Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 446 Strengthening the Sand Sculpture Elite Monster

Chapter 446 Strengthening the Sand Sculpture Elite Monster

Laifu fell into a sluggish state looking at the four words on the attribute panel.

Ordinary, elite, boss...

Didn't we agree, if you add a strengthened elite in the middle, you are cheating, you are a tyrant.

The other things are fine, the last time he went from ordinary monster to elite, the system gave him an overall improvement of about 20.00%, and his strength was not enhanced by a single star.

But this time, the system improved it by at least 30.00%.

Even skill damage has been increased.

This kind of blessing is stronger than those so-called best pets. Its defense is comparable to weaker tank pets, its attack is weaker than that of attack pets, and its speed, attack speed, recovery... all attributes have reached the level of all Minimum standards in the field.

Don't feel that the minimum standard is weak.

If you compare an attack pet with a tank pet for defense, people will say that you are a villain, but Laifu is not afraid, whatever you compare, we can make gestures.

It's a pity that he is still a sand sculpture elite monster.

Hmm, enhanced sand sculpture elite monsters - sounds more sand sculpture than before.

Don't be afraid, sir, there is also the Sky-reaching Demon Tower at the back, unless the master of the system doesn't let it upgrade the panel in the future, Master Laifu will go against the sky sooner or later.

While Uncle Laifu was sitting outside Tongtian Demon Tower and meditating, more and more apostles who had mastered all three levels were sent out of Tongtian Demon Tower.

Most of the people are rejoicing.

After all, they all got rewards, good or bad, they were all windfalls.

Only when Qiuqiu was unhappy and cursed, and when he got closer, Laifu heard it muttering something.

"Master of sand sculptures, sand sculptures, pure sand sculptures, not to mention useless, but also dedicated to slowing down, adding five to the level, I'll add a fart, your sand sculpture leveling is slower than a turtle, so I can't even move up..."

How miserable!
With a one-in-ninth probability, he actually got a level plus five.

Laifu should have felt sorry for Qiuqiu. After all, if Qiuqiu is promoted successfully, it will also increase the strength of Master Su. The three of us don't speak foreign words, and we are all prosperous and the other is lost.

But looking at Qiuqiu's embarrassing appearance, he couldn't help gloating.

Small sample, let you float, hang it on the tree now.


"Isn't it a good thing to add five levels?" It was difficult for an apostle to understand Qiuqiu's mentality of being a concubine. If he was not diligent enough to kill monsters and players on weekdays, he might not be able to upgrade to five levels in a month or two.

Like those monsters in the Laifu chat group, they can be upgraded and promoted at every turn, that's because Laifu took them to carry out various activities.

Especially in the melee in the Pavo Swamp, under the arrangement of Laifu, the apostles all killed people like hemp, making Laifu completely raped. Counting the players who died in the hands of the apostles, it is very serious about it. No face to refute.

"I'm a player's pet," Qiuqiu complained with tears, "My level cannot exceed my sand sculpture master."

"Then what level is your sand sculpture master now?" the apostle asked again.

"35..." If it wasn't for Su Mo holding it back, it would have reached level [-] now, and it would go up to level [-] all at once, instead of scratching with one paw at a time.

"It's really cumbersome," the apostle nodded sympathetically, paused, took out something and handed it to Qiuqiu, and said, "If you want, I can exchange this thing with you, and it's good for you to upgrade to five levels." It's useless, but it's very useful to me, and after I gave you one for promotion qualifications, I have another one."

This is the apostle of a low-level chat group.

Its level is not high, but its defense is very strong. When going through the first level, it was cleverly saved until Teacher Laifu made a move. It was ranked in the first row, and cooperated with other monster apostles to successfully break through the level.

"I've decided!" Qiuqiu accepted the promotion qualification, and exchanged happily with a smile: "From today onwards, you are my brother."

"Can iron-eaters and crocodiles be brothers?" The apostle seemed to have never thought about this question.

"Of course, my name is Qiuqiu, and I'm Panda Qiuqiu." After using the promotion qualification, Qiuqiu's size swelled visibly to the naked eye. It used to be a small milk cat, but now it is a medium-sized panda.

Perhaps smaller pandas are cuter, but growth is more important.

"My name is Renekton, the bloody tyrant Renekton." The apostle took the ball and raised his level by five. After eating it, he took out another promotion qualification, and directly entered the high-level chat group from the low-level chat group.

The things rewarded by the Tongtian Demon Tower can be used directly if they can be used.

If you can't use it or don't want to use it, it will become an item in the form of a light ball, which can be put in a backpack, and can be traded between apostles.

What Laifu got before, such as level plus five, was later given away by it.

"Blood Tyrant, wow, your name is so cool, I... I can't compare to it." Panda Qiuqiu felt a deep inferiority complex, and then resented its sand sculpture owner +1, what bird's name is Qiuqiu? It's better to roll and roll.

"I just resist beatings, and I go berserk more often. In the final analysis, I'm just a crocodile, not comparable to your iron-eating beast's divine beast blood." Scarlet Tyrant Renekton said gently.

"Have you chosen a chat group yet?" Laifu interrupted their conversation.

"I don't have anything to choose, of course I follow Laifu Boss." Panda Qiuqiu is not so proud anymore, no matter how proud he is, it is just an average pet, and the panel at this time is still ordinary.

Surrounded by numerous bosses, the one who can be proud is the bloodline.

This trip to the Tongtian Demon Tower also allowed Qiuqiu to see the influence of Teacher Laifu. As long as there are intelligent monsters, they will bow down to the wisdom of Teacher Laifu. As a monster apostle, Teacher Laifu is better than his own. The owner of the sand sculpture is much smarter.

What's more, Teacher Laifu also teaches people how to make money.

No matter who it is, no one hates gold coins, and Qiuqiu is no exception. He can only pick up a few copper coins at a time, but he has a deposit of hundreds of gold coins. One can imagine how many times he has broken his waist for money.

My waist is almost broken.

Such a boss, such a backer, if you don't hug your thigh early, what are you waiting for.

"I also chose your chat group." Scarlet Tyrant Renekton said, the chat group it was originally in has no direct relationship with Laifu's chat group, but any apostle can have a free choice when he is promoted. Chance.

"Welcome, Scarlet Tyrant." Laifu was very happy with this big crocodile's choice.

Regardless of the low level of the opponent, it can withstand the attack of the puppet, which shows that its defense is very powerful, not to mention that the opponent was only level 25 at that time.

There is no doubt that this is also a boss with great potential for development. When it reaches level [-] or [-], it will definitely be a defensive big boss at Jason's level, and his own safety has been further guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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