify the group it belongs to, as long as it is an apostle, you can come to listen, so can you, don’t you want to make money?

Panda Qiuqiu: I’m not very good at mining herbs, and I don’t have the time, and I’m not short of money. I have more than 300 gold coins now.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: More than 300 gold coins, where did you get so much money.

Does this brat have some way to make money that he doesn't know about?But don't affect your plan to fool people.

Panda Qiuqiu: I picked it up from fighting monsters. My sand sculpture master often took me to level up recently, and I picked up almost all the money dropped by those monsters.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Shit!
Panda Qiuqiu: Haha, isn’t it amazing?

It's no wonder that you can't get rid of the coins by farming monsters recently. It turned out that you, a panda cub, stole all of them. The technique is too skillful, and the old devil Su didn't even notice it.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Stealing is not good.

Panda Qiuqiu: Don't worry, my master is very rich. He is the best among human adventurers. He has hundreds of people under his command. There is nowhere to spend the money.

What can I say, this product is simply amazing.

Panda Qiuqiu: Boss Laifu, I heard that you are going to hold an animal sports meeting, can I sign up for it?
Ferocious Wolf Laifu: What do you want to participate in? (weakly)
Panda Qiuqiu: I can be cute. My sand sculpture owner’s lovely sister has taught me many skills to be cute. Now I promise to win a prize in the cuteness competition.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: OK, when the time comes, you can find a few friends to nominate this competition with you, and then you can start the competition.

Panda Qiuqiu: Then I am safe, oh yes, Boss Laifu, is there any reward for No.1?
The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Yes, you won the first place first.

After feebly ending the chat in the low-level chat group, Su Mo had to go to the high-level chat group to inform about the start of classes tomorrow and the news of the recent competition.

Nicole of the Golden Python: Brother Laifu, there is the Heavenly Demon Tower this afternoon, do you want to go with me?
Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: OK, that is a must.

The Tongtian Demon Tower finally appeared again. It used to be once a week, but now the official has reduced the opening frequency and changed it to irregular opening. The overall number of times has been greatly reduced.

Nicole the Golden Python: It's in our Gar Forest, let's go play together then.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Don't you need to guard the tower?

Nicole the Golden Python: The master of the system asked me if I wanted to guard the tower, but I refused.

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: cowhide.

Here we have announced the start of tomorrow's class, because Su Moxin has obtained the Ore Encyclopedia, so whether it is an apostle who has not listened to the class before, it is worth listening to it again this time.

Laifu allows everyone to spread the word widely and include as many chat groups as possible.

Everyone is more active. After all, Teacher Laifu said that when people come, they will take the opportunity to promote the sports meeting. There must be more people participating, and there will be more excitement when there are more people.

The golden python Nicole once again confirmed the food problem to Laifu.

Laifu promised for the N+1 time that the food this time must be more than the last time, and the ingredients she sent over will definitely become competition props by then.

After the high-level chat group was notified, Laifu returned to the low-level chat group.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Qiuqiu, this afternoon there will be a tower of towering demons in the Jiaer forest. You can go and try it, maybe you can get a promotion qualification.

Panda Qiuqiu: Wow, I can finally go to the Tongtian Demon Tower, and I will be promoted soon.

Kaduo, the leader of the mountain dog: Tongtian Demon Tower is very difficult. You need to answer a lot of questions that test your IQ. Now only the last level will qualify you for promotion. Don't be too careless, Qiuqiu.

Panda Qiuqiu: Oh, don't worry, I deal with human beings all day long, so you don't have to worry about it.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What if, at the critical moment of your customs clearance, your sand sculpture master summons you back, what should you do? (full of malice)

Panda Ball: (ΩДΩ)
The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: Go back and please your master, so as not to spoil your good deeds, I don't know when the next time will be in the Tongtian Demon Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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