Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 444 The Terrible Thing Finally Happened

Chapter 444 The Terrible Thing Finally Happened

Of course, Qiuqiu himself may not think that he is the weakest existence. After all, Boss Laifu's defense is not as good as it, and his output may not be much stronger than it, and he has not made many shots from the beginning to the end.

Everyone was very surprised that Qiuqiu survived.

At the same time, he was full of admiration for Teacher Laifu. It is estimated that the master of the system did not expect so many apostles to be left in the first level.

Only one apostle was unhappy.

She looked at the ball full of disappointment, and she was probably still complaining that the puppet in the first level was too weak, why couldn't she kill the iron-eating beast.

After the revised version of the Tongtian Demon Tower, there is no longer a reward for every level, as long as there is no failure, you can keep going through the level.

If you only pass the first level, there is also a turntable to draw a lottery.

It's just that six of the nine grids will be empty. Similarly, if you pass the second level and are eliminated in the third level, then the lottery board will lose three empty grids. It's all prizes and there are no empty boxes.

Obviously, the system has reduced the rewards of the apostles, but do the apostles still dare to protest?
The same is true for Tongtian Tower. Players went to the official website forum to organize a group to protest. Unfortunately, they protested for more than two weeks.

The game should be played or played, who would quit the game because of this.

Besides, the rewards that must be given in the first three levels are cancelled, but there is no worry about the gap in the final big turntable. The real good things are still in the last level.

After clearing the level, switch the scene directly and enter the second level.

This time all the monsters were isolated, and they had no chance to communicate with each other again, Laifu couldn't help but worry for Qiuqiu, the kid might be doomed this time.

The place where Laifu is located is a small room with no furnishings, a table and a chair, a square object on the table, and a piece of paper with the rules of the game written on it.

Rubik's Cube!

This thing was first invented in 1974 by Professor Erno Rubik of the Budapest School of Architecture in Hungary.

The gameplay is to scramble the Rubik's Cube, and then restore it in the shortest time. The fastest record is more than three seconds to end the battle, which can be called the strongest gunner in history.

In reality, some parents use this thing as a toy for their children, and enlighten their wisdom by the way.

The apostles in the game are also enjoying this kind of treatment now. Although Qiuqiu's intelligence is good, Laifu has no confidence in it at all.

Delicious and lazy, hiding traitors and playing tricks, I think all day long that I can eat all the world as long as I show off cuteness, how can I have the patience to study this kind of thing.

Laifu sighed over there, but looked at Qiuqiu.

It was sitting on a chair at this moment, staring blankly at the square in front of it, with disbelief all over its face.

Why are you doing this to me!

His heart was full of dissatisfaction, why did I behave so unrulyly through every level, I didn't even have a turn to make a move in the first level, and the second level...

Qiuqiu sighed, picked up the Rubik's Cube and fiddled with it for a while, and it took about a minute or so to restore the messy magic to a single color on each side, which is really easy to make people fall asleep.

The time specified by the system is half an hour.

Isn't this an insult to pandas?

Then for the rest of the time, it couldn't help but think of Xiaojiu sauce's kindness to it, if only Xiaojiu sauce was a hunter.

The Rubik's Cube is what Xiao Jiujiang taught it to play recently, because it has been in contact with it and understood some rules of the Rubik's Cube, so it can pass the level smoothly.

Of course, there is no problem with Laifu. The system temporarily gave the apostles a pair of nimble little hands, and there is no jerky feeling in manipulating the Rubik's Cube.

It took a few minutes to restore the Rubik's Cube, and also passed the third level.

Then it was also kicked out of the test room of the second level by the system. Outside it saw Qiuqiu and a few monster apostles. These monster apostles were not stronger than it, but just luck.

It must be so!
Most of the forty or fifty apostles and monsters who passed the first level were eliminated in the second level.

Laifu plans to give them some enlightenment games in class tomorrow, so as not to be tricked by the system next time. With the demand of Tongtian Demon Tower, it will be easier to buy people's hearts.

"How did you clear the level, Qiuqiu?" Laifu was curious.

Didn't he just take an intelligence pill, or how could he be able to complete such a complicated thing if he was already a little intelligent?

"Hey... I was the first to come out." Panda Qiuqiu was triumphant.

"How did you get out?" Laifu wanted to knock on its forehead to see what was inside.

This thing seems to be out of my control.

"Wait for a while, I'll talk about it when everyone comes out." Qiuqiu was obviously a little flustered, and dared to talk to Boss Laifu like that.

No wonder, after all, it cleared the level faster than Laifu Boss.

It seems that it has already begun to imagine the scene where it is surrounded by many monster apostles calling it the boss of the ball.The scene was so beautiful, I vaguely saw the figure of Boss Laifu in the group of apostles.

Half an hour was not too difficult, and at the last moment, no apostle appeared again.

The second level is over.

There are only [-] monsters that clear the level, and they are basically familiar faces.

Qiuqiu was able to successfully pass the level and broke the glasses of all the monsters. After all, this little thing didn't even have a second turn, and was still playing with the children in the low-level chat group.

"Actually, it's very simple." Finally, when everyone got together, Qiuqiu could finally start to pretend, oh no, it started to explain, and it said triumphantly: "They are all the younger sisters of my sand sculpture owner, Xiaojiu sauce." Taught me..."

Laifu was stunned, but was soon startled.

As expected, Nicole, the golden python, swooped over, and the two apostles surrounded by Qiuqiu were directly blown away by it.


The huge aura directly enveloped Qiuqiu's body. If it didn't have the bloodline of the beast, it would have been scared to pee.

And if it hadn't been covered in fur all over its face, everyone would have seen that the baby panda's complexion was pale - it is indeed very pale now, but the eye circles are still very dark.

Qiuqiu asked tremblingly, "Sister Nicole, what are you doing?"

The apostles of the advanced chat group, what Qiuqiu is most afraid of is not Laifu, nor other powerful existences, but what it is most afraid of is Nicole. This is a very terrifying intuition.

If it guessed right, no, it can say with certainty that this little golden python is coveting its body.

Now, can't you really not help but want to swallow it?
"Sister Nicole, I, I didn't take a shower today. Many people touch me every day, but it's dirty. Can you let me go back and take a shower?"

Do you want to call him dad? The buddy was beaten by a group before, but he escaped unharmed by calling him dad.

(End of this chapter)

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