Chapter 442

Qiuqiu's heart is broken, but he doesn't dare to really give the money to its sand sculpture owner.

It once heard people say that human greed and suspicion, even if it presents all the gold coins in front of its sand sculpture owner, its sand sculpture owner will not be satisfied, but will suspect that it has hidden more money.

Placed in the animal pen of the tavern, Qiuqiu stretched out its little furry paws, and a golden gold coin was placed on it.

"Mine, mine, all mine..."

"How can I hand over the money I have worked so hard to hide?"

"Looks like I'm going to do more to please Xiaojiu-chan. I must have a backer, and Xiaojiu-chan is the best backer. She was very happy when I went to rub her, and my sand sculpture master was rubbed by me. When I was there, I had a disgusted look on my face, as if I was stained with poop, it was too hard to please."

In the afternoon, Su Mo left Qiuqiu in the tavern, but went to the hotel to open a room.

In this way, both Qiuqiu and Laifu can go to Tongtian Demon Tower.

Of course he wouldn't summon Qiuqiu at the critical moment when he entered the Tongtian Demon Tower. That was a method only used to deal with class enemies. At best, Qiuqiu was not inferior to a domestic slave.

If Qiuqiu can get some benefits in Tongtian Demon Tower, it will be good for Su Mo.

As far as the promotion qualification is concerned, as long as Qiuqiu is promoted successfully, it will increase its strength by a certain percentage according to its attribute template. Laifu also improved at the beginning, but not much.

The main reason is that Laifu's background is too humble, he is just the most common wild wolf.

But Qiuqiu is different, it belongs to the descendant of the beast, that is to say, it has the hope of eventually growing into the deep, and its promotion will be accompanied by earth-shaking changes.

Laifu opened his eyes and used the pass to go to the Gael Forest.

Spend fifty gold coins to save the step of burying Su Mo. It thinks the money is worth it, and it also prevents Su Mo from being dug out and eaten. There will definitely be a lot of apostles in Gael Forest today, waiting for the Tongtian Demon During the time the tower is open, they will be more than happy to dig a hole first.

Digging and digging, I accidentally dug out a handsome man.

To eat it, or not to eat it.

Along the way, all kinds of monsters are rushing in the direction of the Tongtian Demon Tower. Although the monsters will not take the initiative to fight, there is no reason for them to go around when they come to you.

Laifu was almost trampled to death by a rhinoceros monster.

If you're not mistaken, it should be a level 55 boss. Death Stomp is its nirvana, which can kill the existence of MTs in seconds. If it didn't hide quickly and the opponent didn't want to kill it, it probably Fu is already cool.

"Teacher Laifu, come on my back." When a giant elephant walked up to Laifu, it suddenly spoke.

"Uh, you are?" Laifu was surprised that the other party could recognize him. From the outside, he was just an ordinary wild wolf. The apostle recognized him at a glance, either he was deeply impressed by him, or he had a crush on him.

"I'm Tyrion the Giant Elephant. I was there when Mr. Laifu gave a lecture last time." The giant elephant saw that Laifu didn't even recognize him, and his mood was obviously a little depressed.

"Uh, you are so big, there is no reason why I can't remember it." Lai Fu said.

"I'm too big to squeeze in, and there were quite a few big apostles that day, Mr. Laifu, come up, and I'll carry you over." The giant elephant knelt down, and its stature suddenly became much shorter.

"How embarrassing." It's not an acquaintance like Jason, so it's not easy to ride on him.

"It's okay, you are a teacher. I often hear those humans say the word "respect the teacher and respect the way". You are my teacher. There is nothing wrong with me carrying you." The giant elephant Tyrion has a body that is quite different from it good tempered.

Now that everyone said so, it would be too shameful to refuse again, so Lai Fu jumped up and found a stable place to sit down.

Standing tall, you can see far. The wolf is in the middle of the animal world, and the giant elephant is indeed a large creature. Looking at the world from its back, the vision is infinitely beautiful, and you can see a long team that does not see the front and the rear.

There are also some small animals trampled to death by larger animals.

Fortunately, I found a mount myself.

While looking around, Laifu chatted with the giant elephant Tyrion. This giant elephant is level [-], which is considered a high-level boss among high-level bosses. His defense is very strong, but his personality is a bit shy, and he is a standard nerd.

The first time it went out to participate in activities, it was to participate in the training class of Laifu.

As an otaku, shopping is a talent that can't be suppressed as long as he has money. He saw a lot of interesting things in the monster store, but unfortunately he never had money.

As soon as he heard about a monster teaching everyone how to make money, he finally bought a pass with the money he had saved for several months. Regardless of its size, it did not choose the slightly violent mining, but learned Gathered herbs.

Also, it's one of the few monsters that has purchased a medicine shovel.

The flexible nose makes it able to do this delicate work. After sending several herbal medicines to Laifu, its net worth is already hundreds of gold coins. Money to buy a pass does not feel bad at all.

"It's all thanks to Teacher Tuo Lai Fu. This time, there are several times more monster apostles than usual. After all, everyone has money." Tyrion the Giant Elephant sincerely praised Lai Fu.

Laifu was so overjoyed by the praise that he had completely forgotten his original intention of just using monsters to help him make money, and he was still humble: "Where is it, it's just a little effort, I didn't expect to help everyone so much."

"Oh, isn't this Tyrion? You're here too. This is Mr. Laifu!" The giant pig king Usopp turned his head and saw Tyrion the giant elephant, and then saw the tortoise on Tyrion's back. Fu, it was shocked immediately.

Laifu had an impression of this monster, it was during the Foodie Contest.

This Usopp and Nicole contested who could eat better, but it lost in a mess and had no power to fight back.

Later, it also participated in Laifu's money-making class, and learned a very good mining technique, but it did not buy Laifu's mining pick, because it mines with its mouth or nose, just keep pushing forward. up.

It has a solid track record at making money.

Because if you have money, you can have more delicious food. All the students who come to the blessing class will pick up the corpses of the monsters they killed.Most of them were sent to Laifu, and a small part was bought by the giant wild boar Usopp.

If there is food, there will naturally be motivation.

"Hi!" Laifu greeted this wild boar, nothing to be proud of, even though he is also a pig, but it is different from the wild boar leader Sam in its chat group, Sam is a little wild boar, currently level 35, his giant wild boar It's over level [-].

(End of this chapter)

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