Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 445 I want to be friends with humans

Chapter 445 I want to be friends with humans
"Do you know Xiaojiu sauce?" Nicole's tail twitched, feeling very excited.

What is an iron eater?
How can an iron-eating beast compare to Xiaojiu sauce? As long as there is Xiaojiu sauce, even an iron-eating beast can become a grilled iron-eating beast. I miss Xiaojiu sauce so much.

"I know!" Panda Qiuqiu replied quickly, as long as he doesn't eat himself.

"Isn't she a short, cute little human girl who cooks delicious food?" Nicole couldn't believe that she met an apostle who knew Xiao Jiujiang.

In fact, there is someone here who knows Xiaojiu-chan better than Qiuqiu.

But Laifu refused to introduce Nicole to his sister. It didn't even want the golden python Nicole to meet the panda Qiuqiu. After all, these two guys knew Su Xiaojiu.

Unexpectedly, they still let them know that they all know Su Xiaojiu.

"Yes, Xiaojiujiang is really short and cute. The bamboo rats she bakes are very delicious. She often feeds them to me, and she likes to hug me..."

"Where is she now?" Little Golden Python's eyes were almost red.

Literally, jealousy.

"I don't know where she is now, but she often appears in the small town of Huggins. Her brother, who is also my master, opened a bar there..." A guy who has no sense of secrecy at all, betrayed Su The brothers and sisters are relentless.

"Nicole, the city is too dangerous, you can't go." Laifu said at the right time.

It felt that if it kept silent, Nicole might not even go through the third level, and ran directly to Huggins to find Su Xiaojiu.

It is definitely not a good thing for a big boss to invade Novice Village.

Even if the golden python Nicole is very powerful, she can't stand the siege of the town guards and countless players, and there will be powerful NPCs transferred from other places to eliminate harm for the people.

"Brother Laifu." Nicole was aggrieved.

Fortunately, it was Laifu, who could almost be regarded as her owner, who gave her delicious food all day long, and also protected her everywhere. If it was other people's persuasion, he probably wouldn't even bother.

"I'm learning human characters recently. I'll try to write a letter to that little cook for you. How about it?"

There was really no other way, it was unrealistic to block the contact between Su Xiaojiu and Nicole as before, after all Nicole already knew about Hudgens, and there was a white-eyed wolf like Qiuqiu in the middle.

It's better to reconcile it in the middle and let Nicole settle down in this way.

"Then can you speak human language?" Nicole asked expectantly.

Laifu lamented in his heart, shook his head and said, "Learning human characters is already very difficult, how can I learn how to speak human beings, and the master of the system will not allow this kind of thing to happen."

Let Laifu translate for him, and his wish to chat with Xiao Jiujiang was shattered.

"Then you write for me, just say that I want to be friends with her, um, and I want to eat the dishes she cooks, if possible, invite her to live with me in the forest... Well, let's start with sauce .”

"I'll write to you when I find the banknotes later." Laifu felt that things were beyond his ability.

Whether it's a monster who wants to be friends with his younger sister, or a panda who takes out a letter and hands it to his younger sister, it can make Su Xiaojiu's three views collapse.

"And my mask, you must help me find a mask that can turn into a human, so that I can go to Hudgens." Nicole, the golden python, still remembers what Laifu promised her. It can also turn her into a human form, but it is the identity of everyone shouting and beating.

"Don't worry, I will get it for you as soon as possible, but I have to tell you one thing." Laifu said with a serious expression: "Although we apostles are different from ordinary monsters, in the eyes of humans, we are still monsters. Monsters are a different race from them..."

Laifu had to give Nicole and Qiuqiu some simple science popularization, how to hide one's apostle status in human society, this extremely difficult course.

Time does not allow it to talk too much, but there is no doubt that this kind of thing must be implemented early.

Since the system allows the existence of the apostles, it will definitely be maintained. Anything that endangers the existence of the apostles is likely to be blocked by the system.

Nicole, Qiuqiu, they are essentially intelligent life forms spawned by the system, and it probably wouldn't take too much effort to kill them.

And my younger sister may have to get in touch with some things about the apostles.

Perhaps it would be a good attempt for a wise monster to seek her as a friend.

The third level of Tongtian Demon Tower will come soon, and this time is also a test of wisdom. The test is about arithmetic problems, which is roughly at the level of the third grade of elementary school.

Of the seventeen monsters, twelve were successfully cleared.

These monsters are all eligible to get the rewards in the turntable. Each apostle draws independently, and Laifu is no exception. There are nine kinds of rewards in the turntable in front of it.

What makes it eye-catching is of course the panel lift.

The last time I got this thing, I was directly promoted from an ordinary wolf to an elite. If I could get it this time, wouldn't it be a BOSS directly.

Sand sculpture elite monster?
Doesn't exist, brother is BOSS, the big brother in the monster.

In fact, many times, if you particularly hope that things will develop in a certain direction, the final result will often not be as you wish.

So Lai Fu comforted himself——

The apostle skill book is very good, rushing, removes all immobilization and trapping effects you receive, and increases your movement speed by 70%, lasts for 15 seconds, cools down for 2 minutes.

There is also the attribute meatball, which is at [-] points, and it is not a loss if you get it.

It's fine to add five levels, and if you get it, it's nothing. However, if Su Mo catches a pet in the future, he can use it for a while, or give it to other monster apostles.

Nine things are actually okay.

After all, the final reward is essentially the system's affirmation of the apostles who have passed all three levels. If they are all rubbish, the system probably won't be able to take them out.

After doing some psychological construction, Laifu started the turntable.

Perhaps it was hope that the report was not so big, but Laifu was pleasantly surprised to find that the pointer stopped on the panel upgrade option.

It really takes no effort at all.

Laifu couldn't wait to take out the reward, and started to use it for himself.

Produced by the master of the system, it must be innocent. If you use it here, it will take effect immediately. Laifu soon felt that his whole body was full of strength.

"I was imprisoned for 1 years!"

"Who's my new toy?"

"Let the world fall apart!"

"Resurrection, my warrior!"

After becoming a BOSS, what kind of domineering lines should I use? I don't know if the name of the ferocious wild wolf Laifu can be changed, even if it is called the Sky Devouring Demon Wolf.

Just when he was struggling, Laifu scanned the name of the template on his property panel.

Strengthen the elite!

What the hell is this Nima!

(End of this chapter)

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