Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 448 Dear Little Golden Python Nicole

Chapter 448 Dear Little Golden Python Nicole
Dear Xiaojiu sauce:

I am a little golden python, living in the Forest of Gaar, we have met, once in the Pavo Swamp, I ate the soup you cooked, and once in the Babel Tower, I don’t know if you remember it.

Hope you can be friends with me.

Write to me if you like.

Your dear little golden python Nicole.

It was a very simple letter. Nicole originally wanted to write more, and even planned to list a menu of her favorite food on it, but Laifu rejected it on the excuse that she could not read much.

Little golden python?
Su Xiaojiu tilted her head and thought for a while, and was reminded by the information of the two meetings, that she suddenly recalled that golden python, even with that size, she had the nerve to call herself a little golden python.

You can swallow yourself in one bite, okay?
But that big golden python was really pretty, and it didn't attack itself.

Well, it seems pretty good to have such a friend.

Su Xiaojiu has already started to walk in the forest by herself, followed by a majestic picture of a big golden python, and she doesn't know if she can ride it.

(Nicole: I want to be your friend, but you want to ride me?)

So she also took out the parchment and pen, and took care of the education level of the big golden python. Su Xiaojiu wrote that it was also a pupil.

Hello Little Golden Python:
Long time no see, I miss you very much.

Thank you for liking what I made, and I will make it for you again in the future.

I am willing to be friends with you, as long as you don't eat me, even if you are hungry.

I live in Hudgens, there are a lot of guards here, don't come, if I have a chance, I will go to Gar Forest to play with you.

Human adventurer Xiao Jiujiang.

After finishing writing, Su Xiaojiu checked again to make sure there were no typos before handing it over to Qiuqiu.

The next step is to torture Qiuqiu, that is, why did Qiuqiu know the golden python, how did he learn to send letters, can Qiuqiu speak and write?

Su Mo watched Su Xiaojiu talking to Qiuqiu, and sometimes even spoke some English, almost bursting out laughing.

Fortunately, Qiuqiu has already undergone short-term training, no matter what Su Xiaojiu said to it, it always blinked a pair of big dark eyes, with an innocent and confused expression on its face.

"Oh," Su Xiaojiu touched Qiuqiu's head in disappointment, and gave up trying.


The next day, the guild influence leaderboard was launched on time.

Countless people are looking forward to this moment, wanting to see which guilds are on the top of the guild list.

If the ranking list is the personal heroism of Ziqi flying to the sky with a sword, then the guild list is the legend of the heroes fighting for the unification of the rivers and lakes.

The latter is significantly more difficult than the former.

The situation in the world is out of my generation, and the time has come to remind me once I enter the rivers and lakes.Huangtu Baye was chatting and laughing, and he was so drunk in his life.Lifting the sword and straddling the horse, swinging the ghost rain, the bones flew like a mountain bird.Things in the world are like tides and people are like water, only a few people in the rivers and lakes will return.

What man can be without a little ambition?

Money, fame, women, there is always one you want.

Regardless of any of the three, as long as you have power, you can get them all at your fingertips.

If you still can't get it, it can only be said that your influence is not strong enough.

Su Mo is also a common man. He wants money. Whether the money is used to help others, or to enjoy himself, live in a big villa, drive a luxury car, call friends, it doesn't make any difference.

People always like to package their ambitions beautifully.

In fact, the color of the decoration has faded, and everyone's ambition is the same.

Not only men, but also women. Women have power, they can buy branded bags, take luxury cruises, and they don’t need to lick old and ugly men, and they can even let young and handsome little fresh meat serve them. they.

So, on this day, at this moment, everyone took a look at the new guild influence ranking list.

No.1, beyond everyone's surprise.

Yao Wu Yangwei, the God King of the Temple of Gods, couldn't believe his eyes. Their Temple of Gods now has a scale of 2 people, and the online rate is at least 70.00%. This is already a miracle in the history of games, but they are still not number one.

Cang Jia was also shaking his head at this time, he didn't think that his own Ragnarok could rank first, but he didn't expect it to be such a guild either.

Neither of the two largest guilds was number one.

One of them is ranked second and the other is ranked fifth. They seem to be telling the players that they have become history, and now it is time for capital to enter the game circle and start to shuffle the cards.

If it is said that the capital is reshuffled, then what is the number one ranking.

Scarlet Battle Banner!
According to the displayed information, this guild only has a total of more than 640 people, more than a few thousand, some tens of thousands of large guilds, they are as small as an ant.

But it happens to be No.1!
The official said that the online rate is very important. The online rate of this guild is indeed very high. According to the official online curve, the online rate was 90.00% at the highest time, and it was not lower than 90.00% at the lowest time. The average is [-]%. online rate.

But does that alone make them number one?
After consulting some information and comparing the data, everyone quickly discovered the reason why the Scarlet Battle Banner overwhelmed thousands of guilds, large and small, and became the champion.

Active value: 36582!

Activity value is one of the calculation criteria for influence. It is very complicated to explain. It mainly refers to what major events in the game have been done by the people in this guild.

Killing bosses, doing tasks... will all generate activity points.

Even finding other guilds to PK in the game will generate activity points.

What did the Scarlet Battle Banner do, and why there were more than 3 active points. You must know that the second-ranked Temple of the Gods only had [-] active points, which was almost not half of the Scarlet Battle Banner.

In fact, Su Mo himself was also very confused.

The top [-] guilds on the guild list, in addition to some basic information, naturally also displayed the ID of the guild leader.

The owner of the No.1 guild is Iron Horse Glacier.

This is a very strange name.

90.00% of nine point nine players have heard of this word, but they don't know the person it represents.

Iron Horse Binghe sounds a bit desolate.

Iron Horse Binghe received at least more than [-] friend request records today. If this function was not turned off in time, it would probably be annoying to death.

When I was unknown, I didn't have such troubles.

He also didn't quite understand why his guild became No.1.

But it's not that I don't understand at all. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be related to the main mission. The people with the Scarlet Battle Banner are the masked monsters, and no one knows except themselves.

Villages and towns in the north of the Free Federation are harassed by these weirdos every day.

The federal law enforcement corps, the garrison, and local law enforcement officers are exhausted by these people every day.

These people have excellent tactics and cooperate with various investigations. No matter how they change their tactics, they haven't caught even a masked monster so far.

The rewards of tens of thousands of gold coins thrown out have not been received by anyone until now.

(End of this chapter)

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